Page 8 - Martin Downs Bulletin - November '22
P. 8

Page 8, Martin Downs

        Kids Corner                                                               Good WorKs

                                                         Help Family Promise Of                            offices, two bathrooms,

        Language Based Learning                          Martin County Buy A ‘Home’                        a reception area,
                                                                                                           kitchen, laundry, garden
        Disabilities                                     Of Its Own                                        with kids’ playground
                                                                                                           and a storage room for
        By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                            By Jackie Holfelder                               our guests to use. It’s
        School Psychologist                                The mission of Family Promise of Martin County, a nonprofit,   perfect.”
          Your child’s smart but                         interfaith hospitality network, is to provide temporary housing,     The current asking
        has unexpected struggles.                        caring support, meals and a host of social services for families   price  is  $350,000.
        Perhaps it worries you                           with children experiencing homelessness.          Family Promise
        so much that you awake                             The housing takes place in local religious congregations that   has $40,000 that has
        during the night thinking                        have joined in a consortium to support the guests who turn to – or   been donated towards
        about your child’s                               are referred to – Family Promise of Martin County.  its purchase and is
        difficulties. There is a                           The heart and soul of the nonprofit is its Family Center,   engaging  in  its  first
        subset of children who                           which is open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. An   Capital Campaign to
        have language-based                              on-site Family Service Coordinator, April Young, works with   raise the balance.  Emmanuel and Carmen, a former
        learning  disabilities                           guests to develop an individualized plan to help them regain     Naming rights are   guest family that was served by
        which interfere with learning. Language infiltrates all   permanent housing and self-sufficiency. The center also has   available if you’d like   Family Promise. Photo by Family
        areas of life from our thinking to our talking. When a child   laundry and shower facilities, as well as phone and Internet   to direct a contribution   Promise
        has difficulty processing language, they often struggle in   access for employment searches.       towards a specific room
        reading, spelling, writing, and with math word problems     It’s the hub from which transportation to work, school, job   or part of the center and plans are being developed for
        since these areas require language.              interviews and medical appointments are offered by the Family   opportunities like personalized brick pavers.
          A language-based learning disability refers to a   Promise driver and van or public transportation.    Family Promise, which is an affiliate of a national 501(c)
        spectrum of difficulties related to the understanding and     Now, in a stroke of almost divine intervention, the building   (3) organization with a 35-plus year successful track record, is
        use of spoken and written language. A language-based   in Stuart from which the nonprofit (which was established in   helping change lives every day. But as Bozone likes to assure
        learning disability is often the root cause of a child’s   2018 and opened its doors in November 2020) has operated is   people, “Every cent we raise stays right here in Martin County. As
        academic struggles since weak language skills impede   available for purchase.                     a matter of fact, the way the national organization is structured,
        comprehension, oral and written communication. It can     Madeleine Bozone Greenwood, executive director of Family   they return funds to the local affiliates – the opposite of many
        also interfere with your child’s attention, memory, social   Promise of Martin County, says the building fits their needs in   similar nonprofits.”
        skills, perseverance, and self-regulation. A child can have   virtually every way. “It’s close to stores, transportation, parks,     Since its opened, Family Promise has served 288 families.
        a general language-based learning disability or a specific   medical facilities, just about anything our guests may need, even     If you’d like to find out more about Family Promise, or
        type such as dyslexia or dysgraphia.             if they don’t have their own transportation.”     how your contribution can help them purchase their own
          Warning signs of a language-based learning disability in     Adds Cher Fisher, director of Development and Community   “dream home” from which to service guests, visit www.
        young children include: a history of a speech and language   Engagement, “We’ve got a gathering place for families, two or call (772) 266-9327.
        impairment (remediated or ongoing), poor phonics,
        slow choppy reading, poor reading comprehension,             Holiday HappeninGs
        difficulty following multi-step verbal directions, difficulty
        putting thoughts into writing, forgetting small sight
        words, knowing what to say but difficulty getting it out,
        difficulty getting to the point when speaking, and poor  15th Annual Festival Of Trees               The Dames and Deer Ambassadors have contributed to the
        test performance despite having studied.         And Lights Benefits Tykes                         success of the 15th Annual Festival of Trees in royal fashion.
          Some students with language-based learning                                                       This year’s Grand Dame is Megan Shirey, Boys & Girls Clubs
