Page 8 - Talk of Tequesta - November '22
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Page 8, The Talk Of Tequesta

                                                                arT happenings

                                         Meet The Exotic Hunt Slonem

        Slonem’s work can be found
      in over 250 museums worldwide
      and is a favorite of the rich and
      famous, including celebrities
      Kate Hudson, Jennifer Lopez,
      and Julianne Moore, to name a
      few. His endearing subject matter,
      predominantly  in oil  on  canvas,
      has  a  reverence  for  nature and
      brightens any room, contemporary
      or traditional. His brilliant colors,  Chinesis by Hunt Slonem  Hornbills by Hunt Slonem
      thickly applied paint, spontaneous
      mark-making, and  scratched hatch  marks show his   Mexico, and Hawaii, whose tropical and exotic birds,
      fascination with manipulating paint.              butterflies, and plants are throughout his work. More
        “There’s a spiritual message behind everything I do,   recently, the artist floats between metropolitan Manhattan,   Hunt Slonem photo by Brandon Schulman Photography
      and I’m fascinated by nature and its purity. I’m endlessly   where his 25,000-square-foot studio is located, and his
      mesmerized by patterns in nature, which is why I use so   antebellum homes in Louisiana. Slonem “collects” estates     Janeen Mason is the curator of the exhibition, which
      much repetition just as in nature there is repetition in   that inspire his work and has restored several forgotten   is graciously sponsored by Joanne Leonhardt Cassullo
      blades of grass, the leaves of trees, and feathers of birds.”   historical southern plantations.     and the Dorothea Leonhardt Fund of the Communities
      – Hunt Slonem                                       “My whole life could be summed up by the word exotica.”   Foundation of Texas Inc. Meyer Law Firm is sponsoring
        Slonem has lived in many places, including Nicaragua,   – Hunt Slonem                              the Meet the Artist Reception.

              Art Exhibition Featuring Hometown Jupiter Artists

                              At The New Studio For The Visual Arts

                                                      Our Light, Our Story, Our Jupiter

        The New Studio for the                            Helping to coordinate this exhibit is Gretchen Elliott   people solve problems
      Visual Arts of Jupiter, Inc.                      Cocuzza. She is a native of Jupiter, Fla., having attended   and enjoy life.”
      kicked off a new exhibit                          Jupiter Elementary, Middle and High School. Gretchen loves     The New Studio
      on Oct. 14 featuring the                          everything about Florida, its deep history and lush landscapes,   for  the  Visual Arts
      works of more than 30 artists                     but especially the people; both those early settlers that carved a   of  Jupiter, Inc. was
      from Jupiter, Fla. Many of                        life in this diverse state and those who now call this their home.   founded in 2018 as a
      these artists not only live in                    She always had a desire to be an artist, but never the knowledge   501(c)(3) nonprofit
      Jupiter but were born and                         or confidence to dive in until 2016 when she dove in full force;   to offer a welcoming
      raised in Jupiter.                                and she is now a member of the teaching faculty.   setting and supportive
        The exhibition will                               As stated by Peggy Kirkwood, president of The New Studio   culture via an inclusive,
      continue through the end of                       for the Visual Arts: “This is a great example of what can be done   multigenerational
      November. Featured artists                        by the people of this community. Jupiter has an unbelievable   level approach to art   Pat Crowley and Gretchen Cocuzza
      include Martin Schaus, Patti                      collection of fantastic artists. This type of exhibit reflects the   education serving   working at the studio
      Tuning Hartig, Brittany Brett,                    goal of the studio to help nurture a vibrant arts community, foster   children, teens and
      Pat Crowley, Wally McCall,                        artistic excellence, lower barriers to arts participation and bring   adults at all ability levels.
      Dodie  Dubois  Thayer- Official poster for the exhibit   people together for a shared experience that inspires a creative     For more information please contact Peggy Kirkwood
      Hawthorne, Ronnie Garrett,  created by Pat Crowley   exchange of ideas. The organization’s values are dedicated to   at (561) 295-5712,, email: peggy.
      Russell Gulick, Eddie Perry,                      the practice of looking at, thinking about and making art help
      and Pulitzer Prize winning photographer Stephen Crowley.

                                                                                       The Heart of Hobe Sound
                                                                Est. 1926

                                                                     ART CLASSES OFFERED                         WE are YOUR Community
      President of The New Studio for the Visual Arts – Peggy   ON THE CHURCH CAMPUS                                           Church
      Kirkwood                                              Church member Debra Monet is offering
                                                               art classes on our church campus.                   All Visitors Welcome
                                                             How to draw, paint in Watercolor and                 We Invite You to Worship with Us
                                                             Acrylic will be the main focus for the                  Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
                                                            lessons. The cost for each 3 hour class                    WE ARE ON FACEBOOK LIVE
                                                             is $20, a portion of which will be donated to          every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m.
                                                                 the Church Building Improvement Project.              Give us a call or visit our
                                                               For more class details, or to schedule a class,       website for more information.
                                                             contact Debra Monet at the Sunday coffee hour,
                                                            or call her at 772-240-2063. Everyone is welcome.             (772) 546-5043
                                                                           MONTHLY DINNERS
                                                               Monthly dinners to help offset some of the almost $350,000 in
                                                             renovation cost to our Church – Dinner will be held on the 2nd Friday
                                                                    of the month at 5:30 p.m.  Cost is $15 per person
                                                            OCTOBER 14 -  PORK BBQ       NOVEMBER 11 - CHICKEN
                                                            NOVEMBER 24 - TURKEY         DECEMBER 9 - POT ROAST

                                                                           11933 SE Juno Crescent • Hobe Sound, Florida 33455
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