Page 14 - Martin Downs Bulletin - November '22
P. 14

Page 14, Martin Downs

       Women in Business Summit

        The Palm City Chamber of Commerce hosted our first   Beckett from HJ Sims was our hostess and coordinator of   information to share to benefit us all. We can't wait for the
      Women in Business Summit on Thursday, September 22,   this wonderful event. The house was packed with rockstar   next Women in Business Summit! Mark your calendar for
      which was American Business Women’s Day. Rebecca   ladies from all over Martin County. Our speakers included   March 8, 2023, which is International Women’s Day!
                                                         Jill Marasa with Ashley Capital, Amanda Foster and Joanne
                                                         Zarro from Zarro Mortgage Group, Joan Goodrich with
                                                         Business Development Board of Martin County, Rebecca
                                                         Beckett with HJ Sims, and Dr. Lisa Grassam from Grassam
                                                         Spine & Wellness Center. They each delivered speeches that
                                                         were educational, informative, heartwarming, inspirational,
                                                         uplifting, and motivational! These ladies are all pillars
                                                         in our community that have so much knowledge and

       Dr. Lisa Grassam-Smith with Grassam Spine and Wellness

                                                         Joan Goodrich, Business Development Board of Martin County  Sponsors WIB Summit

       Amanda Foster and Joanne Zarro from Zarro Mortgage Group
                                                           September Networking Breakfast

                                                            We were extremely grateful to our members for their
                                                          flexibility as we had to reschedule our monthly breakfast
                                                          due to Hurricane Ian. Our breakfast took place on
                                                          Tuesday, October 4 at
                                                          the fabulous Monarch
                                                          Country Club. Guests
                                                          were treated to an
                                                          amazing breakfast and
      WIB Summit                                          informative speakers.
                                                            Ro b  Rain eri,
                                                          Executive Director of
                                                          House of Hope, gave us                           Missi Campbell - Executive Director Palm City
                                                          an update on the number                          Chamber of Commerce, Rob Ranieri - House of Hope,
                                                          of families  that they                           and Liz Ciampi - Membership Director Palm City
                                                          are currently serving.                           Chamber of Commerce
                                                          Their numbers have
                                                          greatly increased due
                                                          to COVID and our
                                                          current housing crisis.
                                                          The House of Hope is
                                                          a nonprofit agency that  Don Pipes, Palm City Chamber
       WIB Summit                                         provides food, clothing,  President-Elect -  APP Jet
                                                          furniture, financial  Center,  and Evie Klaassen -
                                                          assistance, information  Colorado Pawn and Jewelry
                                                          and referral, and
                                                          life-changing case
                                                          management services
                                                          to Martin County                                 Tyson Waters - Fox McCluskey Bush Robison, Mike
                                                          residents in need. Their                         Gonzalez - Blue Stream Fiber, and Martin County District
                                                          production farm in Palm                          5 Commissioner Ed Ciampi
                                                          City provides  many
                                                          local agencies with
                                                          healthy options for our                                      awards
                                                          community members.
       Rebecca Beckett, HJ Sims, and Jill Marasa, Ashley Capital    HBK CPA’s and  Tim Taylor - Sunshine Land     Our September Board Member of the Month is Don
                                                          Consultants were a  Design and Matthew Right - F45   Pipes with APP Jet Center.
                                                          sponsor and presented  Training South Stuart
         President’s                                      information on financial                          Missi Campbell and
                                                          planning and accounting. They are a local firm that is here
         Council Member                                   to assist you with your financial needs.          Palm City Chamber
                                                                                                            President-Elect Don
                                                                               Photo credit to

          We would like to highlight our President’s Council
        Member White Glove Moving, Storage and Delivery.
        Anna Valencia-Tillery is always available to answer
        any questions or concerns regarding taking care of                                                    Our September Ambassador of the Month is Nikki
        your personal items with the upmost of care.  Contact                                               Leserra with Sky is the Limit.
        Anna at (772) 778-4750 or the website at www.

                                                                                                            Carolyn Leibowitz
                                                                                                            - Cruise Planners,
                                                                                                            and Nikki Leserra -
                                                                                                            Sky is the Limit
                                                          Richard Mishook - HBK CPA’s and Consultants, Missi
                                                          Campbell, Andrew Hammond and ShellyAnn Soleyn - HBK
                                                          CPA’s and Consultants
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