Page 16 - Palm City Spotlight - April '22
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Page 16, Palm City Spotlight

                                                    tip of tHe taiL

       Feline Hyperthyroidism                            are enlarged, it is usually a benign change. Only a small   cat to be hospitalized and cared for in a lead lined space

                                                         number of cases, less than 2 percent, involve a malignant   for at least 4 to 7 days. Lastly, there is a relatively new
                                                         cancer of the thyroid gland. A blood test, T4 (thyroxine),   option. A low iodine diet, which claims to restore thyroid
                                                         can confirm hyperthyroidism. This test should be part of the   health, is currently on the market. Other sources of food
                                                         bloodwork recommended by your veterinarian every year   can provide iodine, so the diet must be strict. This food is
                                                         during your older cat’s annual examination. Occasionally,   a balanced diet and helps support kidney health as well.
                                                         your cat will require ancillary blood tests to confirm     There is no known way to prevent hyperthyroidism, but
                                                         hyperthyroidism, but this is rarely necessary.    diagnosis is relatively easy and treatment is generally very
                                                           There are several options after your cat has been   successful. Your cat will gain weight, eat normal amounts
                                                         diagnosed.  Treatment is usually very successful.   of food, and his high blood pressure and heart disease
                                                         First, your cat can be treated with an oral medication,   will improve. Other clinical signs of hyperthyroidism will
                                                         methimazole (Tapezole).  This drug is given once to   resolve. This is only one reason it is important to bring
                                                         twice daily and his T4 and kidney values are monitored.   your cat to your veterinarian for a yearly examination
                                                         Once he is regulated, he can continue with Tapezole for   and annual blood tests.
         Hyperthyroidism is a common disease seen in older   the rest of his life or you can choose another treatment     Established  in  1981,  Palm  City  Animal  Medical
       cats. It is caused by the overproduction of hormones by   option. The abnormal gland(s) can be removed surgically.   Center is dedicated to providing the best possible care
       one or both thyroid glands. The average age of diagnosis   Surgery in older pets has its inherent risks, but if he is   for your pets. With focuses on compassionate care in
       is 12 years old and it is exceptionally rare in cats under   otherwise healthy, surgery can be an excellent option.   surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative
       10 years old.                                     Radioiodine treatment is the best way to destroy the   medicine, extensive diagnostics, and emergency service,
         The most common sign you will see is weight loss   abnormal tissue without damaging the normal thyroid   Palm City Animal Medical Center combines exceptional
       which is due to a greatly increased metabolism caused   tissue. It will accumulate in the abnormal tissue only, and   medical care with a caring philosophy for pets and their
       by the excessive amount of thyroid hormone in your cat’s   destroy those cells. This procedure can only be performed   owners. For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit
       system. Even though he is losing weight, your cat is likely   at specific facilities, because your cat will literally be  or find us on
       to be eating well. In fact, many cats are ravenous and try   radioactive for a short period of time. This requires your   Facebook at
       to eat everything in sight. You may also see an increase
       in thirst and urination and your cat may begin to vomit.
       Less common findings are restlessness, cranky behavior,
       diarrhea, and occasionally breathing problems.
         There are two potentially serious complications if
       hyperthyroidism is left undiagnosed and untreated. These
       complications are hypertension (high blood pressure)
       and  a  heart  disease  called  thyrotoxic  cardiomyopathy.
       Blood pressure can get high enough to cause retinal
       damage resulting in sudden blindness The heart becomes
       inefficient because it is enlarged and thickened to
       compensate for the increased metabolic demands.
         Your veterinarian will be suspicious your cat has
       hyperthyroidism if you report the common signs or if he
       does a physical examination. The veterinarian will notice
       weight loss. On physical exam he should be able to feel
       enlarged glands on one or both sides of your cat’s neck.
       Usually only one gland is swollen. Even though the gland(s)

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