Page 6 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - February '25
P. 6

Page 6, Jupiter Ocean Mile
      Town Of Jupiter News

      By Jim Kuretski, Mayor,                           Strategic Plan 2025-2027                             Specific action plans are being developed for each of
      Town of Jupiter                                     The Town Council began work in January 2025 on the   strategic initiative item. Funding needs are then addressed
        The Town Council works                          annual update of the Town of Jupiter’s Strategic Plan. New   during the town’s annual budget process as well as
      with our town manager, staff                      strategic initiatives have been identified as well as key next   those  of  other  governmental  agencies  with  associated
      and others to address issues                      steps to take on multiyear strategic initiatives that were   accountabilities. Action plan assignments are made to
      affecting our residents and                       already in the overall strategic plan.             town staff and Town Council members to collaboratively
      businesses. The  following                          There will continue to be significant efforts to bring   work to achieve the desired outcomes and results.
      provides a summary of                             to  fruition  a  number  of  traffic  mitigation  solutions  for   U.S. 1 Bridge
      actions and achievements                          the western portion of Indiantown Road. These roadway     The first two lanes of the under construction,
      since last month’s community                      capacity improvement project  solutions are being   replacement/new U.S. 1 bridge were placed into service on
      newspaper report:                                 implemented in phases spanning years due to FDOT   December 31, 2024. The remaining two lanes are expected
                                                        and Town of Jupiter funding constraints. We will also be   to be placed into service during the second quarter,
                                                        reactivating a project to implement traffic signalization   2025. The new bridge is taller and will therefore require
                                                        improvements along the western portion of Indiantown
        Free In-Person                                  Road including use of new technologies and equipment.   much less openings for boat traffic. The pedestrian and
                                                                                                           bicyclist facilities on the new bridge represent exceptional
                                                        This will require collaborative efforts by our town along
                                                                                                           enhancements for public use, as the old bridge had no
        SAT Practice Test                               with FDOT and Palm Beach County. Palm Beach County   such provisions.
                                                        has overall accountability for managing traffic signalization
                                                                                                           Jupiter’s Centennial Celebrations
                                                        throughout most of the county, including Jupiter.
                                                                                                             Our Town of Jupiter reaches 100 years of existence on
                                                          One of the new strategic initiatives that I identified relates   February 9, 2025. We have planned for an entire year of
        By Peggy Forgan,                                to  historic  preservation. We  should  continue  on-going   celebrations and community events. Find the complete
        M.Ed., College Planner                          efforts to collaboratively work with the Suni Sands property   schedule of events at the town’s website at
          Let’ s face it,                               owner to respect and preserve the unique archeological and   Centennial.
        college acceptance is a                         historical nature of portions of this unique site.    Stay tuned.
        competitive process and
        strong SAT scores are
        one way to set yourself
        apart from the crowd.
        High SAT scores are
        important for college
        admission  but  also  for
        qualifying  for  merit-
        based scholarships that can significantly reduce the
        cost of tuition. Class 101 is offering a free SAT practice
        test on Saturday, Feb. 22, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. After
        the test, students can receive their test scores and a test
        analysis during an individual appointment at no cost.
          Class 101 helps your student improve SAT scores
        with live expert instruction, study guides, interactive
        quizzes, and personalized worksheets. The program
        covers  key  areas  including  specific  test-taking
        strategies designed to boost performance across the
        entire test. A practice SAT is the first step, helping
        understand where your student needs to focus their
        attention to raise scores. This baseline assessment
        SAT test prep course beginning this spring, designed  Your family dentist in Your family dentist in
        allows us to tailor instruction to the areas that need
        the most improvement.
          Additionally, Class 101 will be offering a six-week

        to help your student thoroughly prepare for the test.
        Space is limited, so sign up now to secure your spot!
        the test format and time constraints. Detailed feedback  Palm Beach GardensPalm Beach Gardens
        This is a great opportunity to improve SAT scores for
        college admissions and earn merit-based scholarships.
          Our program includes practice tests that simulate
        the actual SAT, helping students become familiar with

        after each practice test tracks progress and refines
        strategies.  Class  101  also  emphasizes  test-taking
        psychology, teaching students how to manage anxiety
        and  stay  focused  under  pressure—critical  skills  for
        performing well on test day.                                              Cosmetic & Comprehensive
          To register, call or text Peggy Forgan at (561) 418-7897,
        or email for more information.
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