Page 22 - Boca Exposure - December '22
P. 22

Page 22, Boca Exposure
       CP Group’s Annual Community Tree Lighting

       And Holiday Extravaganza Draws Capacity Crowd

      Festivities included Snowflake Lane Welcome, Photos   Gift Drive and the Junior League of
      with Santa and His Live Reindeer, Kids Activities at   Boca Raton’s programs and projects.
      Santa’s Workshop, LED Cirque Performers, Community      Eventgoers entered the former
      Performances and More, Benefitting Junior League of Boca   IBM campus through an illuminated
      Raton and Spirit of Giving                         “Snowflake Lane” into a spectacular
                                                         winter wonderful of memory-making
                                                         fun, festivities, selfie and group
                                                         photo opportunities, performances
                                                         and food. The festivities included
                                                         meet-and-greet photo ops with
                                                         Santa and his reindeer and Santa’s
                                                         Workshop, which served as a hub
                                                         for holiday-inspired children’s
                                                         activities like DIY winter hats led
                                                         by artNest Studios and letters to
                                                         Santa organized by Boca Raton
                                                         Historical Society & Museum. The
      Santa arrived with LIVE reindeer, a big crowd pleaser  onstage and roaming LED Cirque   Students from Organic Movements Dance School performed a sneak peek of its next
                                                         performers tantalized by balancing   full-production of Whoville.
         The 2022 holiday season officially kicked off when CP   high levels of risk, and a Hula Hoop
      Group hosted its Annual Community Tree Lighting & Holiday   contortionist mesmerized by spinning more than 30 hula hoops   year to support those in our community who need it most.”
      Extravaganza at the Boca Raton Innovation Campus (BRiC)   and juggling. Interactive Celebrity DJ/Emcee Dennis Michael      The evening supported Spirit of Giving’s Annual Holiday
      for a capacity crowd of over 800 attendees and community   Stelling, who has opened for John Mayer and others, kept the   Gift Drive that will bring holiday cheer to more than 7,000
      leaders. The lighting of the first Christmas tree and Santa’s first   cheer going throughout the evening.  underprivileged children throughout Palm Beach County, and
      arrival in the city, complete with live reindeer, was free and      The highlights of the evening were the holiday-themed   100 percent of VIP Tent ticket sales benefited the programs and
      open to the public, offering an abundance of entertainment and   performances by Boca Raton vocal and dance groups. They   community outreach of the Junior League of Boca Raton.
      community giveback. As it has for the past seven years, the   included the talents of West Boca Raton Community High   About BRiC
      holiday experience benefited Spirit of Giving’s Annual Holiday   School Choir: Bella Voce, an auditioned treble ensemble under      Boca Raton Innovation Campus (BRiC) is the largest single-
                                                         the direction of Choral Director Catherine Briggs presented with   facility office building in the state at 1.7 million square feet.
                                                         the support of Nat King Cole Generation Hope; Grandview   Designed by Marcel Breuer, the campus was originally built in
                                                         Preparatory School AcaPride and Extensions ensembles under   1969 for IBM and is home to the invention of the first personal
                                                         the direction of Carrie Furman; and Organic Movements Dance   computer. The campus was acquired by CP Group in 2018 with
                                                         Studio’s classically trained ballet students presented a sneak peek   the vision of building off BRiC’s history and evolving the campus
                                                         of the school’s seasonal full production of Whoville.  into a science and technology hub. An ideal landing spot for
                                                            “We are grateful for the hundreds of people who came out to   companies with large footprints, BRiC is currently home to 18
                                                         share in the kick off of the holiday season with a united goal of   national headquarters and 19 regional offices, including Kroger,
                                                         giving back to our community,” shared Giana Pacinelli, Director   Modernizing Medicine, Canon, and Bluegreen Vacations.
                                                         of Communications for CP Group, the owner and operator of      For more information about community events, leasing
      Bella Voce of West Boca Raton Community High School   BRiC. “Each year, we aim to raise the bar on this annual event,   opportunities, and campus reimagination at BRiC, visit
      performed through Nat King Cole Generation Hope.   and we are proud to have exceeded our fundraising goals this

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