Page 17 - Boca Club News - July '21
P. 17

Boca Club News, Page 17
      Film Review: “The Father”

      By Nils A. Shapiro                                celebrity audience                                 without equivocation that The Father is one of, if not the,
         You may recall that, at the most recent Academy Awards   gathered live at the                     most magnificent performances in this legendary actor’s long
      ceremony several months ago, the show’s producers broke   event.                                     and distinguished career.
      long-standing tradition by switching the sequence of the      Having viewed                             To be sure, Hopkins was blessed with a role that offered
      last two categories. Instead of saving the announcement of   The Father moments                      a potential for a tour de force: There is barely a frame
      the year’s Best Picture for the final Oscar, they moved it to   ago streaming on                     throughout the entire film in which he does not appear
      next to last, and instead saved the Best Actor award for the   Amazon Prime—                         and dominate, revealing a range of emotions that spans
      very end.                                         and still struggling                               every human physicality: rage, frustration, coyness, fear,
         The reason: Everyone was certain that the Oscar would   to overcome its                           helplessness, suspicion, hate, defensiveness--and above all,
      go to the late Chadwick Boseman for his role in Ma Rainey’s   emotional impact—I                     confusion.
      Black Bottom, and the Academy felt that this honor to the   can only assume that                        Indeed, this is so much Hopkins’s film that the leading
      recently deceased actor would be an emotionally fitting way   anyone surprised                       female role—magnificently portrayed by a former Oscar
      to end the evening.                               by the naming of                                   winner herself, Olivia Colman—was relegated to the category
         Instead, the name read from the envelope was Anthony   Anthony Hopkins                            of Best Actress in a Supporting Role, there being no Best
      Hopkins, for his performance in The Father. Sir Anthony was   to receive that Best                   Actress entry to the Academy for this film.
      not present at the theater, but acknowledged his acceptance   Actor award clearly                       This is the story of an 80-year-old man named Anthony,
      in a brief, graceful speech via remote video, and the millions   had not seen this                   in the grip of dementia—and we in the audience, through
      watching the call on TV could sense the air empty from the   film! I can state                       the brilliant directorial debut of Florian Zeller, are forced
                                                                                                           to experience much of what happens in the film through that
                                                                                                           man’s eyes and failing mind!
                                                                                                               At the opening of the film, we see Anthony’s daughter
                                                                                                           Anne (Olivia Colman), who—as his main caregiver has
                                                                                                           suffered his unappreciative, withering, constant criticism—
                                                                                                           explaining to him that she will no longer be able to help care
                                                                                                           for him in his apartment in England because she has fallen
         NoN-Toxic cancer immunotherapy                                                                    in love with a man and will be moving to Paris...and, since
                                                                                                           he has also treated his other, hired caregiver so badly, she
                                                                                                           will be finding him a new one. His response to her shows us
         Available NoW                                                                                     immediately a cruel side of him, as he accuses his daughter of
                                                                                                           abandoning him and compares her unfavorably to his other,
                                                                                                           “favorite” daughter—whom we later learn he has forgotten
         Safe and Effective!                                                                               is dead.
                                                                                                             But even this opening scene may only have been in the

                                                                                                           imagination of his dementia. Soon after, he encounters
         This is the Original Immunotherapy that                                                           a strange man in his apartment who claims to be Anne’s
                                                                                                           husband, Paul, and says that the apartment is, in fact, his and
         balances and optimizes your immune system to                                                      Anne’s, that Anthony has been staying there with them since
         fight almost any type of cancer.                                                                  he became ill...and that Anne has no intention of moving to
                                                                                                              And so it goes, different actors playing several of the
         Hundreds of successes over the years.                                                             same characters in Anthony’s life as he moves in and out of
                                                                                                           reality—and as we in the audience become irresistibly, on an
         Continuously available since 1977                                                                 emotional roller coaster, caught up in Anthony’s mind, until
                                                                                                           the very last, extraordinarily touching moments of the film.
         in Freeport, Grand Bahama Island                                                                     To describe any more of this story would serve as a
                                                                                                           “spoiler,” and deprive you of a rare theatrical treasure. Set
                                                                                                           your mind to viewing this one soon. You will quickly learn to
                                      See our website for more info:                                       be grateful if spared being touched by this in life, and gently
                                                                     understanding toward those not so fortunate.

                                                                                                             The Father was co-written by director Florian Zeller and
                                                                                                           Christopher Hampton, based on Florian Zeller’s stage play.
              or call for more information: Toll-free number (561) 766-0878                                It was nominated for 83 awards by 28 international film
                                                                                                           festivals, in the categories of Best Actor (Anthony Hopkins),
                                  Email:                                             Best Supporting Actress (Olivia Colman), Best Adapted
                                                                                                           Screenplay (Florian Zeller and Christopher Hampton), Best
                                                                                                           Editing (Yorgas Lamprinos), Golden Eyes Award (Olivia
                                                                                                           Colman), Best European Film, Audience Choice Award, and
                                                                                                           Best New Filmmaker (Florian Zeller). The Father won 21 of
                                       Save Up To                                       WE ARE             these.               *****


                                                                                                             The Boca Raton Public Library has six DVD copies of
                            80% OFF                                                        24/7            “The Father” available for rental by cardholders.


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