Page 15 - Southern Exposure - March '22
P. 15
Southern Exposure, Page 15
in Your CoMMunitY from page 14 Men’s Housing building. The society then spearheaded efforts to
obtain permanent protection of the lighthouse and surrounding
the community. Commissioner Marino then presented the 120 acres of sensitive habitat as an Outstanding Natural Area
proclamation to Jamie Stuve, president and CEO, who has (ONA) in the National Conservation Lands. Unfamiliar in the
been at the helm of the historical society since 2002. eastern United States, these special conservation lands are a
The society’s historian and collection manager Josh vital part of the U.S. Department of Interior and managed by
Liller gave a brief overview of the accomplishments and key the Bureau of Land Management. The congressional bill was
moments of the historical society’s 50-year journey. “We’ve signed by President George W. Bush on May 8, 2008, and gave
had many wonderful people volunteer for over 20 years. Many the Jupiter Light the national recognition it deserves, as one of
staff members also have been with the organization for more only three Outstanding Natural Areas in the nation. The society
than 10 years and that means something … stability!” related was named as a managing partner, an unusual honor for a
Liller. Some notable docents mentioned for their contributions nonprofit in public lands legislation.
to the society were John Walker, Red and Marylou Shirar, Since 1994, the society has worked diligently with federal
Evelyne Bates, and acknowledged posthumously were “Saint” and local partners at the ONA on behalf of the public,
Joan Hudiburg, historian Chuck Milhauser, “Lighthouse” Bob Palm Beach County Commissioner Maria Marino, District 1; transforming the lighthouse property into a national heritage
Boyd, and Jim and Molly Sparger. Jamie Stuve, president and CEO, and Dr. Robin Sykes, both site that generates a $12 million annual economic impact
“The LRHS have been community advocates and fierce with the Loxahatchee River Historical Society in our community. The Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse & Museum
watchdogs of history and historic preservation,” Liller has restored additional historic buildings and native plant
added. “The LRHS has always made it clear through their Stuve capped the ceremony by touching on an expanded new communities that showcase indoor and exterior exhibits
communications and efforts that this area’s history was vision to create much-needed new facilities to better serve the connected by interpreted pathways. Local residents and
extremely important and worth preserving.” He observed needs of the community and our history. visitors from around the world can enjoy authentic experiences,
that there were always “the right people at the right time” to Dr. Robin Sykes, LRHS Board chair added, “We hope we educational events and programs, docent-led tours, and self-
further the society’s mission work. Liller pointed out that the can count on all of you to be our ambassadors as we make a guiding tours in English, French, and Spanish, as well as the
LRHS has stood through storms both figurative and literal, leap towards truly sustaining our heritage for future generations best “selfie” spot in Palm Beach County.
persevering and overcoming obstacles with the dedication of our community and for all Americans.” The Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse has become a symbol of home
of volunteers and staff. The ceremony was followed by a buffet of mini-Bundt cakes and the heart of history in our community. The Loxahatchee
Jamie Stuve once again took to the microphone to from Nothing Bundt Cakes and Oceana coffee served in LRHS River Historical Society is committed to the ongoing
recognize a few key supporters and partners present at the 50th Anniversary café mugs, a take-home token of appreciation preservation of our lighthouse and collecting and sharing our
ceremony. Notably, Peter De Witt, Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse to the attendees for their commitment in furthering the historical area’s unique history with students, residents, and visitors,
Outstanding Natural Area, Bureau of Land Management; Ron society’s mission and its support. More programs and events providing a meaningful anchor for our community and a gift
Delaney, councilor with the Town of Jupiter; Joe Chaison, will take place throughout the year to celebrate the 50-year we give to the next generation.
executive director of the Jupiter Inlet District; and author milestone. About The Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse & Museum
and former board chair James D. Snyder for his remarkable For more information visit Open Tuesday to Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; gift shop
history book Five Thousand Years on the Loxahatchee. About The Loxahatchee River Historical Society open until 5 p.m. Visit our website for more information:
Also recognized was Robert Carr, executive director of the In June of 1973, the newly formed Loxahatchee River Operated by the Loxahatchee
Archaeological and Historical Conservancy, for his important Historical Society opened the first Lighthouse Museum in River Historical Society, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
site work at the lighthouse, uncovering the location of the the 1860 Oil House adjacent to the lighthouse. For nearly and managing partner in the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse
original lighthouse keepers’ house and cistern among other 20 years the society conducted infrequent public tours by Outstanding Natural Area, National Conservation Lands.
discoveries. permission of the Coast Guard. In 1994, the society signed a Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse & Museum, 500 Captain Armour’s
From the original Oil House Museum in 1973 to the long-term lease with the Coast Guard to restore the lighthouse Way, Jupiter, FL 33469.
spearheading of the 2008 Congressional legislation to create and to conduct tours on a regular basis. The lighthouse and This activity is conducted under permit from the Bureau
the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area, to oil house were restored in 2000 and the society continues of Land Management (BLM) and occurs all or in part on
safeguarding the nationally significant historic site, the as the civilian “keepers” of the light and our local history public lands administered by the BLM within the Jupiter
LRHS has helped to transform the former military site into through the present day. Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area.
a keystone heritage destination for Palm Beach County and On Pearl Harbor Day, 2006, the society opened the Jupiter
the nation. Inlet Lighthouse & Museum in the restored WWII Navy Married Photos by Jen Scott/Flashy Mama Photography