Page 6 - Stuart Exposure - January '25
P. 6

Page 6, Stuart Exposure
                                                     Tip Of The Tail

      New Year’s Resolution:                            Veterinarians play a crucial role in educating pet owners   emphasize the importance of addressing obesity in pets to
                                                        about proper nutrition, portion control, and the importance
                                                                                                           improve their overall health and well-being. By working together
      Get Your Pet Bikini Ready!                        of regular exercise to help prevent obesity in pets.  with pet owners to implement tailored weight management
                                                           When addressing obesity in pets, it is essential to   strategies, we can help our pets live longer, healthier lives free
                                                        develop a tailored weight management plan that takes   from the burdens of obesity-related illnesses.
                                                        into account the individual needs and circumstances of      Remember, a healthy pet is a happy pet – let’s work together
                                                        each animal. This may involve adjusting the pet’s diet   to tackle obesity in our furry companions and promote a better
                                                        to a low-calorie formula or metabolic management diet,   quality of life for all.
                                                        increasing physical activity levels, and closely monitoring      Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center is
                                                        their progress. Regular checkups and monitoring by   dedicated to providing the best possible care for your pets. With
                                                        veterinary professionals are essential to ensure that the   focuses on compassionate care in surgery, physical therapy and
                                                        weight loss program is effective and safe for the pet. In   rehabilitation, preventative medicine, extensive diagnostics,
                                                        addition, if your pet is not losing weight as expected, your   and emergency service, Palm City Animal Medical Center
                                                        veterinarian can perform bloodwork to check for diseases   combines exceptional medical care with a caring philosophy
         Obesity is not only a growing concern among humans   such as hypothyroidism or Cushing’s disease that can   for pets and their owners. For more information, call (772)
      but also among our furry companions. It is estimated that   make it difficult for your pet to maintain a healthy weight.  283-0920, visit or find
      56 percent of dogs and 60 percent of cats are overweight      In conclusion, as veterinary professionals, we must   us on Facebook at
      or obese. As  pet owners it is crucial for us to recognize
      and address this issue that can significantly impact the
      health and well-being of our beloved pets.
         Obesity in pets is more than just an aesthetic concern;
      it is a serious medical condition that can lead to a plethora
      of other health problems. Just like in humans, obesity in
      animals can increase the risk of various diseases such as
      diabetes, osteoarthritis, heart disease, and even certain
      types of cancer. It can also worsen pre-existing conditions
      like arthritis and respiratory issues, ultimately decreasing
      the quality of life for our pets.
         The primary cause of obesity in pets is an imbalance
      between calorie intake and energy expenditure. Factors
      such  as  overfeeding,  lack  of  exercise,  and  genetic
      predisposition can contribute to weight gain in animals.

         Real Estate

        Treasure Coast Real Estate


        The Market Is Set To Remain Strong
        In 2025. Marketing Is The Key To
        Selling A Home

        By Jim Weix
           “Lower interest rates
        will unleash some of
        the pent-up demand
        for housing in 2025,”
        says Bernard Markstein,
        president and chief
        economist for Markstein
        Advisors. “This will
        help  keep  mortgage
        rates above their ultra-
        low rate of just a few
        years ago, [but] rates will be lower than current levels.”
           However, recent changes in how Realtors can show
        your home make online marketing more important than
        ever. That is how 99 percent of buyers locate a home.
        During those first 15 seconds, it is also what determines
        if they look closer or move to the next one.
           In today’s world, professional photos and aerial
        photos of the property and surrounding area are a must.
        Technology has given us some real advantages and
        potential buyers expect more. There is no excuse for                                                            Life moves fast—
        not having professional photos, aerial views, and self-

        guided walk-through tours of a home for sale. It should                                      prepare for the unexpected
        go without saying that your home should look its best
        in the photos.                                                                                    with Accident Insurance.
           Since the first photo will likely be the front of your
        house, walk outside and look at it. Most driveways need
        power washing every six months. Nothing says “Ick!”
        like a dirty driveway being your welcoming picture.
           As long as you are power washing the driveway, a
        quick power wash of the front of the house is a good   We’re here to help.
        idea. Cobwebs and dirt are easy to get rid of and give
        the house a better look.
           I have a really good feeling about the real estate   Accident insurance complements your Florida Blue Health Plan. Call to learn more
        market in 2025. Let’s make the most of it!        about insurance plans from USAble Life.
           Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss your
        options. I can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or jimweix@  M&A Insurance and Financial Services Inc.
           Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes   561-440-9940
        Company. Jim has 25 years of experience selling real
        estate full-time. If you have questions or want the services   M&A Insurance and Financial Services Inc. is an Independent Broker of Florida Blue.
                                                          Florida Blue is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Supplemental, Life, and Disability products are offered by USAble Life. USAble Life is an independent company
        of an experienced expert, you can reach Jim at (772)   and operates separately from Florida Blue.
        341-2941 or                  22L-USAL-0872                                                                          112941 1222
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