Page 6 - Southern Exposure - March '25
P. 6

Page 6, Southern Exposure

                                                                all about KidS

                         Smart But Scattered Adolescent Workshop

                                                           By Jim Forgan, Ph.D., Licensed School Psychologist

        A parent described                              activities to learn executive functioning skills related to     Adolescents face academic pressures, social dynamics,
      her son to me, “Sam is                            organization, planning, time management, memory, and   and life changes. Teens with strong executive functioning
      struggling with school and                        attention. The group size is limited to 12 students. We use   skills can handle uncertainty and stressful situations with
      his grades.  This year in                         classroom instruction combined with games, scenarios,   more resilience. By understanding and supporting the
      sixth grade he is struggling                      and videos to illustrate points and practice skills. Students   development of these skills, your student can improve
      with the workload,                                receive written handouts to keep which summarize the   their ability to navigate the complexities of adolescence
      executive functioning, and                        new skills.                                        and prepare  for greater independence  as  they  grow
      expectations of the grade.                          Developing executive functioning skills is an ongoing   into adulthood. Join us so your student can learn these
      The demands are more.                             process in adolescence, and teens often need instruction   important skills for success.
      I constantly have to stay                         to improve these areas. Weak executive functioning skills     Call (561) 625-4125 if you would like to sign up or if
      on  top  of  him  or  he’d  be                    can impact academic performance, relationships, and   you need school neuropsychological testing for dyslexia,
      failing.”  This mom was                           overall well-being, so interventions like workshops and   ADHD, autism, or to give you understanding and answers
      describing her son’s executive functioning weaknesses.   coaching can be helpful if your teen struggles in these   about your child. Learn more at
      He was smart but scattered. Executive functioning skills   areas.                                    executive.
      are crucial for success in school, social settings, and
      everyday life.
        This month I am offering an in-person one-day
      executive functioning course for students in grades six
      through nine. Your student can join us fun, interactive


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