Page 31 - Boca ViewPointe - December '20
P. 31
December 2020 Viewpointe, Page 31
Mayor’s Update:
A Year-End Tribute To What Makes Boca Raton Great
Scott Singer is the 35th season on record, none of the first 28 storms hit our way (and deployed overseas in the Middle East. We are thankful for
Mayor of Boca Raton. A hopefully none do by December, when you read this). We his service in this role and pray for his safe return. For the
South Florida native, have strong reserves to prepare for worst-case scenarios, and interim, until the coming March city council election for two
attorney, mediator and small those reserves have helped us handle this pandemic without a seats, Yvette Drucker has been appointed as a City Council
business owner, Scott and his tax rate increase. While other cities have had to reduce their member. You may recognize her name. Drucker formerly
wife, Bella, live in Broken core services, lay off their staff members, and raise taxes of chaired the city’s education task force and served on other
Sound with their two young their residents, we have been able to avoid those problems, city boards, and has been active in our city as the former
children. and additional disruptions beyond the cancellations and president of the Boca Raton Historical Society, a former PTA
closures necessitated by COVID-19. president, and cochair of the recent Junior League Women
As the start of an unusual Part of our efforts to adapt have been our virtual offerings. Volunteer of the Year event.
winter season approaches, We recently completed our Veterans Day virtual ceremonies, This December will not see our traditional holiday-season
we have much to be thankful which also included musical groups and moving tributes street parade nor boat parade. Instead, the city will have
for in Boca Raton – even during this most trying of recent from veterans and organizations. We have offered resources additional virtual offerings. As of late November, the Boca
years. Our residents have generally been considerate of our for veterans and a safe, contactless drive-up where veterans Raton Bowl is scheduled to be televised to a nationwide
neighbors in practicing safe behaviors in COVID-19. Please could receive thank-you medallions and other items from the primetime audience on ESPN on Tuesday, Dec. 22. Even
keep it up, and continue to safely distance, wear your masks, City. The City maintains a robust list of veterans’ programs with fewer fans, our city would still shine on TV. Please
and follow CDC guidelines. We continue to be in touch on our City website, at check local listings for any updates.
with state and local officials for coordinated responses. This aspx?CID=88. Please check it out and, while there, check out As I close with thanks, I am very thankful for all of
month, I convened a working group of mayors in the county our continually improving guides for residents. As always, you who are doing your part to help others and keep our
and have been working through my roles as president-elect thank you for your service. As the son and grandson of World community safe, strong, and ready to recovery. As always,
of the Florida League of Mayors and a member of the War II veterans, I am grateful for all who served in the armed I remain so grateful for the opportunity as mayor to serve
Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative, a group of forces to keep our nation free and strong! our residents. We have reasons for optimism, and you
40 mayors across the country, to better exchange ideas and Speaking of veterans, we are also grateful for our active can help others draw on that positivity when needed. We
lobby for greater support and funding for cities. duty personnel. Council Member Jeremy Rodgers, a U.S. could also use a little more of it now as we look toward
We can be thankful that, despite the most active hurricane Navy Reservist, has taken a military leave of absence while a brighter 2021.
Film Review: Blackbird
By Nils A. Shapiro An American remake of the film with the title Blackbird the blame on screenwriter
was released in the United States this past September and Christian Torpe for what
In 2014, at the San Sebastian festival in Denmark, Silent is currently streaming on Netflix. Blessed with a stellar cast some critics – notably, with
Heart – a film by former Academy Award-winning director that includes Susan Sarandon as Lily, the ill-fated woman, in the exception of the late
Bille August – premiered before an audience that gave it one of the finest performances of her career; Kate Winslett Roger Ebert’s more positive
a 20-minute standing ovation as the closing credits rolled as Jennifer, her eldest daughter; Mia Wasikowska as Anna, syndicated review – called a
across the screen. It told the story of three generations of a her younger daughter; Sam Neill as Paul, her physician “tear-jerker” of a script that
family that came together over a weekend to say their final husband, who has arranged to help his wife in an assisted panders to the audience’s
goodbyes to the matriarch who was dying of a fatal illness suicide; Lindsey Duncan as Elizabeth, Lily’s longtime emotions.
and had decided on euthanasia as the way to end her life best friend, among other fine actors ... the production My own reaction to this
more peacefully. was nevertheless received with mixed reviews that laid film was very different,
as was my wife, Linda’s.
Every aspect of the story
rang true for us, and it was
a moving experience. For
Lily, a woman growing
weaker each day and
faced with the prospect of
soon becoming immobile
– finally approaching a
time when, not being able
to swallow, she would
sufferingly choke to death –
the choice to drink a poison-
laced glass of wine and go
peacefully to sleep seems
perfectly understandable.
But it is the reactions of
the others in the family to her decision that is the focus of the
film: the competitions, resentments, long withheld affections
– and, finally, the suspicions that surface and threaten to
disrupt Lily’s deeply felt wishes for her own end.
Even the critics who faulted the screenplay praised the
performances, giving special nods to Susan Sarandon, Kate
Winslett, Lindsay Duncan ... and unanimous bouquets to
Mia Wasikowska. Any one of these deserves consideration
in the upcoming Academy Awards and Golden Globes acting
categories. That being the case, some credit must certainly
be due to the director, Roger Michell.
Blackbird’s controversial subject matter – the concept of
assisted suicide promulgated by Dr. Kevorkian and others – is
important and emotional enough to make this film deserving
of your attention. In my view, it is also an excellent film that
stands on its own.
There is more than one American film with the title
Blackbird. When seeking to view the one discussed in this
column, be sure that it is the 2020 version starring Susan
Sarandon. The DVD is available for rental from the Boca
Raton Public Library.