Page 7 - Jupiter Spotlight - February '25
P. 7

Jupiter Spotlight, Page 7
      Jupiter Senior Softball News                                                                          Medicare Corner

        To Paul Storch there
      was a noticeable “buzz in                                                                             With Kathy O
      the air” as scores of senior
      softball players took to the
      fields Jan. 6 for the start of                                                                            Since the Medicare
      the Jupiter Senior Softball                                                                            Annual Enrollment
      Association’s 2025 Winter                                                                              Period is ending Dec.
      League.                                                                                                7, I’d like to offer some
        “I  saw  about  150                                                                                  general Medicare tips
      ballplayers out there and all                                                                          and advice.
      were absolutely thrilled to                                                                               The single most
      be participating in opening                       Ron Horne, 71, sprints for first base after getting a hit in a   important thing you
      day. You could feel it in  Commissioner Paul Storch  Winter League softball game.                      can do for yourself
      the air,” said Storch, who                                                                             is to have your own
      is commissioner of the                              Pollack said he’s been playing ball since he was eight   agent. Your agent is an
      Jupiter Senior Softball                           years old, including through college and in semi-pro and   amazing resource to
      Association.                                      senior leagues. He pitched baseball into his 80s, compiling   reorder lost cards, answer benefit questions, give a list
        The league runs from                            a record of 1,028 wins. When he was in dental school the   of specialists, review notices, claim statements and
      January through March                             New York Yankees wanted to sign him but he turned down   so much more. Your agent can even answer questions
      and is the cornerstone                            the offer.                                           about those pesky TV ads and all the gossip from your
      of  the  year-round  senior                         “In those days the the maximum bonus they could offer   friends about Medicare. Best of all, there is no cost to
      softball program. Persons                         was $4,000 and I wasn’t about to quit dental school for   have an agent.
      55 and older are eligible                         $4,000,” he said. A high point, however, was that he got     Moving? Do not change your address with your
      and there is no upper                             to pitch batting practice to Micky Mantle, Yogi Berra,   Advantage, supplement or drug plan carrier prior to
      age limit.  The winter                            Elston Howard and other Yankee greats, he noted.     your move without first speaking to your agent – if
      league features 15 teams                            The Jupiter slow-pitch softball program is sponsored   you don’t have one, find one. When you call member
      competing among three                             by the nonprofit Jupiter  Senior  Softball Association   service and change your address, they may cancel your
      divisions and is followed                         in cooperation with Jupiter’s Parks and Recreation   plan at the end of the current month, even if you don’t
      by pickup games and                               Department. Games are every Monday, Wednesday and    move until next month. This could unknowingly leave
      spring and fall leagues                           Friday mornings at Jupiter Community Park and new    you with no coverage.
      the remainder of the year.                        players of all skills are welcome.                      The special enrollment period for moving outside
        Bill “Doc” Pollack,                               Registration can be made online at www.leaguelineup.  your plan service rules are: 1) if you tell your plan
      a retired dentist and  Bill Pollack, who turned 90 this   com/jssa. Sponsorships are also available. For more   before you move, your chance to switch plans begins
      seasonal resident from  month, is playing in Jupiter’s   information contact Gary Newman at (917) 623-0791.  the month before the month you move and continues
      Livingston, N.J., is in his  2025 Winter Softball League.                                              for two full months after you move, or 2) If you tell
      17th season playing in                                                                                 your plan after you move, your chance to switch plans
      the league. He celebrates his 90th birthday February 11,                                               begins the month you tell your plan, plus two more
      making him the oldest active player. He also is manager                                                full months.
      of the Blue Division team, “Bill’s Warriors.”                                                            It is also important to change your address with
        When asked why he keeps playing, he said, “I love                                                    Medicare. This is done through Social Security by
      the guys, I love the atmosphere and love the competition.                                              phone or online at
      “It’s just fun.” In the off-season he still plays softball and                                           Why  is  Social  Security  involved  when  I  need
      hardball once or twice a week in New Jersey.                                                           services with Medicare? Social Security (SSA) is the
                                                                                                             gatekeeper for Medicare. Your earnings are tracked
                                                                                                             by SSA and you must qualify with 40 work quarters
                                                                                                             to receive Medicare. Medicare also relies on SSA to
                                                                                                             determine your Part B Premium and, if you receive
                                                                                                             SSA benefits, to collect your premium. If you are not
                                                                                                             receiving SSA benefits, you will be billed quarterly
                                                                                                             by Medicare.
                                                                                                               If you still need to review or change your Medicare
                                                                                                             plan, open enrollment is Jan. 1 to March 30 and you
                                                                                                             may qualify for a special enrollment. Call me! If you
                                                                                                             have new Medicare Topic suggestions, email me at
                                                                                                               I  speak  Medicare:  Supplement,  Drug  Plan  and
                                                                                                             Advantage Plan.
                                                                                                               For your free Medicare plan review please call me,
                                                                                                             Kathy Olejniczak, agent, at (561) 835-5413 or cell/
                                                                                                             text (561) 212-7640.

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