Page 1 - Abacoa Community News - November '22
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VOL. 23 NO. 11 NOVEMBER 2022
‘Ring Ring’ OFFICIAL
– It’s Almost ABBA At Abacoa NOTICE
Almost ABBA recreates the magic
and nostalgia of ABBA in a costumed, Abacoa Property Owners’ Assembly, Inc.
choreographed and interactive audience
experience. Formed in 1996, they are 2022-2023 Board of Directors
the longest running North American
tribute to the Swedish super group and
have toured 11 countries. They have Travis R. Chapin
performed for the U.S. Military, NBC, Karen T. Marcus
Universal and for audiences as large as
50,000! This dynamic show features William D. Drake
the songs performed in the hit musical David Rendina
Mamma Mia and Almost ABBA were Wade Kuzmick
chosen to perform at the release of
Mamma Mia! With their sound-a-like M. Troy Holloway
performance, intricate harmonies and
top-notch musicianship, they truly live There will be no election as additional nominations or
up to their Almost ABBA name. Intent to Runs were not received for the three expiring
Almost ABBA will be performing at Board of Directors seats.
the Abacoa Amphitheater on Nov. 19 at
7:30 p.m. It’s a free event! Bring your Abacoa Golf Club
chairs, coolers, and get ready to become REGISTRAION IS FULL
a dancing queen! Date: Nov. 8, 2022
Legends Radio Presents Abacoa members are welcome to attend via:
Time: 6 p.m. Social | 6:30 p.m. Meeting
A New Outdoor Concert Series Meeting ID: 586 909 9472
Passcode: 366893
– Legends Sunday Jazz Series
This November, jazz ensemble. The event will feature brunch foods and
Legends Radio beverages and live music for all to enjoy.
will present a new Gregory has been a long-time musical favorite in Palm
outdoor concert Beach County, having performed on stages world-wide,
series at the Abacoa with a career spanning 40 years of showmanship. His five
Amphitheater – octave vocal range is matched by his proficiency with nine
Legends Sunday instruments. His band, The International Players features
Jazz Series. On the the very best musicians in the region and will fill the
second Sunday of Downtown Abacoa Amphitheater with a jazz experience,
each month from not to be missed.
November to Legends listeners will especially love the series and
February, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. – join your friends the station is proud to offer a free jazz event for all ages.
and family for this free concert in Downtown Abacoa, For more information log on to
featuring the very best jazz artists in Palm Beach County. and save the dates for the rest of the series. Dec. 11, Jan.
On Nov. 13, the station will kick off the series, with 8, 2023 and Feb. 12 will round out the series, with a
on-air personality and entertainer, Gregory “Popeye” talent lineup to be announced soon. This series is proudly
Alexander, taking the stage with his International Players produced by Robinson Entertainment and Legends Radio.
Nov. 11th