Page 11 - Stuart Exposure - January '25
P. 11

Stuart Exposure, Page 11
      Treasure Coast Outdoors

      Seagrass Return? Let’s Hope                       finally make a little bit of progress, we get another toxic   have been inundated with rainfall runoff. Four years of
                                                        waste dump from Lake Okeechobee.
                                                                                                           high-water levels have killed 31,250 acres of subaquatic
      New Discharges Don’t Kill It                         Twenty years ago, as an idealistic new resident. I joined   vegetation, which could have a severe impact on bass
                                                        several groups active in stopping the discharges. I was   fishing, said Lawrence Glenn, the South Florida Water
      By Jim Weix                                       enthusiastically trying to recruit a Florida native fishing   Management District’s water resources division director.
         Anglers are reporting                          buddy to my cause. He just shook his head and said that   There’s supposed to be 35,000 acres, but there remains
      seeing seagrass growing                           I was wasting my time. He said that Big Sugar and the   only 3,750 acres, he said.
      back north of the power                           Army Core of Engineers ended all hope when the canals      I can’t help but wonder if there was no such thing as
      plant on both the east and                        were dug so that water could be dumped into the St. Lucie   the C-44 canal.
      west  sides of the river.                         River. Thus, the C-44 Canal was dug between 1916 and      Editor’s note: Jim Weix is an avid hunter, angler,
      No surprise, but that has                         1924. This pretty much doomed the St. Lucie River.   conservationist, as well as an outdoor writer. Jim is
      attracted trout again.                               Yes, some progress does get made to try and minimize   included in the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s Hall of
         Forgive me if I am a                           the discharges, but at the end of the day, it fails. We began   Fame for helping restore thousands of acres of wetlands.
      bit of a killjoy, but I’m so                      another oyster and seagrass killing discharge on Dec. 7.  Jim is a broker associate with The Keyes Company. He can
      tired of getting my hopes                            The purpose of the discharge is to supposedly protect   be reached at (772) 341-2941 or by email at jimweix@
      up. Every time we start to                        the lake’s ecology, namely aquatic plants and animals that

      Stuart Chamber Happenings from page 10

                                                                   Stuart/Martin County Chamber   (From left) Stuart/Martin County
                                                                   Trustee Rob Gluckman, Live Hearty,   Chamber Trustee Kaylin Obards,
                                                                   shown with associates Ciara (left)   South Florida Orthopaedics
      Stuart/Martin County Chamber   Heather Price, The Price is Right   and Nicole, was the Presenting   & Sports Medicine; Patricia   Barbara LaBounty, The Pension
      members and guests enjoyed the   Real Estate, and her companion   Sponsor of the annual Holiday Trade   Idarraga and Aleisha Coleman,   Source, was feeling no pain as
      sounds of Gratitude Steel Band   “The Grinch” got into the spirit   Show, held on November 20 at The   VNA-Visiting Nurse Association,   she received a massage from
      as they perused the numerous   at the Stuart/Martin County   Flagler Center. Special thanks to   discussed the healthcare system   Grassam Spine & Wellness Center
      exhibitors at the Holiday Trade   Chamber’s Holiday Trade Show,   Gluckman and his wife Dr. Michele   during the November 26 Business   during the Stuart/Martin County
      Show, held on November 20 at The   held on November 20 at The   Libman for the ongoing support of   B4 Breakfast at Cleveland Clinic   Chamber’s Holiday Trade Show
      Flagler Center.               Flagler Center.                the chamber and its programs.  Martin North Hospital.       at The Flagler Center.

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