Page 27 - Southern Exposure - March '22
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Southern Exposure, Page 27
Travel from page 26 colors of plants – signify specific consequences in terms
of weather. We could only wish that our meteorologists
Aborigine knew the area around the mine as the “sick were that accurate.
place.” It is suspected that, over the millennia, low levels Throughout the ages they have used fire and controlled
of radiation may have affected parts of the population, burning. It is a part of their way of life. Quoting Big Bill
creating this omen over the land. Neidjie, Bunitj Clan elder:
Arnhem Land exists today without hard surface
roads, power distribution, water and other elements of The earth, I never damage.
a civilization as we know them; however, this is not a I look after. Fire is nothing, just clean up.
deterrent to the people. They continue to live as their When you burn, new grass coming up.
ancestors did – off the land and protected from nature in That means good animal soon.
the caves of the area of simple corrugated metal huts that Might be goanna, possum, wallaby.
they have built. Because they have always been hunters Burn him off, new grass coming up, new life all over.
and gatherers, they do not build large communities, but
rather, live in small clans and tribes … working as a unit Throughout Australia most Aborigines speak English,
for survival. They have learned to manage their resources however those in Arnhem Land still speak the language
wisely, taking only what they need for subsistence. To of their clan, each different than the others. Bininj/
do this to the utmost advantage, they have learned to Mungguy is the dominant clan in the area and establishes
accurately forecast the weather and the seasons. This the standards for social behavior and customs. They are
knowledge has been handed down to them in Dreamtime. extremely respectful of the dead and their burial places.
They know that the appearance of certain butterflies, Speaking the name of a dead person or looking at that
grasshoppers, worms and other insects – and certain person’s image is considered inappropriate. They also
The Gagudju Crocodile Hotel
ScholarShip NewS from page 25 Arts; Megan Enriquez of Grandview Preparatory
School; Malayna Estornell of Lake Worth Christian appreciate their privacy and are reluctant to pose for
Students from Palm Beach, Broward, Martin, Academy; Zachary Fleisch and Carolina Seixas, both photos. And, although shy, they are friendly and say:
Hendry, and Okeechobee counties were eligible to from American Heritage Academy’s Delray Beach
apply. Each finalist was interviewed by the fair’s campus; Gabriel Gerig of Inlet Grove Community High Ngad Bininj ngarri-djare ngudda wurrim-ire wurrih-nan
scholarship committee, who selected the winners. School; Sydnee Gilliam and Evelyn Howe from Clark ngad gun-bolk dja ngad culture.
Becky Isiminger chaired the volunteer committee, Advanced Learning Center; Jaylin Ifill and Caroline
and Donna Winterson served as vice chair. Other McCray of Clewiston High School; Moshammet Translation: “We Aboriginal people want you to come
volunteer committee volunteers were Tim Childers, Jarin of Glades Central High School; Nicole Perez of see our country and share our culture.”
Mabel Datena, Tiffany Faublas, Lee Glaze, Sarah B. Atlantic Community High School; Ryan Rudnet of Park
Hoadley, Glenn Jergensen, Robi Jurney, Dan Lewis, Vista High School, and William Rimes of Seminole Don Kiselewski writes from his personal experiences,
Annis Manning, Stephanie Mitrione, John Severson, Ridge High School. having traveled in 122 countries and cruised the oceans,
Christine Shaw, Bill Sneed, Aquannette Thomas, Eva About The South Florida Fair seas and rivers of the world. Palm Beach Gardens Travel
Webb, Jalynsey Brown, Ashley Cacicedo, Alyssa The South Florida Fair is produced by the South Leaders, his family owned and operated agency, is located
Freeman, Joseph Garcia, Lauren Johnson, Ava Parker Florida Fair and Palm Beach County Expositions, at Mirasol Town Square, 11360 North Jog Road, Building
and Katie Sptizig. Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Located at A, Suite 102-6, Palm Beach Gardens. The agency has been
The 2022 scholarship recipients were: Blaine 9067 Southern Boulevard in West Palm Beach, the serving the travel needs of the South Florida area for over
Baxter of Jupiter High School; Leena Bolanos, Landry 2022 South Florida Fair kicked off with a Ride-A-Thon a quarter of a century. Contact him at (561) 694-9696 or
Pitts and Camber Pope, all from Glades Day School; on Jan. 13 and the full fair dates were Jan. 14 to 30.
Muhammad Chaudhry of Palm Beach Gardens High For more information, call (561) 793-0333 or visit the
School; Kate Deviney of Dreyfoos School of the website, Photos by Don Kiselewski
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