Page 17 - PGA Community News - February '25
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February 2025                                                            February 2025                                                 PGA C.A.N.!, Page 17

      Benzaiten Center For Creative Arts from page 16

                                             11th generation Venetian master, Davide Salvadore, during his sold-out Artist Blow-Out

      and struggling organizations that need the money most.     But it’s not complete yet. We still want to build a metal   featuring Muzylowski doing a three-hour glassblowing
         Since  opening  in  2015,  the  Benzaiten  Center  for   casting deportment and finish the build-out of the west   demonstration to live music, drinks and light bites. All this
      Creative Arts has emerged as a significant tourist   side of the building into a “working sculpture garden”   for only $25 per person! Fifth-Third Bank has graciously
      attraction. Besides our 2,000-square-foot fine art gallery   dedicated to the production of monumental sculptures and   underwritten these events.
      and gift shop, we have the largest glassblowing hot shop   stone carving. At that point we will have all the major      JB Berkow, founder and president of the Benzaiten
      open to the public in the state. We also have a large,   3-D mediums under one roof! The dream continues.   Center for Creative Arts,
      air-conditioned fusing and flameworking studio, a glass                                                 For further information contact jbberkow65@gmail.
      casting department and a welding department. As far as   Shelley Muszylowski Returns                 com or (561) 310-9371.
      our outreach to the community, we have seen over 9,000   For Our 10th Anniversary!
      children and young adults through our doors free of                                                                              Chandelier made during
      charge. These children from neighboring Title-1 schools,      Canadian artist, Shelley Muzylowski, returns to                    a 5-day Benzaiten
      the Boys and Girls Clubs and other organizations would   Benzaiten to help mark our 10th Anniversary Season. She                 Workshop  by  8th
      otherwise not have the opportunity to be exposed to this   was our center’s first visiting artist and was there when             generation Venetian
      sort of experience. We have also awarded $85,000 in   we opened our doors on January 23, 2015. Shelley is one                    master, Fabiano Zanchi
      scholarships to deserving students, offered 4,500 classes   of the most world renowned, celebrated glassblowers                  last year. His workshop
      and workshops to 16,000, have conducted 170 tours to   working today, and Benzaiten audiences are thrilled to                    was so popular that we
      5,500 of our senior citizens, brought in 25 renowned artists   see her again. We will be holding two days of events in           are bringing him back
      from all over the world, with 19,000 people attending their   her honor starting with our Meet the Artist Dinner, an             again this  April for
      sold-out demonstrations. In all we’ve accommodated more   elegant sit-down dinner held in our fine art gallery from              another Artist Blow-Out
      that 57,000 visitors. For the past two years we’ve started   6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 20th. The cost is           and workshop.
      working with special needs children and teens through a   $100 per person. The following night will be one of our
      wonderful Palm Beach County Program called Arts 4 All.  now famous Artist Blow-Outs starting at 6:30 p.m. and

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