Page 11 - Palm City Spotlight - April '22
P. 11

Palm City Spotlight, Page 11

                                                          BooK review

      What To Drink With What You                          An appropriate subtitle printed on the
                                                         dust cover’s flyleaf reads as follows: “The
      Eat                                                most comprehensive guide to matching food
                                                         and drink ever compiled,” by the IACP- and
      By Nils A. Shapiro                                 James Beard Award-Winning author team
        One of my grandsons,                             of Andrew Dornenburg and Karen Page,
      Seth, is a handsome young                          with practical advice from more than 70 of
      man with a charming                                America’s leading experts on pairing.
      personality. During a couple                         In an eminently readable conversational
      of summer vacations while                          style, this is the definitive guide to pairing food
      attending college – he is now                      with wines, as well as beers, spirits, coffee,
      married and a doting father                        teas – even water. For example, in a chapter about wines from     The result is that whatever your situation – whether
      – he tended bar at a local                         different parts of the world, Rule No. 1 is: “Think Regionally ...   you are starting with a specific food and are deciding
      nightclub popular among                            If It Grows Together, It Goes Together ... that is, pairing a dish   what wine to select, or have a bottle of wine on hand
      friends his own age near his                       with a beverage native to the same region can take you at least   and need to decide on what food to order – here is the
      home in Scarsdale, N.Y., for                       50 percent (and sometimes even 100 percent) of the way to the   information  you need at your fingertips: thousands
      side income. Now he has turned that experience into the   perfect pairing.” Examples: “The red sauce of pizza and pasta   of recommendations accompanying the food or wine
      position of sommelier at a world-famous resort hotel, with   pairs beautifully with Italian red wine, especially Chianti. Tapas   listings, the most highly recommended appearing in
      an eye toward gaining knowledge about the hospitality and   shine with a dry sherry. Sashimi is sensational with sake.”  boldface type.
      restaurant business that will prove valuable when he opens     Those few, of course, are obvious. But in Chapters 5 and 6     Rounding out the text are pairing menus from some
      his own sit-down wine café in the college town where he   you will find thousands of food and beverage combinations.   of America’s finest restaurants; a delightful section with
      and his wife have settled down.                    Chapter 5 lists foods alphabetically, from Acidic (Tart) Dishes,   comments by the nation’s leading beverage experts on
        I thought of Seth when I happened to come across this   Aioli, Almonds and Anchovies to Yogurt, Zabaglione and   the wines and dishes they would want to have with them
      beautiful award-winning volume. Confident that it would   Zucchini Blossoms – a list so comprehensive it includes   if they were stranded on a desert island, and a number
      serve as a wonderful reference source for his job, I had a copy   Asian, Mexican and other ethnic cuisines, as well as many   of beautiful color photographs that further enhance the
      shipped to him and purchased a second copy for my wife,   foods you have likely never tasted, and even goes so far as to   enjoyment of this truly elegant volume.
      Linda, and me. When it arrived at our home it was even more   include McDonald’s Filet-o-Fish Sandwich (!) – with multiple     For any family that entertains guests – or simply
      than I had hoped for, fully deserving of having earned such   wine recommendations (sometimes also beers, teas and other   enjoys the good life – owning What to Drink with What
      honors as “IACP Cookbook of the Year,” “Georges Duboeuf   beverages) for each and every one of the foods listed.  You Eat is like having your own sommelier within reach,
      Wine Book of the Year,” “Gourmand World Cookbook     Then, Chapter 6 reverses the information, listing the wines   full time, to add to the enjoyment of dining at home ...
      Award,” “Los Angeles Times Bestseller” and “Entertainment   alphabetically, with a recommended assortment of the foods   or to refer to before a night out on the town. Very highly
      Weekly Bestseller.”                                that go best with each of these wines.            recommended.
                                                           fiLm review

      Man Of The Year                                    Jon Stewart show. One day,                        firing her. And even though she had no intention of telling

                                                                                                           anyone else about the fact that Tom Dobbs was not actually
                                                         he speculates about running
      By Nils A. Shapiro                                 for President of the United                       the duly elected president, her life was in danger from a
        This review may well annoy a number of the column’s   States, and when he gets a                   desperate Delacroy management and their hired hands.
      readers. If so, they would have to be rather thin-skinned   surprisingly positive response             The crux of the film at that point is the decision faced
      considering the fact that the film being discussed was released in   from his fans he announces      by Dobbs: whether to take the easy step of moving
      2006, and so could hardly have been intended as a commentary   his serious candidacy as an           forward and accept being sworn in as the next President
      on—nor related specifically at all—to today’s political scene.  independent and debates              of the United States ... or voluntarily make a public
        That is surely not my purpose here. I am simply going to   against  the  Democratic                announcement that he did not actually receive the most
      describe the story line of a film that my wife and I decided   incumbent President                   votes, since there would be no other way for the public to
      to view on the Amazon Prime streaming service recently   Kellogg and his challenger,                 learn the truth. I will leave it for you to learn his decision.
      for several reasons: We had never seen it before; it stars the   Republican Senator Mills.             The fact that this entire story line was filmed in
      late Robin Williams, whose performances we have often     Despite his obvious                        2006 – a former TV personality runs for president; a
      enjoyed, and the title – Man of the Year – was intriguing.  underdog status in the polls,            voting machine company becomes involved in a political
        I had no idea of the story line when we decided it would be   Dobbs wins the election – to his own surprise and that of his   presidential controversy; a man is put in the position of
      worth watching this film, having not seen it when originally   campaign manager, Jack Meckler (Christopher Walken) and   having to make a moral choice, win or lose, about whether
      released. And, since I am always interested in finding movies   staff, including one assistant played by comic Lewis Black.  or not to be honest about the results of his presidential
      deserving of bringing to the attention of my column’s readers,     But during the post-election celebration, and before   campaign – adds an extraordinary degree of timeliness
      this one seemed a likely candidate for review.     he can be sworn in, Dobbs is approached by an attractive   to this film.
        As it turns out, there is a wholly unexpected timeliness to   young woman, Eleanor Green (Laura Linney), who – after     Your own reaction to it will depend in large part on the
      the film’s theme that has the potential to engage the emotions   first  posing  as  an  FBI  agent  –  confides  in  Dobbs  that   political leanings you bring to the film. I will keep my
      of its audience in ways that its producers and stars could never   he had not actually been elected president because the   own opinions to myself.
      have imagined when the picture was first released 16 years ago.  voting machines made by the Delacroy company, where     Instead, I will simply point out the ironic fact that,
        You will likely get the point when I explain the story   she had worked before being fired, were faulty and had   when the film was first released 16 years ago, one of the
      line of producer Barry Levinson’s Man of the Year, which   miscounted the votes – and that the head of the company,   main reasons critics gave it mixed reviews was that they
      I will describe here as succinctly as possible:    James Hemmings (Jeff Goldblum) was hiding that critical   saw it as unrealistic to create a character – as here, in
        Robin Williams appears in the role of Tom Dobbs, who   information for fear the truth would destroy his firm.  Tom Dobbs – who would even consider making claim to
      is the host of a popular television show–in this case, a talk     Because she knew the truth, the Delacroy company was   an undeserved office!
      show devoted to humor and politics, similar to the former   now falsely accusing her of taking drugs as the reason for

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