Page 8 - Talk of Tequesta - February '25
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Page 8, The Talk Of Tequesta

                                                                arT happenings

          Lighthouse ArtCenter’s 12th Annual Plein Air Festival,

                                                               March 2 To 8

        Art lovers and outdoor enthusiasts will find inspiration at   can—the energy,
      Lighthouse ArtCenter’s (LAC) 12th Annual Plein Air Festival.   immediacy, and
      This unique event brings together 30 internationally renowned   true essence of a
      artists who will compete for over $15,000 in cash and prizes   moment. The feel of
      while painting local landscapes “en plein air” — a French   the day, whether it’s
      term meaning “in the open air.” Renowned landscape painter   the sun’s warmth,
      Mary Garrish will serve as this year’s judge.      the crispness  of  a
        With a full schedule of events, free artist demonstrations,   breeze, or the calm
      and freshly painted artwork available for purchase,   of a perfect morning,
      the festival promises a week of creative energy and   flows directly from
      community engagement.                              the artist’s brush onto                           Kari Ganoung Ruiz - Golden Morning
      What Is Plein Air Painting?                        the canvas, creating a
        Unlike studio work, plein air pieces reflect the   sense of tangible and  Kari Ganoung Ruiz painting at the   Collectors’ Party And Sale (March 7, 5 To 8 p.m.)
      immediacy and energy of outdoor settings.          timeless place.”  11th Annual Plein Air Festival, 2024    This exclusive evening at LAC offers attendees the
        LAC’s Executive Director, Jeni Licata, describes it best:   Festival Highlights                    opportunity  to  meet  the  artists  and  purchase  freshly
      “Plein air painting captures something no photograph ever     Paint Out Competition (March 2, 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.)  painted,  one-of-a-kind  artworks.  Guests  will  enjoy
                                                         Kicking off the festival, professional and amateur artists  signature hors d’oeuvres and refreshments while mingling
                                                         alike will gather at the iconic Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse to  with artists and fellow collectors.
                                                         create masterpieces in a fast-paced, two-hour timed event.  Battle Of The Brushes (March 8, 9 a.m. To 2 p.m.)
                                                         Over $2,000 in prizes will be awarded, and the completed    This lively finale is the last day to purchase festival
                                                         works will be available for purchase immediately following  paintings and features a live painting competition where
                                                         the competition.                                  top artists go head-to-head in a timed relay-style painting
                                                         Daily Plein Air Painting And Demonstrations (March  event at LAC.
                                                         3 To 7)                                           Why Attend?
                                                           Award-winning artists will paint stunning local scenes    The  Plein  Air  Festival  offers an unparalleled
                                                         across Palm Beach and Martin counties. From “Old Florida”  opportunity to witness art in action, connect with
                                                         landscapes to picturesque coastlines and iconic landmarks, the  acclaimed artists, and bring home a piece of original
                                                         public is invited to watch these masters at work. Free, scheduled  artwork.  Whether you’re an art collector, a casual
                                                         artist demonstrations will take place at Sewall’s Point Park,  observer, or someone seeking creative inspiration, this
                                                         Riverbend Park, Dubois Park, and Juno Beach Pier.   event has something for everyone.
                                                         Artist Meet And Greet And Small Works Sale (Wednesday,    For a full schedule of events, visit
                                                         March 5, 4:30 To 6:30 p.m.)                       pleinair-2025 and follow real-time updates on Instagram
                                                           Meet the artists, enjoy light bites, and browse the gallery  @lighthouseartcenter.  LAC  Gallery  is  located  at  373
                                                         to purchase artwork. Visitors can also shop the Small Works  Tequesta Drive, Tequesta, FL 33469. Admission to the
      Ralph Papa and Manon Sander painting the Jupiter Inlet   Sale, featuring 8” x 8” pieces by participating artists, perfect  gallery is free for members, with a $5 suggested donation
      Lighthouse at sunrise                              for collectors of all levels.                     for nonmembers.

              The Amazon ArtiKids Zone: A Creative Playground

                                         For Children At ArtiGras 2025

                  February 15 to 16, Gardens North County District Park In Palm Beach Gardens

        Get ready for an unforgettable family experience in   The festival will feature a
      the Amazon ArtiKids Zone at the 2025 ArtiGras Fine Arts   juried  fine  art exhibition,
      Festival presented by Tampa General Hospital. Designed   live entertainment, the new
      for children of all ages, the Amazon ArtiKids Zone offers   Culinary  Arts Studio, a
      an interactive, fun, and creative environment where young   dedicated Amazon ArtiKids
      minds can explore the world of art and play.       Zone,  and  the Youth Art
        The Amazon ArtiKids  Zone  features  an  on-site   Competition. Ranked as a
      playground, giving children a chance to burn off some   Top-100 fine arts festival by
      energy while enjoying the festival. Plus, families can visit   Sunshine Artist magazine,
      a variety of vendor booths where children will receive   ArtiGras offers visitors the
      take-home art crafts to keep the creativity flowing long   unique opportunity to meet
      after they leave.                                  and engage with over 300 of
        Whether your child is a budding artist or just loves   the nation’s leading artists.
      to explore, the Amazon ArtiKids Zone promises an art
      experience like no other.
        Vendor opportunities are still available for the Amazon
      ArtiKids  Zone.  Showcase  your  creative  products  and
      services  to  families  attending  this  beloved  community                So many crafts for the children in the Amazon ArtiKids area at the ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival
      event. Don’t miss your chance to be part of ArtiGras 2025!
        For more information about the Amazon ArtiKids Zone
      or to apply for a vendor booth, email
        The 40th Annual ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival will
      take place on February 15 to 16, at the Gardens North
      County  District  Park,  located  on  117th  Court  North.

                                                                                        $                    $ 100 OFF                 $ 250

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