Page 14 - Talk of Tequesta - November '22
P. 14

Page 14, The Talk Of Tequesta

                                                            business spoTlighT

                    Casa Caña Launches New Buffet-Style Brunch

                                            That Supports The Perry J. Cohen Foundation

        Casa Caña kicks off the fall season             and peach Bellinis
      with a new, upscale, buffet-style                 for $20, and a live
      brunch that features a unique fusion of           D.J. The buffet menu
      Japanese and Latin cuisines, along with           includes a delectable
      à la carte options. The Miami-inspired            assortment of Casa
      restaurant will donate 20 percent of its          Caña’s famous
      brunch proceeds to the Perry J. Cohen             wood-fired bagels,
      Foundation (PJCF).                                smoked salmon,
        From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Sunday,            oysters, sushi, tres
      savor a delectable brunch buffet for $35,         leches  pancakes,
      bottomless mimosas, Bloody Marys,                 pastries and desserts,
                                                        and Chef  David
                                                        Chapman’s weekly                                     To support Tequesta’s beloved coastal community,
                Medicare                                classic dining is                                  Casa Caña recently selected PJCF to be its partner in
                                                        menu  specials.  If
                                                        more your style,
                                                                                                           philanthropy. PJCF was established by Perry Cohen’s
                                                        choose dishes from
                                                        the à la carte menu                                mother, Pamela Cohen, and his stepfather, Nicholas
                                                                                                           Korniloff, after their 14-year-old son tragically went
        open enrollMent                                 like the crispy                                    to carry on Perry’s legacy, and to support what he was
                                                                                                           missing at sea in July 2015. The foundation was created
                                                        Chicken  & Waffles
                                                        and a Latin-style
                                                                                                           most passionate about: the advancement of the arts,
                                                        Breakfast Sandwich.                                and environmental, marine, and wildlife education and
                                                        For the entire month
                                                                                                           preservation, teenage entrepreneurship, and boating safety
                    for 2023                            of October, Casa                                   education.
                                                        Caña is offering
                                                                                                             Reservations for brunch are recommended. For more
                                                        fall specials, with
                                                        50 pe rc e nt  off                                 information, visit
                                                        bottomless drinks.                                                  Photos courtesy of Michael Albanese

                 cHecK For                                                             clevelanD clinic

                   eXcItInG                                                                floriDa news

          neW PLanS                                       Do You Need Lung Cancer Screening
                           and                                               If You Quit Smoking?

               aLL neW                                    According to the                                   • Smoking the equivalent of 20 or more pack-years (e.g.,

             BeneFItS                                   American Cancer Society,                           one pack a day for 20 years; two packs a day for 10 years)
                                                                                                             • Being 50 to 80 years old
                                                        smoking contributes to
                                                                                                             • Smoking for any portion of the past 15 years
                                                        80 and 90 percent of lung
                                                                                                             It is important to note that:
                                                        cancer deaths in women and
                    YoU are                             men, respectively.                                   • Lung cancer screening is not recommended if your risk
                                                          But what if you quit
                                                                                                           of lung cancer is low, because the harms of screening may
               entItLed to                              smoking? Quitting has some                         outweigh its benefits.
                                                        health benefits that start
                                                                                                             • Screening is worthwhile only if you are healthy enough
                                                        right away and others that
                                                                                                           to tolerate the evaluation and treatment of any lung nodules
                                                        can lead to improved health                        or lung cancers that are found.
                                                        over many years.                                     If your doctor recommends screening, look for a program
                                                          The risk of having lung                          whose experts take the time to discuss its risks and benefits
           Peter Gratzon                                cancer or other smoking- Ivan Romero-Legro, M.D.   with you and are experienced in lung cancer evaluation and
                                                        related illnesses decreases                        treatment.
              toP IndePendent                           after you stop smoking and continues to decrease the longer     Meanwhile, tell your doctor right away if you have any
                                                                                                           of these worrisome symptoms – you may need testing to
                                                        you go without smoking, though your risk will never be as
               medIcare aGent                           low as that of someone who never smoked.           confirm or rule out the presence of lung cancer:
                                                          So, if you’ve successfully kicked the habit and are now     • A new, persistent cough or coughing up blood
                 561-361-7173                           a former smoker, do you still need to think about having a     • Unexplained shortness of breath or chest pain
                                                                                                             • Unintentional weight loss
                                                        lung cancer screening?
              c: 561-289-9396                             According to Cleveland Clinic Florida pulmonologist Ivan     To make an appointment with a Cleveland Clinic
                                                        Romero-Legro, M.D., lung cancer screening is recommended
                                                                                                           Florida pulmonologist, call (877) 463-2010 or visit
                                                        for those meeting all the criteria for high risk including: to schedule online.

             time for a supplemeNtal plaN?
                        choose aNy
             doctor/hospital/No referrals
                aNywhere iN the couNtry

         appoiNted with major iNsuraNce carriers

                    No obligatioN/
                         No fees/                                                                                      747-PALM
                    No commissioN
          call for iN-home appoiNtmeNt                                                                                      747-7256
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