Page 8 - Southern Exposure - March '22
P. 8
Page 8, Southern Exposure
northern notes
Maintenance Is The Key
By Katie Roundtree, Director of Finance and Administration, Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District
We all know that the best Staff can perform a visual inspection of the visible sections of have excellent long-term planning for the replacement/upgrade
way to keep our car, our air a pipe but only a diver can conduct an inspection of the pipe’s of systems. Northern’s staff prepares a Five-Year Maintenance
conditioning and even our interior. Another example is the inspection of the pumps at each and Capital Projects Plan that documents the future needs of
lawnmowers running at peak of the pump stations. Staff can perform the general servicing each area that we serve. The plan is used to forecast future
efficiency is to have them that keeps the pumps operational but only a specialist can hoist projects based on priority and budgetary considerations. The
serviced regularly. This is a a pump out of the water and perform the full mechanical service plan specifically identifies projects in excess of $10,000 and
principle that people try to that maintains the working life of the pump. On their own, or in categorizes them into maintenance or capital depending on
live by because, in the long conjunction with a contractor, Northern’s staff works every day the funding source. Maintenance projects are typically funded
run, it saves us time and to keep the inspections schedule on track. through the annual budget where capital projects are typically
money. It is also one of the Regular inspection and servicing enables Northern to get the funded through the issuance of debt. This document is updated
principles on which Northern best possible working life from each of its improvements and to annually during the budget process and is used as a tool for
operates every day. scheduling and budgeting projects. The plan is intended to be
Northern’s staff perform regular inspections and servicing of a working document and is revised periodically to reflect the
the various improvements we own and operate. They are part of a changing dynamics of the district.
planned program and each staff Northern’s staff works hard every day to ensure that the
person knows the schedule for improvements that they maintain are in top condition and
the improvements under their working order. We strive to provide the highest quality service
care. These inspections and to the landowners that we serve.
services are conducted by NPDES tip: Safely use and dispose pesticide. If all of the
a combination of staff and pesticide cannot be properly used, check with your solid waste
contractors. An example is the management authority to find out when and where to properly
inspection of pipes/culverts. dispose of this type of hazardous waste.
art haPPenings from page 6
Known to be
the premier plein
air festival in the
Southeastern United
States, the carefully
selected artists come
to the Lighthouse
ArtCenter’s Plein Air
Festival to compete
for over $20,000 in
cash and prizes. The
artists’ work will be Sneary will be doing a watercolor paint demonstration at
judged by Patrick the stunning Port Salerno Waterfront District. All of the paint giving students the opportunity to paint and receive
Saunders. Saunders paintings can be viewed and will be available for purchase individual instruction. Carl Bretzke’s “Painting Sunset and
is an award-winning at the Lighthouse ArtCenter Gallery. Real-time updates are Dusk,” takes place April 2 from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m., starting at
artist who travels Tropical Paradise by Neil Hughes available on Instagram @lighthousearts. the LAC and traveling to DuBois Park. The mini-workshop
North America, Three of the exceptional artists will be offering in-person will focus on painting sunset and dusk and will include a slide
creating fine art, teaching painting workshops, and judging workshops for all levels starting at $125. Neil Hughes is presentation, demonstration, and a group paint-out during the
painting competitions. He began plein air painting in 2013 offering a two-day workshop, “Interpreting the Landscape,” sunset with individual help. Then on April 3, Erin Dertner is
and has earned awards from numerous nationally recognized March 30 to 31. The workshop will discuss and demonstrate offering a full day of oil painting instruction, demonstrations,
events. technique and various approaches to the applications of the and painting in “Afraid of Color and Texture?”
Free artist demonstrations take place in picturesque
locations from 9 to 11 a.m. on March 28 to 31. Monday, March
28 from 9 to 11 a.m., artist Marc Anderson will be painting at
the House of Refuge Museum located at 301 S.E. MacArthur
Blvd., Stuart, FL 34996. The stunning scenery provides a
breathtaking setting to learn about creating beautiful plein air.
Tuesday, March 29, artist Natalia Andreeva will be painting
at the Juno Beach Pier and focusing on the logic behind
making decisions on picking a subject and mixing color.
Wednesday, March 30, 9 to 11 a.m., Mary Hertler Tallman
will be using pastels to show the light and shadow in the
picturesque DuBois Park. Thursday, March 31, artist Richard
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