Page 4 - Boca ViewPointe - February '25
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Page 4, Viewpointe February 2025
Clicking With Abandon
By William A. Gralnick I’ve noticed a variation on this theme. It comes from a to be true. Curiosity killed the cat. Don’t even open the
store, you know, any one of a number of large, local brands or communique because you are curious. That itself may be
Oh, it looks harmless box stores. Sometimes it tells you they didn’t refund enough enough to trigger entry into your private world. A final
enough. It has an air of money. Sometimes they tell you a refund is due and you need tip. Always look at the electronic address. You are looking
familiarity about it. After only fill out some information. Of course, they should already for what comes after the @ sign. If it isn’t someone or
all, it’s been on your desk have that information if this was not a scam. someplace you know, then it’s fake. Normally, it will
or in your pocket for…well, Speaking of brand names, a major courier service is next look abnormal.
seemingly, forever. However, your computer or phone is not on my list. I’ve gotten this same come-on supposedly from I was watching a TV show about a defense lawyer. On his
your friend. In fact, it can be your enemy. Given the chance, it two different companies. It tells me that my package is in their wall was mounted a Largemouth Bass with its large mouth
will conspire with bad people to do bad things to you, things delivery holding warehouse, and they are so sorry about the open. Underneath, it said, “If I’d kept my mouth shut, I
that will far surpass aggravating you. Put simply, it will rob hold-up. It turns out that it is a hold-up of a different kind. wouldn’t be here.” Good thought. Here are some more. Write
you and rob you big time if you let it. You think I’m being Give them the information, and they’ll give you the package. down somewhere near your computer this from Dante’s
dramatic? Maybe histrionic? I’m not. What follows are the Not! You’ve been held up; you just didn’t have to raise your Inferno. “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.” If that’s too
communiques I received in one day. arms in the air. much, write down, “Caveat Emptor.” That’s Buyer Beware.
Here is one that is really sneaky because it comes from the The “Debt Relief Service,” which, of course, doesn’t exist, If you are a minimalist, then just write down “beware” and
cell company that I use or purports to use. It also presents as is offering to relieve the recipient of debt if only… Everyone look at it every time you push your chair in towards your
an apology. In fact, in one day, I got two versions. One just owes something to someplace. Maybe the thieves get lucky keyboard or start scrolling through your phone.
apologized for an overbilling error. The other began with a and you owe a bunch of money to some place or places. If Let’s end where we began. If you think I’m being too
“whoops…” With all of these, the idea is to keep you from you send them what they need to get your protection, then dramatic, go online and google some stories about people
thinking. Why would they be asking me for information if go ahead and cup your hand to your ear, “Gotcha” is again who did not heed warnings such as these. Some are broke.
I’ve only been over-billed as opposed to my having paid too what you’ll hear. Some are broken. Some have spent years trying to undo the
much and was due a refund? That’s your clue. The answer is And for you see-bill/ pay/bill payers at home, I’ll leave harm done to them all because they thought the computer
whoever they are shouldn’t be asking me for any information. you with this one. It came in as I was getting ready to write was their friend.
Then there is the one from the blandly named Returns this. It is a bill for the continuation of my five-year anti-virus
Department. It claims that I have an unclaimed amount due me protection plan. It came replete with a PDF that said invoice. Columnist and author Bill Gralnick was born and raised
for $3,789. For what, you might ask? You should. They don’t Of course, I don’t have a five-year anti-virus protection plan. in Brooklyn, NY. He recently finished a humorous memoir
say. The amount supposedly due me looks very unsuspicious. Yes, I have anti-virus protection, but it is from a company trilogy. The first book is “The War of the Itchy Balls and Other
It is meant to—large enough to be enticing, small enough to with a name. Second, I buy it through the genius I use who Tales from Brooklyn.” The second is “George Washington
be real, and real enough looking not to stop you. For instance, takes care of my computer needs and has taught me to look Didn’t Sleep Here.” The recently published third is, That’s
it would not work as well if the number was $3,700. Drooling for these kinds of electronic traps. Why They Call It Work.” He is currently working on a novel.
over your windfall, you fill out the information they want, hit Think to yourself. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. If His books are available on Amazon and his other writings at
send, and someone, somewhere, is muttering, “Gotcha!” it looks or sounds too good to be true—then it is too good
Seeing Myself As The Country I Want To Live In
By Robert W. Goldfarb to find the path to the heart of this country in which I’m Growing older has also made me gentler, conscious
going to spend the rest of my life. that words can hurt, aware of the importance of giving and
Flying to far-away places has enriched my life. I heard the Instead of flying thirty hours to attend a spiritual retreat receiving acts of kindness. As a young man, I competed for
language of those places as a greeting, not as telling tourists in Nepal, I’ll visualize a Buddhist monk seated across from larger offices on higher floors. As an older man I competed
to spend their money and go home. Tutors had me memorize me. I trust that age has given me the patience to sit quietly with other drivers for a parking spot. Now I step aside to let
everyday phrases that turned the frown of officials checking and hear the monk as though he were close enough to touch others pass me.
my passport into a smile. rather than nine thousand miles away. Often when I enter a noisy restaurant, I recall the clamor
My wife and I always seemed to find the town-- The night table next to my bed threatens to collapse under of festivals travel agents insisted tourists attend. Now I yearn
sometimes the street--that told us we had found the heart the weight of books written by spiritual guides and their for silence, for the stillness where I can hear a quiet voice
of the country we were in. Those few idioms became a key journeys. I eagerly read and re-read them, hoping to find saying, “Come, this is your path ahead.”
local people gave us to unlock doors taking us deeper into wisdom that will lead me along my own journey. I know how little time is left, but am equally certain I
their country’s heart. I didn’t read spiritual books when I was younger. I have found the country in which I can be the man I want
But, at 95, belted into an airplane seat makes me feel more found that guidance at its source in India, China, Japan and to become.
a prisoner than a passenger. Flying to even the most exotic Southeast Asia. When I was younger I suspect my mind was
setting is taking me further from the place I want to spend too noisy to visualize a monk unless he I was in his presence. Bob’s articles have appeared in The New York Times,
the days remaining to me. My hearing has dimmed, of course, but the country I have The San Francisco Chronicle and in Next Avenue, the
I’ll continue flying to California to visit my great- become is a quiet place. In its silence I can hear the softest publication of the Public Broadcasting Service. His book,
grandchildren, but instinct tells me awareness I’m seeking voice, sometime even what is felt but not said. The wisdom “What’s Stopping Me From Getting Ahead?” was published
will not be found in another country. I want to discover I seek is in that stillness and I hear its voice. by McGraw Hill and is in five languages.
possibilities within myself that I’ve ignored, potential I’ve
never fulfilled. I know how old I am, but age has only
sharpened my hunger to learn. I’m determined to find a
destination closer to home that will satisfy that hunger.
I’m not sure what it will teach me, but I’ve decided to see
myself--the person I’ve become--as a country of which I am
the only citizen Instead of a passport taking me across distant
borders, I’m going to claim citizenship in myself, allowing
my frequent-flyer mileage to expire.
If I were a country, I would know it extremely well, Do you know a family member,
having lived in it for nearly a century. But I intend to
discover hidden corners within me I haven’t explored, that friend or a neighbor in need of
have much to teach me. I’ll carry myself as a tourist hoping
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