Page 20 - Southern Exposure - March '22
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Page 20, Southern Exposure
Club neWs
Christian Women’s Connection Luncheon,
Fashion Show And Speaker
Friday, March 11 at 11:30 a.m. “The Mixed Bag” The Christian Women’s Connection of the Northern The Turtle Creek Country Club is located at 2 S.E.
boutique will host a fashion show at the Turtle Creek Palm Beaches is an affiliate of Stonecroft Ministries, Club Circle, Tequesta, FL 33469.
Country Club in Tequesta, Fla. The speaker is Dede an interdenominational and international group that The cost is $36 inclusive for the luncheon and
Tripp, one of the most inspirational Stonecroft Ministries encourages and ministers to women of all ages and all program. To reserve a place call (561) 744-8703 or email
speakers. religions.
Panhellenic Alumnae Return To
Virtual Meetings And Fundraiser
By Carol Davis, Public Relations Chairman, At their virtual meeting, it was decided to have their annual woman from Palm Beach County (PBC) in at least her third
Panhellenic Alumnae Chapter of PBC scholarship luncheon also online with a twist. Members and year at a college or university with a GPA of 3.0 or more who
In January, the Panhellenic Alumnae Chapter of Palm Beach their friends will be sending in checks to cover what would can use some financial help.
County was forced to go back to Zoom meetings after having have been their expenses for the luncheon. For each $50 sent For more information about the Panhellenic Alumnae
two successful in-person luncheons in November and December. to the treasurer, they will qualify for a raffle ticket for a chance Chapter of Palm Beach County, a group of women who are
Members did not feel comfortable meeting indoors in closer to win a basket filled with all types of goodies and worth more members of one of the 26 National Panhellenic Conference
quarters of a house or restaurant for January and February as than the cost of the raffle ticket. Even if participants don’t win sororities, please look for their website or on Facebook and
originally planned, so on Jan. 15 and Feb. 12, many gathered a basket, they’ve given to a scholarship that helps a young Instagram.
in front of their laptops, tablets, or smartphones to Zoom.
Lighthouse Sunset Tour
Mar. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Lighthouse Moonrise Tour
Where History Mar. 18
Meets Adventure! Lighthouse Sunrise Tour
Mar. 13, 19
Twilight Yoga at the Light
Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28
Members of Panhellenic Alumnae Chapter of PBC on their Lighthouse Story Time
January Zoom meeting & Crafts for Kids
Mar. 26
Historical Seeds Wild & Scenic
Film Festival
Of The Garden Saturday, April 9
Tickets available
starting March 7
This activity is conducted under 561-747-8380 permit from the Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) and occurs
all or in part on public lands
500 Captain Armour’s Way, Jupiter administered by the BLM within
the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse
Outstanding Natural Area.
Home Care
You Can Trust!
Committed to Compassion
Striving for Excellence
Serving Responsibly
Affordable Care
24 hours a day
7 days a week
In 1959, the main entrance to Palm Beach Gardens (PBG) was
north of Northlake and Garden (now MacArthur) Boulevards. OUR SERVICES
In 1961, MacArthur transplanted a banyan tree to that site, and • Personal Care (Bathing, Grooming, Toileting,
the tree became the city’s symbol. MacArthur had heard about Hygiene, Feeding, Dressing, and Ambulation)
a resident in Lake Park who was being forced to cut down an • Non-Medical Care
old banyan tree, 60 feet high and weighing about 75 tons, and • Companionship
he offered to transfer it to Palm Beach Gardens. Unforseen
problems arose during the transplant, including the cutting of • Meal Preparation
the Western Union lines connecting South Florida with the rest • Medication Reminders Call Today!
of the world. When questioned about moving older trees instead • Transportation Services
of planting new ones, MacArthur said, “I can buy anything • Grocery Shopping and Errands (561) 888-9443
but age. This tree will be the centerpiece of the city’s entrance, • Light Housekeeping and Laundry
and while we could plant a little one, I wouldn’t be around 80
years from now to see it as it should be.” • Assist with Exercises
• Assistance Upon Discharge from Hospital or Rehab Follow us on
For more seeds, see Images of America, Palm Beach • Safe transfers and Injury prevention
Gardens by Arcadia Publishing. The PBG Historical • Anyone with Disabilities
Society’s mission is to collect, preserve and share the rich • Dementia/Alzheimer’s Care
history of the Gardens.