Page 9 - Hobe Sound Reflections - February '25
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Hobe Sound, Page 9

                                               In Your CommunItY

      Council On Aging Martin                           Meals on Wheels or the Adult Day Club at the Kane      For more information about the Elder Mobile Outreach

      Begins Mobile Outreach                            Center, enrollment in the GUIDE program for people   Program and other services of the Council on Aging
                                                        with dementia and their caregivers, medical consultation
                                                                                                           Martin County, visit
      Service To Martin County                          and screening from the Day Primary Care Center, and
                                                        assistance with everything from unpaid utility bills to
      Seniors                                           loneliness and isolation.                            Financial Focus from page 8
                                                           “Our overriding goal is to help seniors remain in their
         A brightly colored bus with the Council on Aging   own homes,” Ripper said. “With the right resources, they   different if you inherit an IRA or 401(k) from your
      Martin County logo emblazoned on it is now bringing   can cope with the stresses of aging and continue to live in   spouse. In any case, though, you’ll want to consult
      services directly to seniors in neighborhoods throughout   their home with a sense of safety and security. It’s a blessing   with your tax advisor about how to take RMDs from
      Martin County.                                    to them as well as to their families and the community.”  an inherited account.
         “We realized how difficult it can be for some of our      The Elder Mobile Outreach Bus will continue      If you’re already subject to RMDs, be sure you’ve
      vulnerable seniors to get to us,” Council on Aging Martin   adding stops to its itinerary, including Hobe Sound   taken them before the year ends. And if you haven’t yet
      President and CEO Karen Ripper said. “The best solution   and Indiantown. “By meeting people in their own   started taking RMDs, learn as much as you can about
      for helping those in need is for us to go to them and provide   neighborhoods,” Ripper said, “we will relieve some of the   them — because the more you know, the more likely
      them with services and links to resources right in their   stigma of asking for help and overcome any transportation   you’ll make the right moves at the right time.
      neighborhood.”                                    challenges. Our community will be healthier as we address      This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
         Board members, staff, funders, public officials   problems before they become catastrophes for seniors and   your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward
      and supporters joined together on January 7 for the   their families.”                                 Jones, Member SIPC.
      official ribbon cutting                                                                                   Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer
      for the bus, made                                                                                      in all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward
      possible with funding                                                                                  D. Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico
      from Impact100                                                                                         and Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance
      Martin,  the Wong                                                                                      Agency of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance
      Family Foundation,                                                                                     Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones
      and Cleveland Clinic                                                                                   Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
      Martin. The  United                                                                                       Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
      Way of Martin County                                                                                   cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your
      is providing funding                                                                                   qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
      for the social worker,                                                                                    Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl,
      the “navigator,” who                                                                                   CFP , AAMS , 1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106,
      is staffing the van.                                                                                   Jupiter, FL 33458.
         In just four weeks
      on the road in Hobe
      Sound and Stuart, the
      Elder Mobile Outreach
      Program staff has
      already assisted more
      than 80 individuals
      with  resources like  Council on Aging Martin County Board Members, staff and supporters gathered to celebrate the
      securing affordable  launch of the Elder Mobile Outreach Program bus on January 7. The bus is already making an
      housing, referrals to  impact in neighborhoods throughout Martin County.


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