Page 7 - Boca ViewPointe - August '23
P. 7

August 2023                                                     Viewpointe, Page 7
      Welcome To The Fantastic World Of Feng Shui!!!

      By Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera, P.H.D.           function of prosperity remains relegated to last link of   Do not throw away the coins either, they carry weight, it
                                                         the chain and the process energetic that entails order and   is preferable to leave them in a piggy bank. Deposit them
         Today we would like to talk about a topic that seems   cleanliness, fundamental premises of ancient science,   in the bank, otherwise we are “PUTTING” the prosperity.
      trivial but no less important, such as the portfolio. The   such as FENG SHUI. Many faithful readers who follow   Money must be taken care of so that it returns to our hands.
      wallet or purse is an article that we all use or possess   us they will ask:                            We want and I wish everyone to be prosperous and the
      to transport our money, be it cash, credit cards, debit or      • That  relationship  has  the  FENG SHUI with my   wallet is part of it.
      credit, even today with technology smartphones are used   wallet?                                                              Until the next delivery!!!
      to pay for purchases, services and products in general.      •  Does  the  FENG SHUI only study the spaces in                                Milagros
      But we will dedicate this article to the wallet in particular,   houses, homes, commercial premises?
      because it is the one who helps us take our money where      • Does the FENG SHUI have a relationship with my      Author Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera, Feng
      we go, therefore, it requires a very special treatment due   personal belongings, such as clothing, accessories and furniture?   Shui  Specialist  is  a  resident  of  the  Plum.  Email:
      to the load energetic that this implies, that in other words      •  Does  the  FENG SHUI can help me organize 
      it is a way of giving him his fair treatment in response to   my  personal  belongings,  including  other  areas  of  my
      his utility.                                       everyday life?
         The wallet is a means of cargo, since it can transport      These questions that we suppose are asked while   How To Add Your
      personal belongings, such as identity documents,   reading these lines and maybe many others, have a positive
                                                         response in the FENG SHUI. Being this ancient science,
      keys,  cosmetics,  medicines  among  many other  things.   no it’s only one help to organize and harmonize our spaces  Guests To The Gate
      Depending on your ability and resistance, the human
      beings who use them are placing in it practically our life   but besides even a way of living. For this we are going to
      in many senses.                                    give away some tips that they will help to optimize this      The Boca Pointe Community Association offers a
         The portfolio is like a kind of extension of the spaces   instrument that allows us to take to the streets many of our   few different methods to add guests to your visitors list,
      that make up our life, as if it were a house or storage site,   belongings day by day:                so please ensure that you add your guest BEFORE they
      which in some cases translates representing the person who      • daily, to be possible, empty the contents of the bag   arrive. If your guest is not on the list, they may be denied
      carries it and therefore it is the personification of order   in order to classify the necessary objects to take on each   without a phone call being placed to get your approval.
      and cleanliness, placing in it the subjects necessary to be   outing. Cleaning the inside of the bag is essential, so that   Phone calls are placed as a courtesy depending on how
      able to make those trips to the outside world that require   the energy positive or “SHI”, has a harmonized space.  busy the guard is when they arrive.
      what we bring in it. Without there are people who turn      • Classify all receipts, invoices and correspondence and      To add a guest to your visitor list, you have several
      the portfolio into a deposit of EVERYTHING that without   remove them from the portfolio in order to leave ONLY   options:
      reviewing or classifying goes putting circumstantially,   the essential objects to be able to circulate in the different      • Website-
      turning it in a landfill and not paying due attention to its   proceedings to execute.                   • Cell phone app- Download ABDI/Gate Access from
      symbolism regarding the prosperity it means.          •  Necessary  medicines  can  be  placed  in  containers   the app/play store
         When we decide to go out we think appropriate clothing   suitable to prevent its deterioration.       • Access  Control-  Call  561-395-3392  or  leave  a
      for the place, time, people who will be on the site, reason      •  The  telephone,  keys  and  coin  boxes  MUST  be   voicemail message at 561-395-3369
      for the meeting, even if we then have to go to another event   hygienic, a matter that COVID-19 taught us that they are      The advantage of using or the app is
      that requires agreement with both appointments, therefore,   carriers of bacteria and microbes.       the ability to:
      we plan all our presentation conjugating the above. But in      • Important: Hand sanitizer GEL, together with towels      • Add a guest for the day or permanently
      many cases the portfolio issue remains at the end of the   wet and dry.                                  • Remove a guest
      previous preparation being this last one decision a priori      •  PROSPERITY TIP: Arrange all the bills from      • Send a pass with barcode
      where the wallet becomes luggage of the necessary to meet   smallest to largest in the form extended inside the purse, if      • Receive notification of guest arrival
      the commitment and therefore there is within it a whole   possible to maintain this order and equally with the coins,      If you have any questions regarding access methods,
      world of inexplicable things, such as receipts, crumpled   have them apart from the bills and treat that the same   please call the Boca Pointe Community Association
      bills, coins, loose jewelry, disused keys, correspondence,   be in good condition, just like the banknotes. DO NOT   561-395-7551. 
      among many objects that make life within it. Where the   scratch the banknotes, since this is terrible for prosperity.

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