Page 8 - Jupiter Spotlight - February '25
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Page 8, Jupiter Spotlight
The Amazon ArtiKids Zone:
A Creative Playground For Children At ArtiGras 2025
February 15 to 16, Gardens Whether your child is a budding artist or just loves Zone, and the Youth Art Competition. Ranked as a Top-100
fine arts festival by Sunshine Artist magazine, ArtiGras
to explore, the Amazon ArtiKids Zone promises an art
North County District Park In experience like no other. offers visitors the unique opportunity to meet and engage
Palm Beach Gardens Vendor opportunities are still available for the Amazon with over 300 of the nation’s leading artists.
ArtiKids Zone. Showcase
your creative products
Get ready for an unforgettable family experience in and services to families
the Amazon ArtiKids Zone at the 2025 ArtiGras Fine Arts attending this beloved
Festival presented by Tampa General Hospital. Designed community event. Don’t
for children of all ages, the Amazon ArtiKids Zone offers miss your chance to be part
an interactive, fun, and creative environment where young of ArtiGras 2025!
minds can explore the world of art and play. For more information
The Amazon ArtiKids Zone features an on-site playground, about the Amazon ArtiKids
giving children a chance to burn off some energy while Zone or to apply for a
enjoying the festival. Plus, families can visit a variety of vendor booth, email info@
vendor booths where children will receive take-home art
crafts to keep the creativity flowing long after they leave. The 40th Annual ArtiGras
Fine Arts Festival will take
place on February 15 to 16,
Town Of Jupiter at the Gardens North County
District Park, located on
News 117th Court North. The
festival will feature a
juried fine art exhibition,
live entertainment, the new
By Jim Kuretski, Culinary Arts Studio, a
Mayor, Town of Jupiter dedicated Amazon ArtiKids So many crafts for the children in the Amazon ArtiKids area at the ArtiGras Fine Arts Festival
The Town Council
works with our town “Service is our number one priority”
manager, staff and
others to address issues 561-743-0070
affecting our residents
and businesses. The
following provides
a summary of actions
and achievements since
last month’s community
newspaper report:
Strategic Plan 2025-2027
The Town Council began work in January 2025 on
the annual update of the Town of Jupiter’s Strategic Plan.
New strategic initiatives have been identified as well as
key next steps to take on multiyear strategic initiatives
that were already in the overall strategic plan.
There will continue to be significant efforts to bring
to fruition a number of traffic mitigation solutions
for the western portion of Indiantown Road. These
roadway capacity improvement project solutions are Expires 3/15/25.
being implemented in phases spanning years due to
FDOT and Town of Jupiter funding constraints. We State Licensed & Insured CPC #
will also be reactivating a project to implement traffic Serving Palm Beach County 1457468 • LPG#30099
signalization improvements along the western portion
of Indiantown Road including use of new technologies
and equipment. This will require collaborative efforts
by our town along with FDOT and Palm Beach County.
Palm Beach County has overall accountability for
managing traffic signalization throughout most of the
county, including Jupiter.
One of the new strategic initiatives that I identified
relates to historic preservation. We should continue
ongoing efforts to collaboratively work with the Suni
Sands property owner to respect and preserve the unique
archeological and historical nature of portions of this
unique site.
Specific action plans are being developed for each
strategic initiative item. Funding needs are then addressed Life moves fast—
during the town’s annual budget process as well as
those of other governmental agencies with associated prepare for the unexpected
accountabilities. Action plan assignments are made to
town staff and Town Council members to collaboratively with Accident Insurance.
work to achieve the desired outcomes and results.
U.S. 1 Bridge
The first two lanes of the under construction,
replacement/new U.S. 1 bridge were placed into
service on Dec. 31, 2024. The remaining two lanes
are expected to be placed into service during the We’re here to help.
second quarter, 2025. The new bridge is taller and
will therefore require much less openings for boat
traffic. The pedestrian and bicyclist facilities on the Accident insurance complements your Florida Blue Health Plan. Call to learn more
new bridge represent exceptional enhancements for about insurance plans from USAble Life.
public use, as the old bridge had no such provisions.
Jupiter’s Centennial Celebrations M&A Insurance and Financial Services Inc.
Our Town of Jupiter reaches 100 years of existence
on Feb. 9, 2025. We have planned for an entire year of 561-440-9940
celebrations and community events. Find the complete
schedule of events at the town’s website at M&A Insurance and Financial Services Inc. is an Independent Broker of Florida Blue.
Florida Blue is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Supplemental, Life, and Disability products are offered by USAble Life. USAble Life is an independent company
Centennial. and operates separately from Florida Blue.
Stay tuned. 22L-USAL-0872 112941 1222