Page 26 - Boca ViewPointe - December '20
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Page 26, Viewpointe                                                 December 2020
      ‘I Didn’t Know That...Bet You Didn’t Know It Either’

      Fascinating trivia facts                           wrote that the people, not the states, held the real power   Which Actress Paid Millions To Marry A Prince?
      compiled by Stanley                                in the country: “To ‘The United States’ instead of to the      Grace Kelly had to agree to some unusual traditions
      Morgenbesser                                       ‘People of the United States’ is the toast given. This is   among royalty in Monaco to marry. One of them was to
                                                         not politically correct.”                         take a fertility test to prove she could produce an heir to the
      Why Aren’t Employees At                                                                              throne. She also had to give up her American citizenship.
      Disneyworld Allowed To                             Who Is  The Only President  To Have Received A    Moreover, Kelly’s family was required to pay a dowry of
      Point With One Finger?                             Rhodes Scholarship?                               $2 million. Kelly’s father was outraged by this demand
         It isn’t unusual for                               The  only  president  to  have  been  a  Rhodes Scholar   and initially refused to pay up, allegedly saying, “My
      visitors to ask employees                          was Bill Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States.   daughter doesn’t have to pay any man to marry her.” Her
      at Disney for directions,                          When Bill Clinton finished college at Georgetown   father eventually agreed to pay part of it, and Kelly herself
      but workers there never use                        University, he won a Rhodes scholarship to study at   reportedly ended up forking over half of the dowry.
      only one finger to point.                          Oxford. Clinton never completed his degree at Oxford and
      This is because Disneyland is a vacation location for   went on to Yale Law School. In 1994, after Clinton had   Who Created The Famous Times Square New Year’s
      visitors from all around the world, and pointing with one   been elected president, he received an honorary degree   Eve Ball Drop?
      finger is considered offensive or rude in some cultures.   and fellowship from the University of Oxford.     The annual New Year’s Eve ball drop in Times Square
      Employees gesture either by using two fingers or an open                                             is a big event attended by huge crowds and watched on
      palm to avoid offending anyone.                    Why Do Xs At The End Of A Letter Signify Kisses?  television by around 1.2 billion people. The event was
                                                            In the Middle Ages, when many people were unable   originally created by  The New York Times in 1905 to
      Which Is The Longest Road In The United States?    to read or write, documents were often signed using an   promote its new headquarters, which was right in the
         The longest road in the United States is U.S. Route   X. Kissing the X represented an oath to fulfill obligations   square. Interestingly, the original event did not involve
      20. Stretching 3,365 miles in an east-west direction from   specified in the document. The X and the kiss eventually   a ball, but lots of fireworks instead. People returned to
      Massachusetts to Oregon, U.S. Route 20 is the seventh   became synonymous.                           watch the event the following year, and the tradition has
      longest highway in the world. The highway’s eastern                                                  continued ever since. The New York Times used fireworks
      terminus is in Boston, at Kenmore Square, where it   Who Is Honored  With  The Most Stars On  The    until 1907, when it dropped the first electrified ball.
      meets State Route 2. Its western terminus is in Newport,   Hollywood Walk Of Fame?
      Oregon, at an intersection with U.S. 101, within a mile      Gene Autry is the only person to be awarded stars in   Things I Didn’t Know I Didn’t Know
      of the Pacific Ocean.                              the five fields recognized on the walk of fame: film, TV,      An ambigram is a word that looks the same upside down
                                                         radio, live performance and music. As his 1998 obituary   as right-side up; the word “Swims” is an ambigram. The
      Why Do Men’s Clothes Have Buttons On The Right     said, “He was enormously successful at almost anything   most common letter used in the English language is the letter
      Side, While Women’s Clothes Have Buttons On The    he tried – radio, records, songwriting, television, real   “e.” Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is
      Left?                                              estate and business, as well as movies and museums.”   the longest word in the English dictionary. Americans eat
         When buttons were invented, they were very expensive   The late Bob Hope and the late romantic crooner Tony   approximately 100 acres of pizza each day, or 350 slices
      and worn primarily by the rich. Since most people are   Martin are next with four stars each.        per second. The United Arab Emirates has the biggest
      right-handed, it is easier to push buttons on the right                                              gender imbalance in the world, with 219 men for every
      through holes on the left. Because wealthy women were   Why Is Shifting Responsibility To Someone Else Called   100 women. According to Amazon, the most highlighted
      dressed by  maids,  dressmakers  put  the buttons on  the   “Passing The Buck?”                      Kindle books are the Bible, the Steve Jobs biography,
      maid’s right! And that’s where women’s buttons have      In card games, it was once customary to pass an item,   and The Hunger Games. George Foreman has made more
      remained since.                                    called a buck, from player to player to indicate whose   money by selling his grills than for his successful boxing
                                                         turn it was to deal. If a player did not wish to assume the   career. Every piece of plastic ever produced still exists.
      Why Are Zero Scores In Tennis Called “Love”?       responsibility of dealing, he would “pass the buck” to the   Ninety percent of your dreams are completely forgotten
         In France, where tennis became popular, the round   next player.                                  by the time you wake up. You cannot dream and snore
      zero on the scoreboard looked like an egg and was                                                    at the same time. The man who had the longest beard in
      called “l’oeuf,” which is French for “the egg.” When                                                 the world died after he tripped over his beard. 
      tennis was introduced in the U.S., Americans (naturally)
      mispronounced it “love.”                             Serving over 108,000 satisfied customers since 1976

      What Is  The Meaning Of  The  Term, “Politically
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      language, policies or measures that are intended to avoid                                                                 Service Company!
      offense or disadvantage members of particular groups of
      society. The term, however, was coined much earlier than
      you might think. It was first used in a 1783 U.S. Supreme
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