Page 9 - Martin Downs Bulletin - November '22
P. 9

Martin Downs, Page 9

                                                           real estate

      Treasure Coast Real Estate                         Martin County. In fact, the
      Report                                             median sales price was up
                                                         21.1 percent in September
                                                         2022 when compared to
      Home Sales Continue To Decline, But The            September 2021.
      Future Looks Good                                    The only thing that
                                                         seems to be “collapsing”
      By Jim Weix                                        is unrealistic asking
        As most people already                           prices. Fortunately, more
      know, real estate sales in                         and more of these sellers
      Martin County are continuing                       are figuring that out.
      to decline. Sales in September                     “Price reduced!” seems
      2022 were down 15.3 percent,                       to be the most common
      when compared to September                         term when describing a
      2021. This follows several                         property.
      months of declines.                                  Granted, mortgage
        Nationwide, existing-                            rates of 7 percent and
      home sales descended in                            inflation are not helping,
      September, the eighth month                        but the low inventory of
      in a row of declines, according to the National Association of   homes for sale is helping
      REALTORS . Three out of the four major U.S. regions notched   to prevent price declines.
      month-over-month sales contractions, while the West held   With the snowbirds
      steady. On a year-over-year basis, sales dropped in all regions.  returning, we should see
        The good news is that prices are not collapsing in   an increase in sales.  Martin County homes sales are still down.

                                                                                                             Another interesting development is people from the
         Holiday Happenings from page 8                  the highest level of quality mental health services available   hurricane-ravaged west coast of Florida looking at the Treasure
                                                         on the Treasure Coast for children and adolescents,   Coast. I have a number of these clients. They kiddingly call
           • Congressman John Snyder, ESI Staffing       including individual, group and family counseling,   themselves “refugees.”
           • Rob Steele, Elliott Museum                  education, prevention, outreach, and advocacy. Today,     They have damaged or destroyed homes, but can’t find
           • Bob Thornton, O’Donnel Impact Windows &     its services are needed more than ever before. To learn   anything to rent over there, so they come to the Treasure Coast.
              Storm Protection                           more, visit                I have found them rentals and they are seriously considering
           • Chris Vaccaro, Congruity HR                                                                   buying a home here, once their home over there is repaired so
           • Brandon Woodward, Woodward, Kelley, Fulton                                                    that they can sell it.
             & Kaplan                                                                                        The days of bidding wars and crazy prices are over. We are
           • Jason Young, CPR Investments                                                                  now entering a period of a healthy real estate market.
           There are many unique and innovative sponsorship                                                  Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss your options.
         opportunities at various levels. For information, www.                                            I can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or and                                                 Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes Company. Jim                                               has 25 years of experience selling real estate full-time. If you
           For over 25 years, Tykes and Teens has been providing                                           have questions or want the services of an experienced expert,
                                                                                                           you can reach Jim at (772) 341-2941 or

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