Page 18 - Boca Club News - July '21
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Page 18, Boca Club News
Nature & Pets
The Environmental Enthusiast: Why Does My Dog…?
By Tina K. VaLant. Remember Dr. Eat grass? Sebastian, our rescued Yorkie and curmudgeon
Doolittle, the man who was able to finished his lunch. He was restless and wanted to go outside
converse with all the animals? Boca to eat grass. Shortly after, he returned his lunch. Grass fiber,
Raton’s Tina VaLant, who was named along with green taste and acidity, induces vomiting. As long
Palm Beach County “Animal Friend as the grass has not been treated with pesticide/fertilizer, I
of the Year,” doesn’t claim that ability, allow them to eat it. They know their tummies are upset, and
but she does relate remarkably well grass is a natural antacid. Dogs that eat grass regularly and
to flora and fauna. An avid rescuer do not throw up can be a sign they need more fiber in their
(known for her beloved Australian diet. Lightly steam, chop, and cool broccoli—or a spoonful
shepherds), she serves as a foster home to surrendered pets, of canned pumpkin—and offer as a treat or in their bowl.
volunteers with numerous organizations and assists wildlife. Caution: Know When to Stay Off the Grass! Raising
She raises/releases ten species of native butterflies, for butterflies, I do not use pesticides in or around my home, so
over 20 years. Recently she garnered worldwide attention if one of the dogs has an upset tummy, they can eat grass to
with an unexpected animal adventure: reCRABilitation of settle their stomach. But if you visit a park or dog park, do
HERbert, a limbless blue land crab. For over four decades, you know if/when they spray? These chemicals are especially
Tina’s award-winning company, Extraordinary Photography, dangerous to dogs and cats: ammonium sulfamate, arsenic
captures portraits, pets, weddings, and events. She will trioxide, borax, disulfoton, metaldehyde, sodium arsenite/
answer questions at or (561) 945-6363. chrolite and RoundUp. Chemicals are especially toxic when
Loathe storms/fireworks? Summertime, “H” season and first applied (wet). Should your pet come in contact, wipe
Fourth of July. Katie (rescued Aussie) is not happy. Dogs’ them off with a dry towel and call your vet immediately.
sight, sound and smelling senses are far more amplified than Remy, our rescued Pomeranian, loves to nest in laundry fresh Tilt its head? There is a very practical reason. Tilting
we can imagine. They pick up higher and lower frequencies, out of the dryer. He must think he’s ironing! upward elevates one ear to hone in on a sound, and they even
with the volume way up; factor in changes in atmospheric see things at a distance, better. Puppies do this more often
pressure and winds blending scents. To dogs, thunder in the fresh (filtered is best) water from a new ceramic bowl, and than older dogs, because they are still figuring out how to
distance can seem like a jumbo jet flying overhead. Dogs toss in an ice cube for garnish. use their senses. We affirm this behavior with positive words
sense impending threats and do not know how to protect Eat the cat’s food? Manufacturers make cat food in pleasing tones, because it’s expressive and so darn cute,
their people. Make sure they have a collar with ID on, and aroma-based, to entice picky felines. Feline food is higher in especially in pictures.
if they want to hide in a closet or under the bed, let them. protein and has more flavor. There’s an added psychological Make a nest/twirl before lying down? This trait is
We put lavender essential oil in the diffuser, and a dab on a advantage: Dogs view cats as competition; eating their food especially prevalent in terriers. Long before present-day
tight shirt on Katie. That helps to calm her during storms and asserts dominance. pampered pooches had cushy beds, wolves/wild dogs would
fireworks. “Help” clean the litter box? Dogs love anything smelly, scratch the ground to define their territory, assure there are
Drink from the toilet? A great glass of wine sure tastes whether it’s a week-old dead lizard or poop left behind by no insects/snakes and improve comfort while they rest.
better from a beautiful glass. Elevated ceramic goblets offer another animal. Ingesting higher-protein content food, a They re-arrange the ground, piling up leaves, pine needles,
freshly flushed, cool water to dogs that can reach the open kitty’s deposit is a delectable delicacy to a dog. Keep them and turning earth. If it’s cold out, they may use their nose to
bowl; bad idea! Not only is it bad feng shui to leave your out of the litter box. They want to kiss us after they commit push leaves close to help keep them warm. Dogs continue
toilet seat up; your dog can gather germy “splatter” from this crime and can get really sick from eating those “tootsie this ancient ritual, because it’s like hearing a pleasant lullaby
leaning into the bowl. Raise your dog’s own bowl, and offer rolls.” before bed. It just feels good.
