Page 10 - Southern Exposure - March '25
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Page 10, Southern Exposure

      haPPeningS from page 9

        For more information about Cancer Alliance of Help
      & Hope, please visit
                             Photos courtesy of Capehart

                                                                                                                               Sheila Buchbinder and Barbara
      Jo Bailes                                         Teresa Chope and the Gallivant Ltd. team                               Zand

                                 Palm Beach International Boat Show

             Expands To Five Days To Support Growing Demand

                    Building On 43 Years Of Excellence, The Palm Beach International Boat Show

                                              Promises An Unmatched Experience In 2025

        The Palm Beach International Boat Show (PBIBS),   one of the largest and most prestigious boat shows in the     The Palm Beach International Boat Show continues to
      owned by the Marine Industries Association of Palm   world.                                         solidify its position as the leading force in South Florida’s
      Beach County (MIAPBC) and produced by Informa       “This expansion will elevate the Palm Beach     boating and marine industry, serving as a key economic
      Markets, is thrilled to announce its expansion to five   International Boat Show to new heights, allowing us   driver for the Palm Beach community. According to a
      days in 2025. The event will take place from Wednesday,   to showcase the latest innovations in boating and water   2022 analysis, the event generates an estimated statewide
      March 19 to Sunday, March 23, along Flagler Drive   sports, while further enhancing the experience for our   economic impact of more than $1.05 billion, with over
      in downtown West Palm Beach. This expansion is in   visitors,”  said Andrew  Doole,  president  of  U.S.  Boat   $725 million in sales attributed to the show. The continued
      response to the high demand from exhibitors, attendees,   Shows  with  Informa  Markets.  “We’re  excited  to  offer   growth and success of PBIBS have prompted new
      and the community, all eager to explore and engage with   a more immersive and enriching experience for all who   enhancements to meet the rising demand and elevate the
                                                        attend, ensuring this event continues to be a key gathering   overall experience for attendees.
                                                        point for boating enthusiasts, professionals, and families
                                                        alike.”                                           Happenings on page 11

                                                                                                  “Service is our number one priority”



                                                                                                                                    Expires 4/15/25.

                                                                                                                    State Licensed & Insured CPC #
                                                          Serving Palm Beach County                                     1457468 • LPG#30099


          Samantha Fisher, M.D., F.A.A.D., sees patients of all ages at the                           Dermatology Associates of the Palm Beaches is a group practice
          Dermatology Associates in the Palm Beach Gardens office after more                           of board-certified dermatologists and fellowship-trained Mohs
          than 13 years of experience practicing medical, cosmetic dermatology and                    surgeons providing general dermatology, surgical dermatology,
                                                                                                       and cosmetic dermatology services. These physicians trained
          Mohs surgery for skin cancer treatment.                                                      at some of America’s great medical institutions and conduct
                                                                                                      research into the most advanced treatments. Our physicians are
          Dr. Fisher received her Medical and Bachelor of Science degrees with                               also recognized leaders in the diagnosis and
          honors from the University of Florida, where she completed her post-                                       treatment of skin cancer.
          graduate training, including serving as Chief Resident in Dermatology. 

          Her past professional experience includes providing Dermatology services
          to patients in Stuart , FL from 2013-2024, Naples, FL from 2012-2013, and
          as Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Florida Department of                            Make an appointment to see Dr. Fisher
          Dermatology in Gainesville, FL from 2011-2012.                                                             in Palm Beach Gardens at
                                                                                                                   10355 N. Military Trail, Suite A,
          Dr. Fisher looks forward to providing you with excellent                                                    by calling (561) 622-6976.
          dermatology care.                                                                                  

                                                                                                                                               10/15/24   7:38 PM
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