Page 30 - Southern Exposure - March '22
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Page 30, Southern Exposure

                                                           Tampa GeNeral NewS

                Tampa General Hospital Gastro Group Of The Palm

      Beaches Celebrates One Year Of Cutting-Edge Collaboration

                  Tampa General Hospital’s Partnership With Gastro Group Of The Palm Beaches

                      Has Brought World-Class Gastroenterological Care To Florida’s East Coast

        Named  one  of  the  Nation’s Top  50                                                              including those affecting the esophagus, stomach,
      Hospitals  for  gastroenterology  and                                                                liver, and pancreas, as well as intestinal and colorectal
      gastrointestinal (GI) surgery for 2021/22                                                            conditions.  Tampa  General  surgeons  perform  a  wide
      by  U.S.  News  &  World  Report, Tampa                                                              array of laparoscopic and robotic GI surgeries, as well as
      General Hospital (TGH) partnered with                                                                complex open GI surgeries.
      Gastro  Group  of  the  Palm  Beaches  to                                                              Through  the  Gastro  Group  of  the  Palm  Beaches’
      provide patients in Palm Beach County                                                                collaboration with Tampa General Hospital, patients with
      and the Treasure Coast with best-in-class                                                            complex, specialized cases have enjoyed  a convenient
      health care. Residents on Florida’s East                                                             and seamless process to have their surgery performed in
      Coast are benefiting from the exceptional                                                            Tampa, with follow-up care offered back on the East Coast,
      treatment and services of a major academic                                                           close to home. Tampa General gastroenterology surgeons
      and research medical center right in their                                                           and specialists work closely with Gastro Group physicians
      own backyard.                                                                                        to provide the most comprehensive treatment options in a
        “After  nearly  40  years  of  providing                                                           smooth, coordinated manner.
      next-level service to our patients, we were                                                            “We look forward to providing the world-class care that
      thrilled to take an important step in joining                                                        TGH is known for to residents in Palm Beach County and
      forces with Tampa General Hospital and                                                               the Treasure Coast,” said John Couris, president and CEO
      advancing treatment for patients,” said Dr. Steven Krumholz   H. Garelick, M.D., Robert S. Raymond, M.D., Glenn H.   of Tampa General Hospital. “Taking the important step
      of Gastro Group of the Palm Beaches.              Englander, M.D., and M. Christina Hatara, M.D., have a   of adding gastroenterology to our list of comprehensive
        TGH Gastro Group of the Palm Beaches has offices in   broad spectrum of experience in the field.   treatment options on the East Coast is just the start.”
      West Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens. Their locations     TGH entered into the alliance as the Highest-Ranked     “Together, we look forward to continuing to provide
      are staffed by the area’s top gastrointestinal specialists,   Hospital in Florida for gastroenterology and GI surgery.   our patients with the highest quality care in the region,”
      with training from the most respected institutions. These   The hospital’s clinicians use the most advanced technology   added Krumholz.
      physicians,  including  Steven  Krumholz,  M.D.,  Jeffrey   available to diagnose and treat a variety of GI conditions,

                                                               FiNaNcial FocuS

                                 Use Your Financial Strategy Like GPS

                                                                        By Sally Sima Stahl

        When  you’re  driving                           could keep you out of work for a while, or the need for     Your GPS and your financial strategy are two great tools
      these  days,  it’s  pretty                        some type of long-term care, such as a nursing home stay or   for helping get you where you want to go.
      hard  to  get  lost  because                      the services of a home health aide. Your financial strategy     This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
      your  smartphone’s  Global                        can not only identify these threats, but with the guidance   your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
      Positioning  System  (GPS)                        of a financial professional, suggest potential solutions.   Member SIPC.
      can get you just about                              In addition to providing warnings about things such     Edward  Jones  is  a  licensed  insurance  producer  in
      anywhere. And as an investor,                     as  heavy  traffic  and  road  construction,  your  GPS  can   all  states  and  Washington,  D.C.,  through  Edward  D.
      you can have a similar                            change your route if you miss a turn or if you decide,   Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and
      experience by employing                           for whatever reason, to go a slightly different way. Your   Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      another directional tool –                        financial strategy can also show you alternatives, if it’s   of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of
      a personalized financial                          comprehensive and overseen by a financial professional,   New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      strategy.                                         who, using specialized software, can create hypotheticals –   of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
        Let’s look at the parallels between your GPS and this   illustrations that provide alternative outcomes for different     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
      type of strategy.                                 steps, such as retiring at various ages, investing different   cannot  provide  tax  advice.  You  should  consult  your
        To begin with, your GPS pinpoints your exact location   amounts each year or earning different rates of return.   qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
      at the start of your trip – in other words, it tells you where   These hypotheticals can be quite helpful to you as you     Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
      you are. And when you create a financial strategy, your   chart your course toward your goals, especially if you   1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
      first step is to evaluate your current situation by answering   need to change your plans along the way.
      these types of questions:
        What are your assets? How much do you earn? How
      IRA, 401(k) or other retirement accounts? Once you’ve got  Experience Dentistry with a Woman’s Touch
      much do you owe? How much are you contributing to your
      a clear picture of your finances, you’ll be ready to begin
      your journey toward your long-term goals.
        Once your GPS has identified your starting point, it            Cosmetic & Comprehensive Restorative Dentistry
      will then show you where you want to go and the routes
      to help you get there. And it’s the same with your financial            State of the Art & Same Day Restorations
      strategy – you want it to help lead you to a particular place
      in your life. In fact, a well-designed strategy can show you           Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation Available
      the steps you need to take to help reach more than one
      destination – to a place where you can send your children
      to college, a place where you can retire comfortably, a         Joanne Green, D.D.S.
      place where you can leave the type of legacy you want,
      and so on.                                                            10887 N. Military Trail, Suite 6
        Here’s another element of your GPS that applies to your            Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
      financial strategy – the warnings. You’re certainly familiar
      with those thick red lines your GPS shows to indicate        (561) 622-2815 •
      traffic  slowdowns  ahead. And  while  they’re  annoying,
      they’re also useful in cautioning you that you may arrive       Medical College of Virginia School of Dentistry - Cum Laude
      at your destination later than you had originally planned.   Hospital of the University of Penn - General Practice Residency Training
      Your financial strategy can also express “warnings” about              Harvard Dental School - Former Instructor
      events that could hinder you from reaching your goals.          Boston Brigham and Women’s Dental Group - Staff Dentist
      These obstacles might include an illness or disability that
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