Page 3 - Stuart Exposure - April '22
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Stuart Exposure, Page 3

                                                           Real estate

      Treasure Coast Real Estate                           Yes, they will. However, it is unlikely that you will   home a fresher look. Replacing older kitchen and bathroom
      Report                                            get back what you spent.                           faucets with something more modern will do wonders.

                                                           For instance, if you replace your older roof, you can
                                                                                                             If your appliances are old, you may want to replace

                                                        expect to get back about 60 percent of what the new roof   them. Unlike the 52 percent return on investment for a new
      Should I Make Major Improvements                  cost. A new kitchen or bathroom will give you a return   kitchen, you will do better with appliances. Buyers tend
      Before Selling My Home?                           on investment of about 52 percent. And given the rising   to exaggerate what it will cost them to replace appliances
                                                        costs and/or shortages of material, you may not even get   and this results in a lower offering price.
      By Jim Weix                                       that much back.                                       It is also a good idea to have your air conditioning
         If you want to sell your                          However, if your roof is old and leaking, a new roof   unit checked. Buyers like knowing that your unit was just
      home right now, the answer                        may be better than repairing it. This is particularly true   serviced and everything is working properly.
      is no.                                            if the repaired areas will not match the rest of your roof.      Carpet and grout cleaning is a must. It is not expensive
         Presently homes are                               You should focus on things to give your home more   and gives the entire house a clean look.
      selling fast and at record                        appeal. Power wash the exterior of your home, particularly      If you would like me to take a look at your house and
      prices. You can’t be sure how                     your driveway and walkways. Nothing says “Yuck” like   give you some suggestions, call me at (772) 341-2941.
      long this hot market will last.                   a driveway with black mold on it.                     Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes
      This includes homes that do                          Spruce up your landscaping. Trim bushes, plant some   Company. Jim has 25 years of experience selling real
      not have major updates.                           colorful flowers, and add some garden mulch. That builder   estate full time. If you have questions or want the services
         Will making major                              grade landscaping put in during the mid-’80s or ’90s is   of an experienced expert, you can reach Jim at (772) 341-
      updates and improvements                          as popular as avocado appliances.                  2941 or
      result in a higher selling price?                    Inside, repainting walls a neutral color will give your

      Mary’s Home from page 1

         Ashleigh Waters, early
      morning news anchor at
      WPTV NewsChannel 5
      was a warm and affable
      master of ceremonies.
         Luncheon cochairs
      Alean  Timm and  Kim
      Gaudet, Mary’s Home
      executive  director  and
      operations manager  May Smythe, founder of Mary’s
      respectively, were ably  Angels and Ashleigh Waters,                                                 Jonathan Knaus, Gina Thompson and Nick Grubbs, Mary’s
      assisted by committee  WPTV NewsChannel 5 anchor   Kim Gaudet, Mary’s Home operations manager  and   Home board members
      members Denise Freihofer,  and luncheon emcee      Alean Timm, Mary’s Home executive director, with vintage                    Photo by Jackie Holfelder
      Cheryl Lott-Lampard,       Photo by Jackie Holfelder  Dusenberg (a ride in it was part of the silent auction)
                                                                                      Photo by Liz McKinley

                                                        Patty Murty, Cynthia Russo, Justine Savage, Leanne Sleece
                                                        and Christine Storino.
                                                           Major sponsors for the 11th Annual Luncheon and
                                                        Fashion Show were Michael Hayes and Riverview
                                                        Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry: Dr. Mark Fedele and Dr.
                                                        Matthew Hooks.
                                                           Now in its second decade, the role of the nonprofit
                                                        remains the same: to provide homeless, pregnant women
                                                        with the support and guidance they need to become self-
                                                        sufficient and make good choices for themselves and their                   Nneka Towine, Mary’s
                                                        children.                                                                   Home resident and luncheon
      Kelly Harrison, Barbara Cardillo, Joan Caruso Kanyuk      To learn more, visit    Barbara Bucci and Dot  speaker and Gina Sudano,
      and Karen Linick                                                                                     Galfond                  board chair of Mary’s Home
                                   Photo by Liz McKinley                                                     Photo by Jackie Holfelder  Photo by Liz McKinley
                                                                                                              L                       L
          TAKING CARE OF FAMILIES ON THE TREASURE COAST                                                           AVARGNA AW PLLC

                                                                                                                               .  Wills and Trusts

                                              “Our TEAM is committed to                                                        .  Probate
                         YOUR                 excellence in personalized dental                                                .  Real Estate Closings
                  SMILE                       that our patients deserve. We offer                                               Business Matters
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                        IS OUR                comprehensive services including                                 ANTHONY LAVARGNA
                                              routine cleanings, teeth whitening
                                                                                                               ANTHONY LAVARGNA
               PASSION                        procedures, porcelain crowns and   Dr. Shannon Plymale-Galinis,   Member of the Florida Bar
                                                                                                               Licensed in the United States
                                              veneers and complex implant
                                                                                                               District Court, Southern and
                                                                                                               Middle Districts of Florida
                                              reconstructions .”
                                                                                and Dr. Thomas A. Galinis


                                                                                                               CARRIE LAVARGNA
                                                                                                               CARRIE LAVARGNA
                                                            2812 SW Mapp Rd.  |  Palm City                     Accredited Estate Planner (AEP)
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                                                                                We provide quality, personal  legal services to individuals and
              ALSO OFFERING:                                                                                       businesses in Martin and St. Lucie Counties and
              Invisalign®, Dental Implants, Porcelain Crowns,                                                            throughout the Treasure Coast.
              Facial Rejuvenation & Therapeutic Procedures                              SEE                    1805 S. Kanner Highway, Stuart Financial Center, Stuart, FL 34994
                                                                                        WHAT                           772 286 7521
                                                                                        PATIENTS                         -  REAL ESTATE PRACTICE TIP  -
                We continue to welcome new patients and invite you to visit             ARE                  If you rent commercial o ce, retail, or warehouse space, Florida sales tax rate to use

                our website for special offers. Complimentary consultations             SAYING!              commercial real property decreases to 5.7% on January 1, 2019. The local discretionary

                available upon request.                                                                      sale surtax still applies. This decrease does not apply to parking or storage of motor
                                                                                                             vehicles, docking or storage of boats or tie-down or storage of aircraft.
        Aesthetic Dentistry Seabreeze Ad JAN22.indd   1                                      1/24/22   4:59 PM
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