        disabilities are diagnosed young while other children   And Teens                                  of Martin County and Head Reindeer is Dale Rockefeller of
        perform well in early elementary school and are                                                    Culver’s of Stuart and Jensen Beach. Other honorees are:
        diagnosed later when the demands of language in middle   By Jackie Holfelder                         • Andrea August, HCA Florida – Port St. Lucie
        or high school increase. In addition, adolescents with     Some  people  –  or                        Hospital
        a  language-based  learning  disability  have  difficulty   events  –  enjoy  15                     • Sara Borlaug, Capstone IT
        managing the heavy reading load from multiple classes.  minutes of fame, but                         • Amanda Foster, Zarro Mortgage Group
          Most individuals with a language-based learning   for Tykes  and Teens                             • Christina Franco, Hampton Inn and Suites
        disability need instruction that is specialized, explicit,   it’s been an impressive                 • Robin Hall, Out2News
        structured, and multisensory, as well as ongoing, guided   15-year winning streak for the Annual Festival of Trees     • Jill Hanson, One Hope Wine
        practice aimed at helping their specific areas of weakness.   and Lights.                            • Tami Karol, Tami Karol Insurance
        School is often a struggle for kids with a language-based     What began as a modest display of Christmas trees in     • Evie Klassen, Colorado Pawn and Jewelry
        learning disability but once you get them through school,   front of Macy’s in the Treasure Coast Square Mall has     • Nicole Lavelle, Jensen Beach High School – AP
        these smart kids inherit a world of opportunities.  grown into a multi-event celebration that ushers in the        Psychology
          If you need help with your child call as we test children   holiday season, thanks to the award-winning nonprofit.    • Nikki Leserra, Skys the Limit
        ages 5.5 through college for language based learning     The Festival of Trees and Lights will once again be     • Resa Listort, AFLAC
        disabilities, dyslexia, ADHD, depression, anxiety, and   held from Nov. 13 to 19 at the Flagler Center in Stuart.    • Annette Robbins, Realty ONE – Group Engage
        other processing disorders. Visit or call     Amy Thornton, committee chair, ably assisted by Carol     • Lisa Teetor, CSI Security
        (561) 625-4125.                                  Ball, Valerie Barcik, Evey Bassion, Sara Borlaug, Cory     • Anne Warner, Waterpointe Realty
                                                         Carter, Jeannie Deiffenbaugher, Lorett Fribourg, Jennifer     • Douglas Berger, Broward Motor Sports
                                                         Hearn, Paula Hundt, Lynn Lloyd, Anne McCormick,     • Sam Bruning, Southern Magnolia
                     Your ad                             slate of joyful and joyous activities for every member of     • Zack Hackley, Children’s Services Council of
                                                         Roseann Ryba and Sue Whittington, has assembled a
                                                                                                             • Chad Fair, Immanual Lutheran
                                                         the family.
                                                                                                                Martin County
            could be here!                                 A Family Day kicks off the festivities, followed on     • Jay Kap, Guaranteed Garage Door
                                                         successive days by the always-delightful Joy to the Girls
                                                                                                             • John Langel, Seacoast Air Conditioning
                                                         Cocktail Party, elegant Afternoon Champagne Tea, party-
                                                                                                             • Brian Langworthy, VIP America
                           Call                          hearty Not So Silent Night Anniversary Celebration and     • Zac Rockefeller, Culver’s of Stuart & Jensen
                                                         kid-favorite Breakfast and Photos with Santa. Visit www.
                                                 for  specifics
            561-746-3244                                 about each event.                                 Holiday Happenings on page 9

                                                                               Gifted Testing
                   to find out how!                                 Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD,

                                                                                 NOW OFFERING:                 Dr. Jim Forgan & Associates
                                                                                 • Jupiter & Stuart Offices           Licensed School Psychologist
                                                                                 • Testing for Processing
        Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing                                                        
        Palm Beach County and is a privately                                       Problems, Anxiety,
        owned and managed company.                                                 Defiance                          (561) 625-4125
        Captain’s is committed to providing
        dependable, reliable and professional                                    • Weekend and After
        ground transportation to and from all                                      School Appointments
        South Florida Airports and Seaports.  PBCVH212
           To reserve your vehicle:                                                    “Helping Parents Help Children”
        561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890
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