Page 12 - Talk of Tequesta - February '25
P. 12

Page 12, The Talk Of Tequesta

                                                          Tampa general news

                                      Concierge Care Is A Family Affair

        When Kim Hoffman                                 up with TGH Concierge Health, but also her husband and   plans. TGH Concierge Health includes same-day or next-
      began experiencing                                 two adult sons. Diagnosed with several different autoimmune   day appointments, after-hours communication with the
      complications following an                         disorders, Hoffman has a complicated medical history. She   concierge physician or staff, annual executive-level physical
      emergency appendectomy                             says Dr. Rothman is truly at the center of her care – a master   examinations, and more.
      at a community hospital in                         of coordinating and communicating with multiple medical     Since 2020, Tampa General has been creating a framework
      Palm Beach County, Tampa                           specialists so everyone is on the same page. Hoffman notes that   of state-of-the-art services for patients in the Palm Beaches and
      General Hospital’s (TGH’s)                         Dr. Rothman excels at breaking down information into ways she   on the Treasure Coast, with the expertise and innovation of a
      Dr. Laurie Rothman was the                         can understand. “She remembers everything,” notes Hoffman.   preeminent academic health system.
      first person she called. “She                        Along with coordinating Hoffman’s health care, Dr. Rothman     One of the leading academic health systems in the nation,
      answered on the first ring,”                       monitors Hoffman’s husband and sons’ well-being, ensuring   Tampa General has been affiliated with the USF Health Morsani
      says Hoffman. “I was upset                         preventative measures like specialized blood tests for her adult   College of Medicine at the University of South Florida since
      and concerned about what the                       sons, one of whom has type 1 diabetes. “When our younger son   the school was created in the early 1970s. Today, more than 700
      doctors at the hospital were                       is home from college, he can easily reach out to Dr. Rothman to   medical school residents and fellows receive specialty training
      telling me. She reassured me  Kim Hoffman          get a refill on a prescription. She is like an old-fashioned family   at the academic health system in areas ranging from general
      that she’d speak with them                         doctor,” notes Hoffman. “She treats patients holistically.”  internal medicine to neurosurgery.
      and that everything would be okay. I was incredibly grateful and     Prior to joining TGH Concierge Health, Dr. Rothman served     Tampa General is the highest-ranked hospital in the market
      relieved knowing she was there for me, and would determine   the brave men and women in law enforcement as the dedicated   in U.S. News & World Report’s 2024-2025 Best Hospitals, with
      the next best course of action.”                   doctor for the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department. She is   two medical specialties ranking among the top 20 in the nation
        Hoffman has been a happy patient of Dr. Rothman’s for   also a member of the Florida Medical Association, the American   and eight medical specialties ranking among the top 50 best
      more than 12 years. A friend recommended her after Hoffman   Academy of Family Physicians and the American Board of   hospital programs in the United States.
      moved to Florida. “They told me that I would love her, and I   Obesity Medicine.                       “Dr. Rothman has been there for all my ups and she’s been
      do!” Dr. Rothman has been practicing medicine in Palm Beach     TGH Concierge Health is part of Tampa General’s   there for the downs, and it’s been quite the journey,” says
      County for more than 20 years. Recently, when Dr. Rothman   commitment to connecting the Palm Beach County and   Hoffman. “But we’ve come to the other side, so everything’s
      joined TGH Concierge Health, a service of TGH Primary   Treasure  Coast  communities  to  innovative  care. TGH   going pretty well right now. I’m so very happy.”
      Care, Hoffman jumped at the chance to reunite with her trusted   Concierge Health patients receive the highest level of     For more information about TGH Concierge Health, please
      primary care physician. In fact, she not only signed herself   primary care, with after-hours access and personalized care   visit or call (561) 739-4TGH (4844).

                                                              finanCial foCus                   ®

                             What Should You Know About RMDS?

                                                                  By Sally Sima Stahl, Edward Jones

         You may spend many                              However, if you take out more than the RMD for one year,   somewhat different if you inherit an IRA or 401(k) from
       decades contributing to                           you can’t apply the excess to the RMD for the next year.   your spouse. In any case, though, you’ll want to consult
       your  IRA  and  401(k),  but                        • How are RMDs calculated? Typically, your RMDs   with your tax advisor about how to take RMDs from an
       eventually you will likely                        are determined by dividing your account balance from   inherited account.
       need to take the money                            the  prior  December  31  by  a  life  expectancy  factor     If you’re already subject to RMDs, be sure you’ve taken
       out — in fact, you  must                          published by the IRS. Your financial professional should   them before the year ends. And if you haven’t yet started
       take the money out or face                        be able to perform this calculation for you.      taking RMDs, learn as much as you can about them —
       penalties. What should you                          • If I have multiple accounts, do I have to take an RMD   because the more you know, the more likely you’ll make
       know about these mandatory                        from each one? If you are taking RMDs from a traditional   the right moves at the right time.
       withdrawals?                                      IRA, you must calculate each RMD individually, but you     This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
         Here are some of the                            can take the total amount from one or more IRAs. If you’re   your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
       basics:                                           taking RMDs from a 401(k) or similar plan, you must take   Member SIPC.
         • What are they called? Mandatory withdrawals are   the RMD from each of your accounts.             Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states
       technically called required minimum distributions, or RMDs.    • How are RMDs taxed? You are typically taxed at your   and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P.,
         • When must I take RMDs? If you were born before 1951,   income tax rate on the amount of the withdrawn RMD.   and in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through
       you’ve probably already begun taking RMDs. If you were   You may be able to avoid taxes in a particular year if you   Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.; Edward
       born between 1951 and 1959, your RMD age is 73. And if   transfer your RMDs to a qualified charity in what’s known   Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward
       you were born in 1960 or later, your RMD age is 75. You   as a qualified charitable distribution.   Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
       can postpone accepting your first RMD until April 1 of the     • If I inherit an IRA or 401(k), am I subject to RMDs?     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
       year after you reach your RMD age, but this will result in   Yes. When you take RMDs from an inherited account,   cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified
       two RMDs for the year. After you take your first RMD, you   you generally must withdraw all the funds within 10   tax advisor regarding your situation.
       must take subsequent ones by December 31 of each year.  years, as opposed to over your lifetime, which is the RMD     Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, CFP ,
         • What penalties will be assessed if I don’t take all my   window that applies to your own accounts. The rules are   AAMS , 1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
       RMDs? For every dollar not withdrawn, the IRS will charge
       a 25 percent penalty, but this can drop to 10 percent if you                               “Service is our number one priority”
       subsequently withdraw the correct amount within two years.
         • Which accounts have RMDs? RMDs apply to traditional                                                  561-743-0070
       IRAs, as well as other types of IRAs, including SIMPLE
       and SEP IRAs. RMDs don’t apply to Roth IRAs. RMDs
       also apply to traditional 401(k)s, but not Roth 401(k)s.                                    
         • Can I withdraw more than the RMD for any given
       year? Yes, you are free to take out as much as you want.

                                                                                                                                    Expires 3/15/25.

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