Page 6 - Southern Exposure - March '22
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Page 6, Southern Exposure
Award-Winning Artists Paint
art haPPenings from page 5
glass-blown artwork and a sampling of some of his two-
dimensional artworks along with Claire Kelly’s work will Local Scenes At Lighthouse
be on display at the center’s beautiful gallery for the rest of
the season.
For March’s ArtCenter’s Ninth Annual Plein Air
two-day events, the
center is bringing
in renowned artist, Festival, March 27 To April 2
Jason Christian, from
Seattle, Washington. Weeklong Festival Brings Events, Free Artist Demonstrations,
Jason grew up in
Coupeville, a small Workshops, And Art For Sale
town situated on
Whidbey Island Lighthouse ArtCenter‘s (LAC) Ninth Annual Plein Air
in the heart of Festival brings together 30 award-winning artists from all
the Puget Sound over the country to compete and capture the beauty of local
region of western scenes through the practice of painting “in the open air” or
Washington State. “en plein air.” The festival takes place March 27 to April 3,
Jason’s mother was and includes free artist demonstrations, workshops, events,
a nurse; his father, and wet art for purchase. The festivities begin on Sunday,
a metal fabricator. Dale Chihuly with Jason Christian at March 27 with a “Paint Out Competition” at the historic Ann
As an adolescent he Dale’s Studio Norton Sculpture Gardens March 28 to March 31. The artists
thought that he too provide free live demonstrations in the most picturesque
would find a place in the blue-collar world. He worked places throughout Palm Beach and Martin counties; April 1
construction and odd jobs. He drove delivery trucks. is the “Collectors’ Party” at the LAC Gallery. The festival
However, there was something inside driving him towards ends on April 2 at the LAC Gallery with an art sale, “Battle
a more creative vocation. His mother told him, “You should of the Brushes” live painting competition, and an awards
really go check out this glass studio downtown. I read about ceremony. The art will be displayed throughout the week and
it in a magazine.” He went and saw a master glassblower Victory by Kystal Brown
turn a molten blob into a flower and was hooked. This was
during the late 1990s and the Northwest glass scene was in is available for purchase at Lighthouse ArtCenter Gallery at
full swing. Dale Chihuly was hanging chandeliers in Venice. 373 Tequesta Drive, Tequesta, FL 33469. The events at LAC
Italian masters were moving to Seattle. There was plentiful are free and open to the public. A list of the participating
work to be had, along with the strong sense of community that artists and a full schedule of events and details can be found
Jason had always wanted. He dove in, and there he flourished. at
“I have the same passion for glass now that I had the first “The Plein Air Festival celebrates our local landscapes
time I stepped in front of a glory hole – probably even more. and landmarks,” said Lighthouse ArtCenter’s CEO Nancy
I have endless curiosity for this medium that drives me crazy. Politsch. “These participating artists are known to be the best
It is what it is: It’s glass, it breaks. It’s molten, it moves. I of the best in their art form and they are here to capture our
love it. That’s what keeps me going. The common thread to community through their painting. Come enjoy the free live
my work is the technicality of it – pushing the limits. I like a demonstrations, the events and workshops, and buy some
challenge. I want to see the thing I set out to make and say, fresh art for your home or office.”
‘Wow, I’m OK with this.’ But never will I be totally satisfied,” Artist Pam Ayres paints “en plein air” at Dubois Park in
says Jason about his love for glass. Jupiter. Art Happenings on page 8
Jason is an integral
member of Dale
Chihuly’s boathouse
team, collaborating
with international
artists, including the
late Pino Signoretto.
He has worked with
many well-known
glass artists, including
Lino Tagliapietra,
Martin Blank, Preston
Singletary, James Closeup of one of Jason’s yoyos on
Mongrain and Nancy the end of a blowpipe
Callan. Jason also has
taught at Pilchuck Glass School in Stanwood, Wash., at
Urban Glass in New York City, and at the University of Texas driveway courtyard
Jason will be performing on Friday and Saturday, March
18 and 19. Friday is what the center likes to call their “Artist
Blow-Out” event. It starts at 6 p.m. and ends at 9 p.m. This
three-hour demonstration is accompanied by a live jazz
ensemble. Each attendee is given two drink tickets and
nibbles. And all this can be had for only $15 per person!
People often ask, “Why do you charge so little for all this
entertainment?” “The answer is that it isn’t about making
money. We don’t come anywhere close to breaking even
considering the cost of the artists’ airfares, housing, local
transportation and meals. After all, that is why we are a
nonprofit, and this is all part of our giving back to our
community,” says Founder and President, J.B. Berkow. This
answer also explains why they always hold a free Family
Fun Day on Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. Towards that end, the
center is always looking for corporate sponsors who would
like to support all these worthwhile endeavors. The visiting
artist programming gives a corporation huge visibility as it rec room wine cellar
covers two events a month for four months!
D on’ t miss out
on any of these great
opportunities! Visit www. or This Feels Like Home
call the center at (561)
508-7315 to keep abreast Three Nicklaus Championship Golf Courses
of all of the Benzaiten’s
events, class and workshop Homes from $300K to $3Million • West Palm Beach
offerings, studio rentals, For your personal tour, call 561.624.8000 or visit
their ultra-fun fundraisers,
m e m be rshi p s, a nd One of Jason’s signature yoyo
sponsorship levels. pieces