Page 2 - Southern Exposure - March '22
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Page 2, Southern Exposure

      southern sPotlight from page 1

      was easy to see why,
      as  she  compared
      the  differences
      between  women
      and  men,  getting
      older, and how the
      world has changed
      over the past few
      years  because  of
        And  if  that
      was  not  enough,
      legendary  singer
      and   six-time
      Grammy  Award
      winner,  Dionne
      Warwick, had the                                  Maria Pope Kessel and Kerry Kessel  Nancy Pontius and Arlene Herson   David McClymont and Christine Lynn
      audience  singing  Tova Leidesdorf and Lisa Salomon
      along to her greatest
      hits, including, Do You Know the Way to San Jose, Alfie, I Say
      a Little Prayer and That’s What Friends Are For.
        The magical evening continued in sweet and spectacular
      style with individual baked Alaska for dessert, followed by
      dancing to the incredible music of The Danny Beck Band.
        Of course, as Pope noted in her brief remarks, “The
      extraordinary evening of entertainment was to support causes
      that are meaningful to all of us.” Indeed, proceeds benefitted
      disabled veterans through the “Pups4Patriots” program at
      American Humane, and South Florida youth through the Palm
      Beach County Food Bank’s, “Lois’ Food4Kids” program.
        The former takes dogs, primarily those languishing in
      shelters, provides them with specialized therapy dog training,
      and gives them free of charge to disabled veterans suffering
      from posttraumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injuries.
      The latter is a year-round initiative that provides underserved,
      disadvantaged children in Palm Beach County with nutritious
      meals when they are not in school, on weekends, and during the   Gail Worth and Frank Orenstein  Rita Rudner, Lois Pope  Santiago Garza and Erika Rizzuto
      summer. Gala cochairs Dr. Robin Ganzert, CEO and president
      of American Humane and Marti LaTour, board chair of the   we have touched for the better, the difference we have made in     In addition to Pope, Ganzert, and LaTour, grand honorary
      Palm Beach County Food Bank, thanked the attendees for   helping disabled veterans, impoverished and hungry children,   chair was Christine Lynn and honorary chairs were Gail Worth
      their generous support – more than $1.5 million was raised   in saving dogs and cats, and so much more – is because of you   and Frank Orenstein. Cochairs were Holly and David Dreman,
      from the gala.                                    and your generosity, empathy, friendship, and commitment.”   Connie Frankino, Suzi Goldsmith, Patrick and Milly Park, and
        Pope credited the gala attendees and LIFE supporters for                                           Suzie Sayfie. Inspirational chair was Tova Leidesdorf, and
      being able to fulfill this mission. “Everything that we have                                         entertainment chair was Sunny Sessa. Corporate ambassadors
      achieved with the Lady in Red Gala over 28 years – all the lives                                     were Gianna Bartilson, sales manager, Valentino; Sally
                                                                                                           Kimball, president and founder, Ambassador Realty Corp.;
                                                                                                           Christiane Ouvier, Van Cleef & Arpels; Walter J. Schwenk,
       Fundraising from page 1                                                                             AAMS, managing director and investment officer, Wells
                                                                                                           Fargo Advisors; and Gladys & Sy Ziv Foundation, Ronald S.
       event  this  year  was                                                                              Kochman, president.
       filled with celebration                                                                               Save The Date: The 29th Annual Lady in Red Gala is
       and  anticipation  for                                                                              scheduled for Sunday, March 26, 2023, at The Breakers, Palm
       the future of Hannah’s                                                                              Beach. To learn more about LIFE or to donate, please call (561)
       Home,”  said  Carol                                                                                 582-8083, email, or visit
       Beresford,  founder
       of  Hannah’s  Home.                              Robin Ganzert, Lois Pope, Marti LaTour                                             Photos by Capehart
       “We  look  forward
       to  expanding  our
       property  with  four                                                IV-Free Cataract Surgery
       new  cottages.  This
       extra  housing  will
       give us the ability to                                                  in our Private Surgery Suite
       bring hope to so many
       more young women and their children.”                                                                              We now have in-house office
         The annual gala, which featured cocktails, dinner and a                                                          space for IV-free cataract
       live auction at the Pelican Club in Jupiter, was cochaired                                                         surgery. This allows our patients
       by MaryLynn Magar, former Florida state representative,                                                            to undergo cataract surgery in
       and Pamela Rauch, Florida Power & Light’s vice president                                                           the same location they receive
       of external affairs and economic development.                                                                      their eye care. Although having
         Tania  Rogers  of  WPTV  made  a  special  guest                                                                 an in-house office space is
       appearance as hostess. The event was coordinated by                                                                becoming more common in
       former mayor of the Village of Tequesta, Abby Brennan.                                                             top eye care practices across
         As part of a $10 million capital campaign to add a two-                                                          the country, Mittleman Eye is
       story dormitory and four transition cottages, Hannah’s                                                             currently the first and only
       Home has nearly completed work on an on-site chapel.                                                               eye practice in all of Palm
       The nonprofit recently received a $100,000 donation to                                                             Beach County to offer this
       complete utility lines for the expansion, as well as the                                                           for IV-free cataract surgery.
       resources for one cottage.                                                                                         Having this facility allows us to
         Hannah’s Home offers a two-year residential program                                                              provide convenience and superb
       that provides food, lodging, clothing, and medical care.                                                           care to our cataract patients.
       Since its doors opened in 2011, 68 infants have found a
       home at Hannah’s Home. With a maximum capacity of
       eight women and their children, Hannah’s Home now is   For more info:
       serving four resident mothers and their babies, with two
       more babies on the way.                                           West Palm Beach
       About Hannah’s Home Of South Florida                     2000 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd, Suite 400,                  CALL
         Providing a safe and loving Christian environment           West Palm Beach, FL 33409                           OR
       for single, pregnant young women, Hannah’s Home                                               561.500.2020 TEXT
       is a maternity facility with a mission of offering hope            Jupiter/Gardens
       and transforming lives through counseling, life skills   601 University Blvd, Suite 101, Jupiter, FL 33458  Schedule Appts Online  Redefining Excellence.
       development, and educational opportunities. More                                          
       information available:              Email:                            
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