Page 6 - Boca ViewPointe - February '25
P. 6

Page 6, Viewpointe                                                  February 2025
      Boca Pointe Pap Corps “Let The Good Times Roll”

      While Raising Funds For

      Cancer Research

      By Gail Meddoff

         On Tuesday, January 14, 2025, Mardi Gras came to
      Mizner Country Club in Delray Beach when the Boca Pointe
      PAP Corps hosted its annual fundraiser Card Party. Balloons
      and decorations in festive purple, gold and green -- Mardi
      Gras colors – greeted 200 guests as they entered the Mizner
      Clubhouse lobby.
         Many of the women adhered to the Mardi Gras theme by                                              Linda Pavlov, Card Party Chair Gail Meddoff, PAP Corps
      sporting purple, gold or green garb. They posed, with or without   Many attendees had lots of fun getting into the Mardi Gras   Board Member Nancy Goldstein, Chapter President Belinda
      props, for pictures in front of the Mardi Gras photo wall.  groove, masks and all.                   Coon, and Raffle Committee Chair Denise Siegel.
         Shoppers happily shopped at the stylish boutiques
      featuring a variety of beautiful jewelry, clothes, accessories      Attendees enjoyed                Chair Gail Meddoff, PAP Board Member Nancy Goldstein
      and more. Jackie Silberglied’s table of artistically designed   a Continental Breakfast              and Felice Rosen, Denise Siegel and Linda Pavlov.
      greeting cards was also a hit. Of special interest were the raffle   along with morning                 Additional crucial workers include Treasurer Allan
      tables, which held decorative Mardi Gras-themed baskets   and afternoon Canasta,                     Wickstein, Email Blast Coordinator Dee Zwickau, Ann
      filled with a fabulous array of prizes, including a Grand Prize   Bridge, and Mahjong                Rhodes, Joann Whalen, Joan Samitt, Lynn Berman, Arlene
      Raffle basket valued at more than $1,000. Raffle ticket sales   games played in rooms                Fischer, Kathy London, Agie Winthrop, Ann Pfeffer, Lois
      exceeded expectations.                            named “St. Ann Street,”                            Friedman, Jane Guterman, Jayne Chapman and Jill Angelino.
                                                        “Bourbon Street” and                                 photographers: Ronni Ratsprecher and Andrew Meddoff for
                                                                                                             Much appreciation also goes to the event’s talented
                                                        “Canal Street” after
        Move Over LAW                                   famous  New Orleans                                volunteering their time and effort to showcase our event. An
                                                                                                           email blast will be sent out when all the lovely photos become
                                                        locations. Posters of court
        (FS 316.126)                                    jesters juggling playing                           available for viewing and downloading.
                                                                                                             A final big THANK YOU to all of you who attended. The

                                                        cards pointed the way.
                                                           In the “French  Felice Rosen and Barbra
                                                                                                           money you so generously spent may help save a life.

                                                        Quarter” dining room,  Goldberg posing pretty in front      Regrettably, due to space constraints at Mizner Country Club,
        By Elyse Weintraub                              attendees savored a  of the Mardi Gras photo wall.  we were unable to accommodate everyone who wanted to attend.
        Brown, Community                                delicious entrée and a                             We urge you to make your reservations early for future events.
        Education Specialist,                           special Mardi Gras-motif dessert. Jeweled and feathered      In closing, attendees at the recent Boca Pointe PAP Corps
        Palm Beach County Fire                          masks served as glittery centerpieces, and attendees received   Mardi Gras Card Party enjoyed a day of food, shopping,
        Rescue                                          feathered masks and colorful Mardi Gras beads as souvenirs.  games and fun as they followed the Mardi Gras motto
        (561) 616-7051 or                                  “The feedback from the women attending the Card Party   “Laissez les bons temps rouler” which translates to: “Let                              has been fantastic,” says Boca Pointe PAP Corps President   the good times roll.” And they did.
                                                        Belinda Coon. Noting that It takes a village to coordinate a      All proceeds from this PAP Corps event go to
           This  message  is                            large event, she applauds the chapter’s many enthusiastic   support the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at
        brought to you by your                          organizers and workers. Key were the following principal   the University of Miami, where doctors and scientists
        friendly Firefighters                           organizers whose attention to detail and tireless work over   undertake innovative research searching for cures to
        from Palm  Beach                                several months helped make this event a success: Card Party   eradicate many kinds of cancer. 
        County Fire Rescue….
           Every day firefighters and
        other emergency responders
        drive to emergencies. What’s
        more, oftentimes the emergency
        they are driving to is actually in
        the roadway. Although they are
        helping others and rendering aid,
        they are also at risk of being injured and killed on our
        roadways by motorists. Help protect them…because if                                                                Scan for a FREE
        they can’t help you in your time of need…who will?                                                             In Home Consultat on
        Learn the Move Over LAW (FS 316.126)
          Are you unsure about what you are supposed to do                                                            VISIT OUR SHOWROOM
        when you are driving on a local roadway, and you see
        DRIVING BEHIND YOU a fire truck or other emergency                                                                  IN BOCA
        vehicle with lights flashing and sirens wailing on the
        way to an emergency? The Answer is …you must yield
        the right of way. When it is safe to do so, move over as
        close as reasonable to the closest edge of the curb of the
        roadway, clear of any intersection and then stop. When
        this happens on highways and interstates, rather than
        stop, slow down and then safely move over so that the
        emergency vehicle can pass.
          Are you unsure about what you are supposed to do when
        you are driving on a roadway with multiple lanes, and you see
        a fire truck or rescue truck working an emergency ON THE
        SIDE OF THE ROAD? The Answer is….When it is safe to
        do, merge away from a vehicle working on the side of the
        roadway to provide an empty travel lane for the emergency
        worker. If you are not able to safely move over, you must   Modern style
        slow down to a speed of 20 MPH below the posted speed
        limit unless directed otherwise by a law enforcement officer.   Des gn
           On a two-lane roadway…Where there is NO lane of
        travel in the same direction to merge over to, you are
        REQUIRED to slow down to a speed that is 20 miles per        WHY CHOOSE US?
        hour less than the posted speed limit. If the speed limit
        is 20 miles per hour or less, you must slow down to five       12+ Years of Exper ence
        miles per hour.                                                Fully Insured, L censed and Bonded
           In the State of Florida, drivers must also move over for    Award-W nn ng Des gners
        sanitation vehicles and utility service vehicles performing    Cert fied Profess onals
        tasks related to their services, and wreckers displaying       Exper enced Project Managers
        amber rotating or flashing lights performing a recovery        In House Crew Team
        or loading on the roadside.                                    No Cost Overruns
          Violating the Move Over Law can result in a fine and         For Every Budget
        points on your license; and worse, because it puts rescuers,   Huge Select ons  n Showrooms
        civilians, and other motorists at risk of serious injury and
        even death. For everyone’s safety, share the Move Over       19635 FL-7 #46, Boca Raton, FL 33498  561-778-1188  www.k
        Law with others. Help us…help You! 
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