Page 13 - Talk of Tequesta - November '22
P. 13

The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 13

                                                               norThern noTes

                Easements And Rights-Of-Way On Your Property

                                   By Katie Roundtree, Director of Finance and Administration, Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District

        If you own property in Florida, you may encounter the terms   An example is a drainage             location to travel through a
      easement and right-of-way. Both of them affect how you can   easement located between                water body owned by someone
      use your property and the rights to your property. They are   two  homes. Within                     else to another.
      used frequently in areas where Northern Palm Beach County   one or both parcels is a                   Some common easements
      Improvement District has maintenance responsibilities. They   designated area where                  in our area are  drainage,
      are essential to allow the district to access areas where it may   the easement holder               water management, utility
      not have ownership rights near our facilities or waterways.   may travel to access                   and landscape buffers. Each
        An easement is a legal agreement that allows another party   something on the other                of these allows the holder to
      to use the subject property for a specific purpose. They do not   side. Another example is           access the property for the
      give the user ownership over the property; they enable the user   flowage easement which             purpose stated. They could be a
      to use the subject property without being arrested for trespassing.   allows water from one          means to access a pipe, a water
                                                                                                           body, an electrical connection,
                                                                                                           or landscaping around a facility.
                                                                                                             A right-of-way is a broader type of easement that allows
                                                                                                           anyone to travel through the subject property to reach another
                                                                                                           destination. Like other easements, a right-of-way agreement
                                                                                                           gives the recipient no ownership over your property. However,
                                                                                                           a right-of-way does not give the holder access to another
                                                                                                           person’s property for “use” of the property. A right-of-way
                                                                                                           only allows a person to pass over another person’s property.
                                                                                                           Rights-of-way are for travel purposes across the land, such as
                                                                                                           a driveway or a walkway. They do not allow you to use the
                                                                                                           land for any other reasons.
                                                                                                             Once an easement is created, the easement owner has the
                                                                                                           right and the duty to maintain it for its purpose unless otherwise
                                                                                                           agreed between the easement owner and the owner of the
                                                                                                           underlying property. The easement owner can make repairs
                                                                                                           and improvements to the easement, provided that those repairs
                                                                                                           or modifications do not interfere with the use and enjoyment
                                                                                                           of the easement by the owner of the property through which
                                                                                                           the easement exists.
                                                                                                             Please be mindful of easements on your property and keep
                                                                                                           those areas clear of personal property. Access to the district’s
                                                                                                           facilities is critical, especially during storm events.
                                                                                                             Suppose district staff or contractors cannot get to an area
                                                                                                           needing maintenance. In that case, there could be future
                                                                                                           unintended consequences.
                                                                                                             NPDES tip: Dirt, oil, and debris that collect in parking lots
                                                                                                           and paved areas can be washed into the storm sewer system
                                                                                                           and eventually enter local waterbodies. Sweep up litter and
                                                                                                           debris from sidewalks, driveways and parking lots, especially
                                                                                                           around storm drains.

                                                                                                                      peT maTTers


                  PUT YOUR MIND AT EASE                                                                       Of The Animals

                               A quick screening can detect                                                               By Millie Eyeington
                             lung cancer at its earliest stage.
                                                                                                             On Sunday, Oct. 9, First
                                                                                                           Presbyterian Church of
                Did you know lung cancer can be detected at its earliest and most                          Tequesta at 482 Tequesta
                treatable stage? The team at Cleveland Clinic Florida uses low-dose                        Drive hosted its first annual
                                                                                                           Blessing of the Animals.
               CT screenings to detect lung cancer earlier. That means our experts,                        This free event was open
              from pulmonologists and oncologists to thoracic surgeons, can provide                        to both church members
                                                                                                           and members of the greater
                      patients with nonsurgical and surgical treatments sooner.                            Tequesta community.
                                                                                                             At the Blessing of the
                                                                                                           Animals, guests enjoyed
                    Find out if you need a lung cancer screening.                                          tacos from Guatamigos
                                                                                                           food truck and got to meet
                                                                                                           other animal enthusiasts. Their pets got to enjoy treats provided
                                                         by Gigi’s Pet Market and receive a blessing from Pastor Kathy
                                                                                                           Dain. Pastor Kathy spoke about the great relationship humans
                                                                                                           have with animals, and the event ended with all guests sharing
                                                                                                           a prayer of gratitude for their pets.
                                                                                                             First Presbyterian Church of Tequesta has been a fixture
                                                                                                           of the Tequesta community for over 60 years. Its mission is,
                                                                                                           “We are a welcoming family of Christ’s disciples, sharing
                                                                                                           his love in all we do.” The Blessing of the Animals is one of
                                                                                                           many community events the church hosts throughout the year,
                                                                                                           including a Live Nativity event that happens before Christmas
                                                                                                           every year. This year’s Live Nativity will be held on Dec. 18,
                                                                                                           and is open to community members to attend.
                                                                                                                                      Photo by Jordan Albright
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