You and Your Pets: Summer Time:
Sunshine, Sand, Ocean, and… PUPPIES!
By Dr. Ignacio Casali, DVM, Calusa Veterinary Center, Boca cool it down with cool water immediately. Using cool water Summer is a great time to have fun with our four-legged
Raton, FL 33487 (561) 999-3000. www.CVCBoca. from the shower can mark the difference between life and friends, but it is important to be responsible. Diminishing
As we get ready for summer and all the fun activities that death. In fact, the survival rate of dogs who are cooled the risk of heat stroke is very important during this time of
come with it, we frequently include our furry friends in our before getting to the clinic is higher than those who are not. the year to prevent unwanted visits to the emergency room.
plans. However, while these are very joyful experiences for If possible, use a rectal thermometer to identify your dog’s It is important to avoid bringing your dogs out during hot
both humans and pets, they do not come without risks. The temperature before and after being cooled down. However, summer days until it is cooler outside. Be mindful of the
extreme temperatures and humidity of the Sunshine State put the number one essential rule is to rush your dog to the nearest humidity factor, always have cool fresh water available
our canine pals at risk of having a heat stroke. emergency veterinary clinic. The veterinarian will most when bringing them outside, wet their paws, do not stay
A heat stroke occurs when the body temperature is likely suggest diagnostics and aggressive therapies, such us outside for prolonged periods of time, and do not leave
maintained above normal for a prolonged period of time. This hospitalization with IV fluids, gastro-protectants, antibiotics, them in a turned-off car (even for 5 minutes!).
can be caused by strenuous exercise outside, leaving your transfusions, X-rays, blood work, and/or others.
dog in the car, playing for long periods of time outdoors, or
maybe just a walk on a hot, humid day. This condition can
be highly detrimental, very expensive to treat, and has a high A Free Opportunity
risk of mortality (19-50%).
But do not be fooled: It isn’t just the heat and the sun
that predispose a dog to heat stroke. Dogs’ primary cooling For Animal Lovers ...
mechanism comes from panting, involving the exchange of
heat and humidity from the environment to the body. When Now Feed 6 Shelter Dogs and Cats Every Day at
environmental humidity reaches above 80%, the panting
method for cooling no longer works, leaving our pets unable No Cost to You ... in Less Than a Minute ... with just “Click”
to lower their own body temperatures. Cloudy days can be
deceiving, but the truth is that they can be as dangerous as a Want to feel really good about yourself? If, like most of us, those TV announcements bring tears
sunny day. to your eyes with photos of sad shelter dogs and cats in small cages, hoping somehow to be brought
Although all dogs are predisposed to heat stroke, some into loving homes – when you wish over and over again that you could somehow bring joy into
are at higher risk than others: brachycephalic (short nose) their lives, here is an act of loving kindness that will cost you absolutely nothing ... and take less
breeds such as bulldogs, Boston terriers, pugs and shih-tzus than a minute a day.
are at higher risk. Why? Simply because having shorter Visit the website: and click on the words “Click here to feed a dog or
nasal structures lowers their ability to exchange heat and cat.” A “button” will appear on your screen, and all you have to do is click on it once. Each time a person
humidity with the environment. Larger (over 30 lbs.) and clicks on that button, the website’s sponsors provide bowls of food, free, to feed 6 dogs and cats.
obese dogs are also at higher risk of developing heat stroke. That’s all there is to it. In only seconds each day, you can see to it that 6 animals are fed. The folks who
Other predisposing factors include cardiac disease, tracheal run the website never bother you with tons of promotional e-mails. You can, if you wish, click on a link that
collapse and laryngeal paralysis. sends a daily reminder to you. I did that; the reminder is e-mailed, and that is it. No hard-sell follow-ups.
There are usually no warnings that your dog is about to And if you realize how good it will make you feel to be able to do at least something for these
have a heat stroke. A story I hear frequently at the veterinary poor, loving creatures who are there through no fault of their own (some have been rescued
emergency clinic is how a client’s puppy was so excited from abusive owners), imagine how even bowls of food will help make the animals feel
to be outside playing and running around, but shockingly better.
collapsed, did not want to move anymore, and started Please take just seconds a day to lift 6 animals’ spirits ... and your own. Thanks.
breathing heavily. In essence, it is important to recognize the
symptoms of heat stroke, which may even appear hours after
being exposed to heat. These usually include heavy panting,
vomiting, and diarrhea with or without blood. Even more,
some dogs may show red spots called petechiae on the skin.
If you think your dog is having a heat stroke, you should