Page 15 - Martin Downs Bulletin - November '22
P. 15
Martin Downs, Page 15
New Members
in dental implant technology and surgery. Dr. Grande has With industry-leading technology, we help people
lectured on topics including immediate-load full arch dental invest smarter—from where to buy a property, to which
implant reconstruction, bone grafting, anesthesia in the dental amenities will earn five-star reviews. It all works together
/ oral surgery office and medication related osteonecrosis of to maximize revenue for our homeowners.
the jaws. At Vacasa, our people are leading the charge. With our
When not at the office, Dr. Grande enjoys spending time professional, local caretaking teams in every market we
Chef Pasquale Lamarra along with his wife, Joanna, and with his wife, Nicole, and their four amazing children. Their manage, central support staff, and 24/7 customer service,
brother, Carmine, have been hard at work with three restaurants hobbies include traveling, boating, fishing, diving, skiing, we’ll be there every step of the way.
on the Treasure Coast and one in Michigan. But all the buzz hiking, and anything and everything outdoors. We believe the best vacations are in strong local
right now is the one-year anniversary of the opening of Pastaio For more information, check out their website at www. communities. We strive to foster positive social impact
Handmade Pizza and Pasta - Palm City. and institute long-lasting change.
“We are excited to be celebrating this anniversary, for Wendy Bentley is happy to assist you at wendy.
ourselves and our staff and for the community,” Chef
Lamarra said. “Palm City welcomed us with open arms,
and we have delivered a beautiful restaurant, great menu,
and fantastic service in return. We’re very happy to say that
this restaurant is a great success.”
Lamarra took over the site on Martin Downs Boulevard that My name is Brigid Coughlin. I’m a wife, mom of five,
was formerly a Ruby Tuesday’s. Lamarra’s team spent more grandmother of two, artist and the owner of The Pearl and
than 6 months to completely redesign the interior, including Fin Boutique located at 2441 S.E. Ocean Blvd., Stuart. I
removing half-walls and booths, opening the bar area and fell in love with this area when I was a young girl visiting Surfers For Autism is a 501c3 nonprofit organization
replacing outdated kitchen equipment. A fresh coat of paint my grandparents and made it my home in 2001. Since that travels throughout Florida. We provide FREE surf
with new colors gave the exterior of the building a much then, I was a traveling artist until COVID hit, then travel sessions for children and adults with autism and other
more contemporary look. Recently, the team opened their became hard. That’s when I decided to invest in myself, related developmental delays and disabilities. We host
new, gorgeous outdoor patio with bright orange umbrellas, dive into the community I love and open my store. I built multiple surf events throughout our season, where
an outdoor firepit and lots of comfortable seating. my art studio in the backroom so I can create and built participants can make friends, have new experiences,
Pastaio is known for their handmade pasta and brick fired the boutique in front to sell my items and lots of other unlock unknown potential, as well as mingle with other
pizza ovens. Utilizing the freshest, high-quality ingredients, creative items. I have sourced over 100 women-owned families in a safe, fun, and judgment-free environment.
the menu offers standard Italian and American dishes with small businesses to incorporate into the store. Some are All donations and merchandise sales go to purchasing
Chef Pasquale’s personal twist. local artists such as Vivre Contour (handpainted gowns) event supplies and equipment, which keeps our events
Visit Pastaio’s website at or call them and Seacarly (handmade pearl jewelry). Essential Blends FREE to our participants and families.
at (772) 800-5999. Pastaio Palm City is located at 3290 S.W. is another local company specializing in therapeutic For more information, please contact Moose Brown
Martin Downs Blvd, Palm City, FL 34990. oils. It’s owned by a local public school teacher. The at (855) 386-4273 or
Pearl and Fin Boutique is a very unique store with great
items for everyone. I have kids’ clothes, adult clothes,
art, jewelry, great gifts and more. The store is bright,
happy and has that nice relaxed island feel making a
comfortable shopping experience. Plus, after hours, we
will be hosting small group craft nights in my backroom
Federico Grande, DDS, MD, grew up in south Florida. art studio. I have lots of fun activities planned such as
He completed his undergraduate degree at the University decoupage oyster shells, mosaic belt buckles, mosaic At Effectv, we know no two people are alike. That’s
of Miami with a bachelor’s in science. He then attended plaques, beach plaques, blocking printing, batik and the why we specialize in finding audience segments with one
Northwestern University School of Dentistry in Chicago, lists go on. key trait in common: They’re all your potential customers.
Illinois. After obtaining his dental degree, he was accepted You can contact Brigid at thepearlandfinboutique@gmail. Whether your target audience is fashionistas, foodies,
in a 6-year double degree Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery com or (772) 888-3699. or cuddly monsters shopping for furniture, we identify
residency program at the University of Miami / Jackson matching households and serve your ad to them in TV
Memorial Hospital. Dr. Grande earned his medical degree and premium video content.
at the University of Miami. He completed 4 years of Effectv delivers your message to Comcast households
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery training, serving as chief as well as other cable provider homes and even just
resident his last year, followed by a 1-year fellowship in broadband subscribers. Whether they’re watching on the
anesthesiology. TV screen, a mobile device, or anything in between, we
Dr. Grande is board-certified and maintains hospital can help you reach your ideal audience.
privileges at Cleveland Clinic Martin Health and Jupiter Vacasa unlocks the possibilities of how we enjoy vacation Please contact Aaron Pulley with any questions at
Medical Center, where he takes facial trauma call. He homes. We take care of managing our homeowners’ vacation (561) 351-8240 or
practices full scope oral and maxillofacial surgery with houses so they can actually enjoy their free time (and their
an emphasis on dentoalveolar and dental implant surgery. home when they want to). And our guests book vacations with
Dr. Grande hosts routine instructive seminars that inform peace of mind, knowing they’re going to find exactly what
area dentists, specialists and their teams on the latest advances they’re looking for without any surprises.
Ribbon Cutting
We officially welcomed HJ Sims into the Palm City Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, September
22 by having their Ribbon Cutting after the Women in Business Summit. We look forward to HJ Sims
and Rebecca Beckett continuing to play a major role in the Palm City Chamber.
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