Page 4 - Hobe Sound Reflections - February '25
P. 4

Page 4, Hobe Sound

                                                          Good Works

      The Pet Cottage Secures                           deployment will continue to receive the care they deserve      “This grant enables us to give our pets the healthiest lives
      $15,000 Grant For Veterinary                      while living with their dedicated Forever Guardians.   possible while easing the financial burden on their Forever
                                                                                                           Guardians,” Wendy added. “We are deeply grateful to the

                                                           “This grant represents a significant milestone for our
      Expenses Supporting Forever                       organization,” said Wendy Derhak, founder/executive   Knopf Family Foundation for believing in our mission and
                                                        director of The Pet Cottage. “It reaffirms our mission to
                                                                                                           investing in the futures of these beloved animals.”
      Guardianship Program                              provide lifetime care and support for pets in need, and it      The Pet Cottage invites the community to join us in
                                                        directly impacts their health and well-being. Veterinary care is   celebrating this incredible opportunity and to learn more
         The Pet Cottage is thrilled to announce a generous   one of our most pressing expenses, and this funding allows us   about how they can support our programs. Together, we can
      $15,000 grant from the Knopf Family Foundation dedicated   to provide necessary medical services without compromise.”   make a lasting impact on the lives of pets and their humans.
      to covering veterinary expenses for pets in our Forever      The Forever Guardianship program is a cornerstone      For more information about The Pet Cottage and the
      Guardianship program. This vital funding ensures that   of The Pet Cottage’s mission. By pairing pets with loving   Forever Guardianship program, please visit thepetcottage.
      pets who have lost their human due to death, disability, or   Forever Guardians, the program ensures each animal finds   org or contact Wendy at
                                                        a stable, nurturing home. This grant will be utilized to cover   About The Pet Cottage
                                                        essential veterinary needs, including routine check-ups,      The Pet Cottage is a nonprofit organization dedicated
        Children’s Museum from page 1                   vaccinations, surgeries, and chronic condition management.   to honoring the human-animal bond by providing lifetime
                                                           Since its founding, The Pet Cottage has worked tirelessly   care for pets who have lost their human due to death,
           The  celebration                             to support the emotional and physical needs of both pets and   disability, or deployment. Through innovative programs
        continued with high-                            their human guardians. With this funding, we can expand   like Forever Guardianship, The Pet Cottage ensures pets
        energy dancing to the                           our reach and continue to uphold the quality of care that   find new loving homes with individuals committed to
        music of the Street Talk                        defines our organization.                          their lifelong care.
        Band, bringing the evening
        to a memorable close.
           Special thanks go to
        our Presenting Sponsors,
        Marsha and Michael Cetta,
        and to all the generous                         Hospice Foundation from page 1
        sponsors and attendees
        whose contributions made                        and president of the nonprofit Celebrities Fore Kids (CFK),
        this event a phenomenal                         Filer has facilitated more than $93,000 in funding for Little
        success.                                        Treasures. Her generous support has provided much-needed
           Proceeds from the gala                       financial assistance to families caring for children with life-
        will fund the purchase of   Jean Laws and Gregory Scott  limiting illnesses. CFK’s contributions, including Walmart
        a mobile planetarium,                           gift cards, gas cards, and cash assistance, have alleviated the
        which will travel to schools across Martin, St. Lucie, Indian   financial burdens experienced by these families, who often
        River, Okeechobee, and Northern Palm Beach counties.   face extreme financial stress due to various factors such as
        Additionally, funds will support a scholarship program to   inability to work, travel expenses for medical appointments,
        provide field trips to the Children’s Museum, ensuring access   and out-of-pocket costs for necessary medical equipment and
        to engaging educational experiences for children throughout   services not covered by insurance.
        the region.                                        Filer is a true champion and advocate for children.
           Thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s   Through her philanthropic work, she encourages others
        gala a truly stellar event!                     in the community to find their passion and give of   Thanks for Giving Honoree Marlene Filer with TCH CEO
                                                        themselves to organizations that they love.        Jackie Kendrick, CHPCA
                                                           Thanks for Giving honoree Ken Feiertag and his firm,
                                                        Feiertag Financial Group of Janney Montgomery Scott
                                                        LLC, began supporting Treasure Coast Hospice in 2013
                                                        with a memorial donation, but grew to be a major partner
                                                        in 2015 when Feiertag became a founding member of the
                                                        TCH President’s Circle, a group of community business
                                                        leaders from Martin, St. Lucie and Okeechobee counties
                                                        who financially support the mission of TCH.
                                                           To date, the direct financial support of Feiertag
                                                        Financial Group is close to $85,000, however an
                                                        innovative program  that  Feiertag  and his  business
                                                        partner, Michael Tommeraas, developed has helped raise
                                                        additional monies for TCH and many other Treasure Coast
       Holly Carmody, Liz Ciampi, Cher Fischer, Ed Ciampi  charities. The two partners take off their financial advisor
                                                        hats and turn into “Chef Ken” and “Chef Mike,” offering
                                                        authentic Louisiana Crawfish Boils to nonprofits that   Thanks for Giving Honoree Ken Feiertag with TCH CEO
                                                        have silent auctions at their fundraising events. Feiertag   Jackie Kendrick, CHPCA
                                                        Financial Group has also sponsored the annual TCH Golf
                                                        Tournament and has been the Presenting Sponsor for the      The event was graciously underwritten by Wilmington
                                                        organization’s annual Sporting Clay Shoot since 2021.  Trust, The Ngo Group Illustrated Properties Real Estate,
                                                           Feiertag and his team believe in giving back to the   Martin Funeral Home and Crematory, Law Office of
                                                        community and have been instrumental in helping spread   Jacobs & Jacobs, and Evergreen Private Care.
                                                        the mission of  TCH through financial contributions,      To learn how to support the Treasure Coast Hospice
                                                        guidance and advocacy.                             Foundation, visit

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