Page 21 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - January '25
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 21
      The Faxon Family And Friends Raise $97K

      To Help The Homeless Through The Lord’s Place

        Beyond giving, Dory Faxon donates her time and now has
      a pavilion dedicated in her name.
        Thanks to the generosity of Dory Faxon’s family and
      friends in raising $97,173, The Lord’s Place held a dedication
      of Dory’s Place on November 26, at its men’s campus in
      Boynton Beach. Dory’s Place is a beautiful pavilion that
      serves as a gathering space for the formerly homeless men
      who reside at William H. Mann Place for Men.

                                                         The dedication of Dory’s Place at The Lord’s Place William H. Mann Place for Men campus in Boynton Beach on November 26, 2024.
      Tom Fink, Dory Faxon, Charles O’Berry, Bonnie Deaner
                                                           “It  is  such  an  honor  and  privilege  to  be  affiliated   The Lord’s Place’s feeding program in honor of Faxon’s
        Palm Beach Gardens resident and realtor Dory Faxon   with The Lord’s Place. We feel that we are so incredibly   time volunteering in the café.
      loves to spend her Tuesday afternoons volunteering at The   blessed in this life, and in this world, that nothing gives us     “We are most grateful for people like Dory who bless
      Lord’s Place. Each week, Faxon and a group of five others   more joy and pleasure to be able to help these incredible   us with their treasures and quickly realize the deeper
      show up to Café Joshua to serve hot lunches to about 125   clients. We love The Lord’s Place! And we love the   impact they can have by also blessing us with their time.
      individuals who are experiencing homelessness and receiving   clients,” said Faxon.                  As a donor and volunteer, Dory, along with Brad and her
      services from the social impact agency. Faxon and the     In honor of Faxon’s 50th birthday four years ago,   family and friends, have made a profound impact on our
      Tuesday volunteer group sit down as table companions with   family and friends made surprise gift donations in her   clients’ lives and on our agency as a whole. Our work
      these clients to listen to their stories and help reinstill their   honor – raising more than $40,000 for The Lord’s Place.   to end homelessness is only possible with the support
      human dignity as the men and women work on their unique   About a year later, another campaign was held in memory   from our local community members. Thank you, Dory,
      journeys to ending their homelessness.             of Faxon’s beloved late father.                   for leading by example,” stated CEO Diana Stanley.
        Faxon and her husband Brad have been involved with The     The $97,173 raised from both campaigns was used to     For more information on The Lord’s Place, its housing
      Lord’s Place as donors since 2018. Shortly thereafter in 2019,   build Dory’s Place – a pavilion that serves as a place for   campuses, or volunteer opportunities, visit
      Faxon became a regular Tuesday café volunteer. Faxon has   retreats, meetings, barbecues, etc., for the 50 residents of
      developed a love for the clients and a family-like bond with   the William H. Mann Place for Men. The money raised
      her fellow Tuesday lunch crew members.             in excess of the cost to build the pavilion was donated to

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