Page 5 - The Jewish Voice - December '21
P. 5

The Jewish Voice, Page 5

      Local Happenings from page 4                      was so hard that she was ready to give up. In his encouraging   Beth Am Holds Pink, Teal, and
                                                        response, the Rebbe assured her that just like planting, all of our
         During a candlelit soiree,                     efforts will eventually bear fruit. If it doesn’t come quickly, it’s a   You Shabbat
      she  spoke  passionately                          sign that it’s not an annual plant that’s growing but a permanent
      about  the  role  of  women                       tree that takes longer to bear fruit but lasts a lifetime.      Temple  Beth Am  congregants  and  members  of  the
      in Judaism and the painful                           The lesson to us all, she said, is clear: Never give up. Keep   community recently gathered for a Pink, Teal, and You
      misconceptions people have                        on doing what you’ve set your sights on — and Hashem will   Shabbat to raise awareness for breast and ovarian cancer.
      that  women  serve  a  less                       bless the fruit of your labor!                     Attendees dressed in pink and teal to show their support and
      important role than men. She                                                                         the service featured guest speaker Deborah Litwak from
      brought out her point with                                                                           Sharsheret, a national non-profit organization dedicated to
      an example of the Chabad                                                                             improving the lives of Jewish women and families living
      Worldwide Movement with                                                                              with or at increased risk for breast or ovarian cancer. The
      over 6,000 centers, in which                                                                         oneg had a social action component, as those in attendance
      women fill 50 percent of all                                                                         helped assemble 50 cancer care kits that were donated to
      CEO positions. This is in  Rebbetzin Bassie Garelik                                                  Florida Cancer Center. Each kit included a hand-knit hat
      stark  contrast  to  the  U.S.                                                                       made by temple congregants and friends.
      government, Hollywood, and every other industry where                                                                           Photos by Jackie Alberts
      women in leadership is a dramatically lower percentage.
      Empowered by G-d to fulfill their unique mission on this
      Earth, she explained that each man, woman, and child is
      called upon to share their unique gifts with the world, in
      making the world a home for G-d.
         She shared moving stories of her deep and personal
      relationship with the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel
      Schneersohn, and his compassion and concern for her,
      notwithstanding how far away she was from New York. In one
      case, she felt that their work in bringing Yiddishkeit to Italy

                                                                                                           Local Happenings on page 6

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