Page 9 - Palm City Spotlight - January '25
P. 9

Palm City Spotlight, Page 9

                                                          kids CorNer

      Helping Disorganized,                             homework and forgot to turn it in. He waits until the last   executive functioning course for students in grades 6
                                                        minute to start projects or studying for exams. What a hot
                                                                                                           through 9. Your student can join us for three, 90-minute
      Forgetful, And Scattered                          mess!”                                             sessions of fun, interactive activities to learn executive
      Adolescents                                         This mom was describing her son’s executive      functioning skills related to organization, planning, time
                                                        functioning weaknesses. The term executive functioning
                                                                                                           management, memory, and attention. The group size is
                                                        encompasses our brain’s ability to manage different   limited to 10 students.
      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                             systems such as planning, organizing, maintaining effort,     We will use games, scenarios, and videos to illustrate
      Licensed School                                   remembering, self-regulating, attending, and completing   points and practice skills. Students receive written
      Psychologist                                      tasks. School success depends, in part, on having strong   handouts to keep which summarize the new skills. We
        A parent described her                          executive functioning skills. Executive functioning   are approaching this mastermind course for teens using
      eighth-grade son to me,                           weaknesses can cause smart kids to become scattered,   a  cognitive behavioral  framework. That  means  that  if
      “He has struggles following                       disorganized, and forgetful. These weaknesses might be   you can change your thinking and learn new skills, you
      multiple oral instructions                        accompanied with ADHD or learning disabilities but can   can change your behavior. Your student can learn skills
      at the same time. His                             also be stand-alone difficulties. Our executive functions   for success this year and beyond. Are you tired of being
      information retention in                          improve with age and fully mature in our late teen years   your child’s only executive assistant and ready for your
      the short term is challenging                     to early 20s. Thus, there’s hope for your student’s growth.  adolescent to hear about success  skills from  someone
      especially for unpreferred                          Executive functioning skills can be learned, practiced   other than yourself?
      topics. He has completed                          and  improved. This  month  I  am  offering  an  in-person     Call (561) 625-4125 if you would like to sign up or if
                                                                                                           you need school neuropsychological testing to give you
                                                                                                           understanding and answers. Learn more at JimForgan.

                                                                                                             real esTaTe

                                                                                                             Treasure Coast Real Estate


                                                                                                             The Market Is Set To Remain Strong
                                                                                                             In 2025. Marketing Is The Key To
                                                                                                             Selling A Home

                                                                                                             By Jim Weix
                                                                                                             “Lower interest rates
                                                                                                             will unleash some of
                                                                                                             the pent-up demand for
                                                                                                             housing in 2025,” says
                                                                                                             Bernard Markstein,
                                                                                                             president and chief
                                                                                                             economist for
                                                                                                             Markstein Advisors.
                                                                                                             “This will help keep
                                                                                                             mortgage rates above
                                                                                                             their ultra-low rate of
                                                                                                             just a few years ago, [but] rates will be lower than
                                                                                                             current levels.”
                                                                                                               However, recent changes in how Realtors can
                                                                                                             show your home make online marketing more
                                                                                                             important than ever. That is how 99 percent of buyers
                                                                                                             locate a home. During those first 15 seconds, it is
                                                                                                             also what determines if they look closer or move to
                                                                                                             the next one.
                                                                                                               In today’s world, professional photos and aerial
                                                                                                             photos of the property and surrounding area are a
                                                                                                             must. Technology has given us some real advantages
                                                                                                             and potential buyers expect more. There is no excuse
                                                                                                             for not having professional photos, aerial views, and
                                                                                                             self-guided walk-through tours of a home for sale.
                                                                                                             It should go without saying that your home should
                                                                                                             look its best in the photos.
                                                                                                               Since the first photo will likely be the front of your
                                                                                                             house, walk outside and look at it. Most driveways need
                                                                                                             power washing every six months. Nothing says “Ick!”
                                                                                                             like a dirty driveway being your welcoming picture.
                                                                                                               As long as you are power washing the driveway, a
                                                                                                             quick power wash of the front of the house is a good
                                                                                                             idea. Cobwebs and dirt are easy to get rid of and give
                                                                                                             the house a better look.
                                                                                                               I have a really good feeling about the real estate
                                                                                                             market in 2025. Let’s make the most of it!
                                                                                                               Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss
                                                                                                             your options. I can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or
                                                                                                               Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes
                                                                                                             Company. Jim has 25 years of experience selling
                                                                                                             real estate full-time. If you have questions or want
                                                                                                             the services of an experienced expert, you can reach
                                                                                                             Jim at (772) 341-2941 or

                                                                                  See answer in this paper.
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