Page 4 - The Jewish Voice - December '21
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Page 4, The Jewish Voice
Local Happenings from page 3 for more explicit ones. Once those photos are out there, the Youth (and adults) need to learn not to post name, address,
NCJW Palm Beach Launches victim has no control over where they are shared, who they phone number, email address, school attended, information
are sent to, or how they are used.
about family and pets on their social media. Material on the
Campaign to Raise Awareness internet never goes away, and can be retrieved from the cloud
when applying for college, employment, or seeking a new
of Internet Danger relationship. Traffickers can use that information to recruit
and threaten otherwise innocent users.
Youth, parents, and community leaders now have an NCJW has reached out to local religious and community
opportunity to learn about the dangers children face when organizations, and several have responded with requests for
using social media. “Tweens and Teens – Tricked, Trapped presentations to their congregations and members.
and Trafficked” is a PowerPoint presentation produced by For more information or to schedule a free PowerPoint
the Palm Beach Section of the National Council of Jewish presentation, in person or via Zoom, contact Judy Traub,
Women (NCJW) for religious and community groups at Anti-Trafficking Committee, NCJW Palm Beach Section,
no charge. at 561.790.7440.
Since the onset of the COVID pandemic, children are
spending more time online for schoolwork, communication, Candlelit Soiree with the
and entertainment. The many online apps have few age
restrictions and verifications, making children an unwitting Rebbetzin of Italy
prey. Traffickers meet kids online through apps — via
gaming, folks posing as “friends,” and fake advertisements Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens recently enjoyed a special
for modeling, movies, or video. guest speaker from Milan, Italy. Rebbetzin Bassie Garelik
The number of reports has grown significantly each year, has served as the leader of Chabad in Italy for over 60 years,
with the state of Florida ranking third in human trafficking together with her husband, Rabbi Gershon Mendel Garelik.
reports, reporting 896 cases in 2019. Though her husband passed away this year, she continues
Production, possession, or transmission of sexually to lead the dozens of institutions, centers, restaurants, and
explicit images by anyone over 16 years of age, including schools in Italy. Rebbetzin Garelik is also the maternal
their own photos, is a felony. And the minimum federal grandmother of the Vigler and Krinsky families, spiritual
sentence for each image of child pornography is 15 years. leaders of the Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens.
Even careless behavior with a known friend can end in
trouble if the friend asks for photos or videos, and then asks Local Happenings on page 5
since 1895
Fabrikant, New York Fabrikant, Florida Fabrikant, Connecticut
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