Page 20 - Boca Exposure - December '22
P. 20

Page 20, Boca Exposure
       Tax Talk

      Dear Friends:                                      will be much different                            list of unclaimed funds online hoping that clients can reclaim
         As the end of 2022 nears,                       for many than in years                            the money due to them. We hold onto these for one year, and
      I want to take this time to                        past. Fourteen of our                             if the funds remain unclaimed, we forward those funds to the
      wish you a happy holiday                           tax collector colleagues                          appropriate state of last known address.
      season and a  wonderful                            in Lee and Charlotte                                 Visit Palm Beach County Unclaimed Funds and State
      new year. I am honored to                          counties lost their                               of Florida Unclaimed Funds to find out if there is money
      be your constitutional tax                         homes and had their                               waiting for you, but before you start looking to see if you
      collector and I join the 320                       lives changed forever                             have unclaimed funds, we have a few tips to help you search
      tax collector employees                            by  Hurricane Ian.                                the document.
      in saying that we are                              When my employees                                    If you are looking at the document on a desktop, press the
      privileged to provide you                          and I learned of this                             keys Ctrl + f (Command + f for Mac users) and it will open
      with service throughout the                        news, we immediately wanted to help. So, we held a   a search bar in the document where you can search your name.
      year. Whether you visit us in person at one of our six service   special “Pizza-Palooza” event where employees purchased   Different web browsers will bring the search bar up in various
      centers, or transact with us online or through the mail,   tickets for a pizza lunch, with all the proceeds going to   locations. In Firefox, the search bar is in the bottom left corner.
      our mission continues to provide you with unparalleled   those impacted by the hurricane. Our colleagues in these   In Google Chrome, it is in the top right corner and if you are
      service that inspires trust. We stand ready to meet your   counties are committed to providing essential services to   searching in Safari, the search bar will be in the top right.
      needs in 2023 and are committed to delivering exceptional   their residents, and it was an honor and a privilege for us to      Happy searching!
      service whenever you                               be in a position to give back to them and provide a sense of
      need us.                                           comfort and healing this holiday season.          Noteworthy Dates
         And don’t forget, if
      you missed November’s 4                            Are Unclaimed Funds Waiting                       Dec. 1 - Tourist Development Taxes Due
      percent discount for your                                                                            Through March 31 - 2022 Property Tax Payments Due
      property tax payment,                              For You?                                          Dec. 18 to 26 - Hanukkah
      you can take advantage                                                                               Dec. 25 - Christmas
      of the 3 percent discount                             Did you know there could be                    Dec. 26 and 27 - Winter Holiday – Offices Closed
      if you pay your property taxes in December. Visit us at   thousands of dollars waiting for you?      Dec. 31 - Deadline for Property Tax 3 percent Discount* to use our convenient online payment   Yes, you read that right – some clients        Dec. 31 - Deadline to make IPP Installment Payment No. 3*
      process.                                           overpay their transactions, and once              Dec. 31 - New Year’s Eve
         On behalf of the entire tax collector team, have a safe   this happens, we issue a refund for     * Florida Statute extends discount/payment deadlines falling
      and happy holiday season and a healthy New Year!   the amount overpaid. If the refund                on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday to the next business day.
                                             Sincerely,  goes undelivered, we will continue to attempt to issue the   Payment(s) must be received in our office by 5 p.m. or online
                                       Anne M. Gannon,   refund. Once we have explored all refund options, we post a   by 11:59 p.m. EST on Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2023.
                             Constitutional Tax Collector,
                              Serving Palm Beach County  Montana Tucker To Headline

      New Kiosk Open For Business

         If you live in West Palm Beach I                Concert-4-Kindness At FAU
      have exciting news for you! Renewing
      your vehicle registration just became                 To amplify kindness                            We are the World-style  moment.  Hosted  by  FAU’s
      more convenient with our latest MV                 in south Florida and                              Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Tucker
      express kiosk now available in the                 beyond, award-winning                             and her dancers, an international music  and film duo,
      Publix Super Market at Village                     singer-songwriter,  dancer,                       south Florida students and community arts groups will
      Commons located at 831 Village                     actress and mega social                           perform songs, dance, instrumentals, poetry and show
      Boulevard in West Palm Beach.                      influencer Montana Tucker                         videos, intermingled with “kindness” cameos by Tucker’s
      With five locations in Publix Super                will headline a multi-arts                        friends in the arts and entertainment industry to inspire
      Markets  throughout  Palm  Beach                   Concert-4-Kindness on                             unity and peace.
      County, our self-serve, ATM-style                  Sunday, Jan. 15 at 4 p.m. in                         “We need everyone to bring out their friends,
      machines allow you to skip the                     the Carole and Barry Kaye                         families  and colleagues, from youth  to Gen Zers  and
      line and renew your motor vehicle                  Auditorium, FAU Student                           Baby Boomers to join us, so together we can resonate
      registration and print your decal on               Union,  777  Glades  Road                         acceptance, kindness and light,” shared Tucker, who has
      the spot in minutes.                               in Boca.                                          opened  for  icons  like  Jennifer  Lopez,  Flo  Rida,  Ciara
         Thousands of our county                            Featuring an inclusive and affirming roster of talent,   and Pitbull. She will perform her popular original songs,
      residents have used these kiosks and               Tucker and her concert collaborators hail from all
      I am pleased to hear how accessible                backgrounds and life experiences to deliver a resonating   Montana Tucker on page 21
      and convenient these kiosks are. I
      invite you to try the kiosk next time you renew your motor
      vehicle registration – it’s the fastest option we offer! If you
      don’t live in West Palm Beach, visit
      to find the location nearest you.

      Hurricane Ian Help

         The true spirit of the holiday season is about giving and
      spending time with loved ones. Unfortunately, with the
      recent destruction of Hurricane Ian, this holiday season

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        Captain’s is committed to providing
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           To reserve your vehicle:
       561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890
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