Page 6 - Stuart Exposure - April '22
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Page 6, Stuart Exposure

                                                   tip Of the tail

      Feline Hyperthyroidism                            resulting in sudden blindness The heart becomes inefficient   thyroid tissue. It will accumulate in the abnormal tissue

                                                        because it is enlarged and thickened to compensate for the   only, and destroy those cells. This procedure can only be
                                                        increased metabolic demands.                       performed at specific facilities, because your cat will literally
                                                           Your veterinarian will be suspicious your cat has   be radioactive for a short period of time. This requires your
                                                        hyperthyroidism if you report the common signs or if he does   cat to be hospitalized and cared for in a lead lined space for
                                                        a physical examination. The veterinarian will notice weight   at least 4 to 7 days. Lastly, there is a relatively new option.
                                                        loss. On physical exam he should be able to feel enlarged   A low iodine diet, which claims to restore thyroid health, is
                                                        glands on one or both sides of your cat’s neck. Usually   currently on the market. Other sources of food can provide
                                                        only one gland is swollen. Even though the gland(s) are   iodine, so the diet must be strict. This food is a balanced diet
                                                        enlarged, it is usually a benign change. Only a small number   and helps support kidney health as well.
                                                        of cases, less than 2 percent, involve a malignant cancer of      There is no known way to prevent hyperthyroidism, but
         Hyperthyroidism is a common disease seen in older cats.   the thyroid gland. A blood test, T4 (thyroxine), can confirm   diagnosis is relatively easy and treatment is generally very
      It is caused by the overproduction of hormones by one or both   hyperthyroidism. This test should be part of the bloodwork   successful. Your cat will gain weight, eat normal amounts
      thyroid glands. The average age of diagnosis is 12 years old   recommended by your veterinarian every year during your   of food, and his high blood pressure and heart disease
      and it is exceptionally rare in cats under 10 years old.  older cat’s annual examination. Occasionally, your cat will   will improve. Other clinical signs of hyperthyroidism will
         The most common sign you will see is weight loss which   require ancillary blood tests to confirm hyperthyroidism, but   resolve. This is only one reason it is important to bring
      is due to a greatly increased metabolism caused by the   this is rarely necessary.                   your cat to your veterinarian for a yearly examination and
      excessive amount of thyroid hormone in your cat’s system.      There are several options after your cat has been   annual blood tests.
      Even though he is losing weight, your cat is likely to be eating   diagnosed. Treatment is usually very successful. First, your      Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center
      well. In fact, many cats are ravenous and try to eat everything   cat can be treated with an oral medication, methimazole   is dedicated to providing the best possible care for your
      in sight. You may also see an increase in thirst and urination   (Tapezole). This drug is given once to twice daily and his   pets. With focuses on compassionate care in surgery,
      and your cat may begin to vomit. Less common findings are   T4 and kidney values are monitored. Once he is regulated,   physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative medicine,
      restlessness, cranky behavior, diarrhea, and occasionally   he can continue with Tapezole for the rest of his life or you   extensive diagnostics, and emergency service, Palm City
      breathing problems.                               can choose another treatment option. The abnormal gland(s)   Animal Medical Center combines exceptional medical
         There are two potentially serious complications if   can be removed surgically. Surgery in older pets has its   care with a caring philosophy for pets and their owners.
      hyperthyroidism is left undiagnosed and untreated. These   inherent risks, but if he is otherwise healthy, surgery can be   For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit www.
      complications are hypertension (high blood pressure) and   an excellent option. Radioiodine treatment is the best way or find us on Facebook
      a heart disease called thyrotoxic cardiomyopathy. Blood   to destroy the abnormal tissue without damaging the normal   at
      pressure can get high enough to cause retinal damage

                                                          Tennis/Pickleball Fundraiser from page 1           Since 2015, the foundation has awarded more than
                                                                                                           $250,000 in financial aid to 41 qualified individuals.
                                                            On May 24, 2014, John and Erica Garwood’s 24-year-  The  nonprofit  supports  the  Mark  Garwood  Phoenix
       Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing        old son Mark lost his five-year battle with prescription   House, a women’s recovery residence; Bridge House,
       Palm Beach County and is a privately               drugs.  In  response  to  this  unimaginable  tragedy,  the   a transitional facility providing bed and board for men
       owned and managed company.                         Mark Garwood SHARE Foundation was established    in recovery with no means of support and no insurance;
       Captain’s is committed to providing                to honor Mark’s life. Its primary mission is to provide   and Clean Start Backpacks, which contain essential
       dependable, reliable and professional              educational scholarships to local men and women who   hygiene items distributed to individuals just entering
       ground transportation to and from all
       South Florida Airports and Seaports.  PBCVH212     are recovering from devastating effects of substance   recovery.
           To reserve your vehicle:                       use disorder and who wish to initiate or resume their      To register, learn about sponsorships or donate
       561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890  education.                                   directly, visit

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