Page 10 - The Jewish Voice - December '21
P. 10

Page 10, The Jewish Voice


      Jacob Cohen                                       Deanna Schwarzberg                                                    Births

         Jacob  Cohen  will  be                            Temple  Beth  David  is
      called to the Torah on January                    pleased  to  announce  the                          Randall Dov
      8, 2022. Jacob is a seventh                       bat  mitzvah  of  Deanna
      grader at Meyer Prep. Jacob                       Schwarzberg on December                                  Cohen
      enjoys playing tennis, golf,                      4, 2021. Deanna is a seventh
      football, and video games.                        grade student at The Weiss                            Born: September 8,
      He  is  also  a  member  of                       School. Deanna plays travel                                 2021
      the National Junior Honor                         soccer  for  the  Boynton                                 8lbs. 9oz.
      Society.  For  his  mitzvah                       Knights,  plays  the  flute,
      project, Jacob is holding a                       and  enjoys  being  part  of
      toy drive for the children at                     the  varsity  Debate  Team
      UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital.             at Weiss. For her mitzvah project, Deanna is sewing soft,
                                                        colorful pillowcases to donate to the children being admitted
      Zachary Goldvasser                                to St. Mary’s Hospital. At home, Deanna enjoys playing
                                                        games, dancing, and watching movies with her siblings.                       Logan Wyatt
         Zachary Ian Goldvasser
      was  called  to  the  Torah                       Zoey Zimmerman                                                                     Moss
      to  become  a  bar  mitzvah
      on  December  11,  2021,  at                         Zoey  Zimmerman  was                                                        Born: September 23,
      Temple Beth Am. Zachary                           called  to  the  Torah  on                                                           2021
      is  a  seventh  grade  student                    Saturday,  December  11,
      at  Meyer  Prep.  Zachary’s                       2021. Zoey is an eighth grade
      favorite pastime is spending                      honor  roll  student  at  Bak                           Gabriel
      time with his friends, whether                    Middle  School.  She  loves
      playing sports together, video                    to dance, sing, and play the                         Lieb Feuer
      games, or just hanging out.                       guitar.  Zoey  is  also  in  the
      He is also an avid tennis player and, in addition, plays both   dance company for Jupiter             Born: October 18, 2021
      flag football and soccer for Meyer Prep. Zach is also the vice   Performing Arts. In her spare
      president of Meyer Prep’s Student Government. In addition   time, Zoey’s hobbies include
      to his daily activities, Zachary loves spending time with   graphic design and photography.
      his family and cavapoo, Stanley. This is also Zach’s sixth
      consecutive summer at Blue Star Camps in North Carolina
      (his favorite summer home).
                                                                                                               Send us your simchas! The Jewish Voice
      Gilad Jacob                                                                                            welcomes announcements of life-cycle events in

         Gilad  Jacob  became  a                                                                             the local Jewish community. The copy deadline
      bar  mitzvah  on  December                                                                             is the 15th of the month. Send text and images
      5,  2021,  at  Temple  Beth                                                                            to
      Am.  Gili  has  empathy,  a
      sparkle, and a kind heart that
      draws people to love him.
      His passion for everything he
      does has helped make him the
      wonderful human he is today.
      There is one sentence that
      defines him: “Never give up.” Gili is an excellent student,
      thoughtful, creative, friendly, and enjoys being a member
      of the Thespian Club, musical theater, and chorus. He loves
      making memories with his family. More than one million
      Jewish children died in the Holocaust. Gilad honors one
      of these children by sharing this day with him through his
      project, “I’ll remember you.”

      Benji Rosenberg

         Benjamin Max Rosenberg
      became  a  bar  mitzvah  on
      December 4, 2021. Benji’s
      journey at Temple Beth Am
      began  11  years  ago  at  the
      preschool in the Ducklings
      class.  Benji  is  a  seventh
      grade honor student in the
      Engineering  program  at
      Jupiter Middle School. Benji
      is known for his kindness,
      contagious smile, and positive
      approach to life. His many passions include Camp Blue Star,
      competitive soccer, skiing, gaming, sporting events, and
      adventures in travel. Benji is passionate about fighting hunger
      and has chosen the Kind Kitchen as his local mitzvah project to
      deliver meals to members of our community for the holidays.
      Benji has sadly experienced antisemitism at school and on
      social media. He is committed to empowering and educating
      himself and others to stand up to hate.

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