Page 4 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - February '25
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Page 4, Jupiter Ocean Mile

      Local Homebuilder To Be Honored from page 1

        “We recognize and applaud GL Homes’ philanthropic
      philosophy and its Vice President of Community Relations
      Sarah Alsofrom who, together with company employees,
      make a difference in the communities where they live and
      work throughout Florida,” stated Diana Stanley, CEO of The
      Lord’s Place.

                                                        Sarah Alsofrom and Diana
                                                        Stanley at the Engine Starting
                                                        Ceremony for the Meal Mobile
                                                        on Sept. 18, 2023. Photo by   Individuals experiencing homelessness receiving hot meals from the Meal Mobile at its
                                                        Tracey Benson Photography   feeding site in Belle Glade. Photo credit: Downtown Photo

                                                        advocating for those who are homeless and raising crucial   the celebratory event that will take place from 4 to 6 p.m.
      Lenwood, client of the                            funds to support them.                               Participants can help raise money for this event by creating
      Lord’s Place, with Robbie  Lenwood, client of The     “Carry your sign high and show that you believe everyone   a team and challenging their friends and co-workers to help
      Yancy, peer advocate of The  Lord’s Place, sitting in his   deserves a roof over their head. Homelessness is often unseen   end homelessness. The goal is to have 200 people march
      Lord’s Place.            new apartment.           or pushed aside but let this be a day to stand strong and march   and attend the program and to raise a minimum of $350,000.
                                                        to break the cycle of homelessness for our most vulnerable   Funds raised will be matched by The Honorable Ann Brown.
        Managing GL Homes’ statewide philanthropic efforts   neighbors living in Palm Beach County,” commented Stanley.     “As we march forward, we speak for those who cannot
      since 2015, Alsofrom oversees the organization’s focus on     The 5K march is open to everyone in the community.   and lift up those who have lost their way. Our path to raise
      homelessness, hunger relief, and children and education through   Participants can choose to march beginning at The Lord’s   awareness about the men and women living on the streets is
      its donations to 150 charities throughout Florida and beyond.  Place Fortin Family Campus (2808 North Australian Ave.)   only possible with the support of our friends, neighbors, and
        The Lord’s Place and GL Homes are celebrating their 10th   at 2 p.m., join at any point along the route, or come for the   other generous corporate partners. Please join us as we give
      anniversary in partnership. Since 2014, GL Homes has donated   program at the final destination in downtown West Palm   voice to the most vulnerable and neglected in Palm Beach
      more than $900,000 to The Lord’s Place. Their most notable   Beach. Individuals, corporations, business and community   County,” encouraged Alsofrom.
      project together is the Meal Mobile, a transformative vehicle   leaders, schools, and groups will gather at Lake Pavilion for     Visit for more information.
      that delivers meals and drives its wrap-around services directly
      to the most vulnerable individuals living on the streets.         | Member SIPC
        GL Homes has been the presenting sponsor of The Lord’s
      Place Annual Ending Homelessness Breakfast since 2019.                                                   What does it
      The local home builder is also the presenting sponsor of The
      Lord’s Place inaugural March next month.
        In addition to GL Homes being part of the solution in                                                  mean to be rich?
      addressing homelessness through The Lord’s Place, the
      corporation also supports Gulfstream Goodwill and has built
      affordable housing in The Pines (Delray Beach) for those                                                 Maybe it’s less about a
      doing farm work in the Glades.
        “GL Homes is excited and honored to be recognized                                                      magic number and more
      with The Lord’s Place inaugural M.A.R.C.H. award!
      Our commitment to ending homelessness in Palm Beach                                                      about discovering
      County is unwavering. It is through our collective advocacy,
      compassion, and commitment that we will break the cycle of                                               the magic in life.
      homelessness,” stated GL Homes President Misha Ezratti.
        Homelessness is a serious social and economic issue
      impacting all levels of our society. The Lord’s Place recognizes   What does it mean to be rich?         Let’s prepare for your
                                                                        Sally S Stahl, CFP®, AAMS™
      that all people deserve respect and a place to call home. The   Maybe it's less about a magic number and more about discovering
                                                                        Financial Advisor
      inaugural March to End Homelessness is part of The Lord’s   the magic in life.                           future together.
      Place’s effort to spread community and national awareness,        1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106
      raise  the  much-needed  funds  to  provide  the  resources,   Let's prepare for your future together.
                                                                        Jupiter, FL 33458
      programs, and services needed, and recognize those who are   Ballet Palm Beach - Gtasby Seabreeze 012024 .pdf   1   1/20/25   10:10 AM
                                                                      Sally S Stahl, CFP , AAMS™
                                                                        561-748-7600 ®
                                                                                                              © 2025 EDWARD D. JONES CO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
      partnering in helping to break the cycle of homelessness.       Financial Advisor
        The significance of the event is to educate participants and   1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106
      change the lives of those who are homeless. By marching         Jupiter, FL 33458
      through West Palm Beach, The Lord’s Place wants to raise
      awareness of the estimated 3,000 men, women, and children   CAT-16762-A-A1-AD © 2025 EDWARD D. JONES CO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AECSPAD 24135450
      without a home on any given night in Palm Beach County.
      In the United States, many Americans are forced to choose
      between basic necessities like purchasing food, paying
      rent, or going to the doctor. The fact is more than 770,000
      Americans are homeless on a typical night.
        Since 1979, The Lord’s Place has been finding solutions
      and providing services to take more people off the streets and
      into homes. All are invited to join this profound movement
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