Page 21 - Boca Exposure - December '22
P. 21
Boca Exposure, Page 21
Montana Tucker from page 20 belief that education is our best hope against hatred in
building a better world for all,” said Michael Horswell,
Be Myself and I’m Not Alone, (known as “the song that Ph.D., Dean of the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts
saves lives”); these singles were written by Tucker for and Letters. “This concert will help raise awareness and
her music videos to inspire young people to respect their funding to make this a world-class education center in
own and others’ inclusion and diversity. the middle of South Florida.”
The concert, which was conceived and organized Tickets range from $10 to $20 and can be purchased
by longtime FAU supporters and Concert-4-Kindness at or by calling (561) 297-6124.
Cochairs Bonnie and Jon Kaye of Kaye Communications For more information about the concert, visit www.fau.
PR & Marketing, will also include entertaining, interactive edu/artsandletters/concert-4-kindness/. For information
and meaningful performances by the following: on sponsorship opportunities, contact Laurie Carney at
• Clarence Brooks, director of dance at FAU, who will (561) 297-3606 or or Jon Kaye at (561)
perform Sweet in the Morning, choreographed by Leni 392-5166, Ext. 2 or email
Williams with music by Bobby McFerrin. Brooks has Clarence Brooks, director of dance at FAU, has performed
performed with more than 60 American companies and with more than 60 American companies and toured the
toured the United States, Europe, and Asia. United States, Europe, and Asia. December 21st
• BriGuel, the internationally renowned bilingual
artistic duo from Spain and New York, who are on a Forget Holocaust education docuseries for the TikTok
mission to “harmonize humanity” one note, one film at a generation. The series of short episodes are shared across
time. Brianne and Miguel will perform their own brand of Tucker’s social platforms to educate and enlighten her
socially impactful music and share clips from their award- audience, who a national survey revealed may not even
winning films and videos viewed at film festivals and the be aware of the Holocaust.
TuneCore’s Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration. Both “As we lose the generations from all backgrounds
grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, they are raising who bore witness and survived injustice, bigotry and
awareness and support for Ukrainian displaced persons watershed events in history in their lifetime, who better
finding refuge at the Auschwitz Jewish Center Foundation than their grandchildren to stand up and speak out against
in Poland. hate, bullying and discrimination, and advocate for better
• Florida Singing Sons and Chorale Soleil (a new education and understanding,” said Bonnie Kaye.
ensemble) will join forces vocally to cultivate arts-aware Tucker and all performers are donating their talents to
youth as leaders of tomorrow. Florida Singing Sons has support the future Kurt and Marilyn Wallach Holocaust
been showcased with prestigious local companies, such as and Jewish Studies building at FAU’s Dorothy F.
Florida Grand Opera and New World Symphony, and have Schmidt College of Arts and Letters. While serving as
toured in the United States and major cities in Europe. the hub for Holocaust and Jewish Studies on campus, the Your ad
• Local students and their mentors nurtured by Nat Wallach building will bring together under one roof all
King Cole Generation Hope will perform instrumentals. multidisciplinary education that focuses on human rights
The Boca Raton-based nonprofit provides a legacy of education, conflict de-escalation, ethics and diplomacy, could be here!
music education, mentoring and resources for youth with leadership training and peacemaking. The building also
the greatest need and fewest resources. will house FAU’s Peace, Justice and Human Rights
Just as she does with her music, Tucker uses all her Center, a university-wide effort that unites scholars, Call
social media platforms – with a total reach of 14 million students, practitioners, and community leaders engaged
followers – for change. She was recently featured on in the themes of social justice, human rights, and peace 561-746-3244
ABC’s Good Morning America and other national media and nonviolence. All proceeds from the concert will be
about retracing her family roots in Poland for a once- directed into the “Make a Difference Fund” at FAU to
in-a-lifetime exploration of her maternal grandparents’ support scholarships and programs within the building.
experience during the Holocaust. All was captured on-site “FAU is honored to have Montana and friends bring
for her followers in a recently released How to: Never their talent and reach to our campus, as we share the
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Dr. Lieberman works with a team of cardiologists, such as transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR),”
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