Page 3 - The Jewish Voice - January '25
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The Jewish Voice, Page 3

                                                     LocaL Happenings

      Alpert JFS and Support for                          to 58 clients. Yet financial barriers still prevent many in   over eight years, ensuring that the Fund will be available
                                                           To date, the fund has provided 1,350 counseling sessions
                                                                                                           to support members of our Jewish community who cannot
      Mental Health Services                            our Jewish community from accessing vital mental health   afford essential counseling services.
                                                        care. Inbound calls to our Community Access Life Line for      For Sonkin, the cause is deeply personal. Now a resident
         In 2023, in partnership                        mental health support are up 30 percent since the pandemic,   of Palm Beach Gardens, Sydelle grew up in a challenging
      with  a group  of visionary                       underscoring an urgent need. Each year, one in five children   environment in Detroit. She later faced immense loss,
      philanthropists, Ferd &                           faces severe mental health struggles, with half of all lifetime   including the death of a child and the passing of her partner.
      Gladys Alpert  Jewish                             cases developing before the age of 14. Adults, children,   At first, she hesitated to seek help, but when she finally
      Family Service took a                             seniors, and families desperately need financial help and   did, the counseling services she received from Alpert JFS
      bold step to ensure that                          access to care without delay.                      changed her life. Therapy gave her the tools to heal and
      no Jewish person in need                             However, thanks to the extraordinary generosity of   rediscover peace. She is determined to ensure that others in
      of mental health services                         philanthropists like Sydelle Sonkin, the future now looks   our community can access the same life-changing support,
      would be turned away due                          much brighter for our Jewish neighbors in need. Sonkin has   regardless of their financial situation.
      to financial hardship. The                        made an indelible impact by committing $500,000 to endow      “So many people have mental health problems that
      creation of  the  Fund  for                       the Fund as part of her $5 million Campaign for the Future   affect their families, their work, their personal life, society,
      Mental Health Services has                        commitment to the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County.   and more,” said Sonkin. “If mental health isn’t good in a
      been a lifeline for many in                       Her contributions didn’t stop there — she also agreed to   community, the community will suffer, and the suffering
      our community.           Sydelle Sonkin           continue supporting the Fund with a generous annual gift   just gets worse over time unless there are reliable resources
                                                                                                           in place to address and alleviate the problem.”
        The Singles Scene   January 2025                                                                     Services is a testament to her belief in the power of healing
                                                                                                             Sonkin’s commitment to the Fund for Mental Health
        Unique New Year’s Edition: by Kelly Leary, M.S. & Miranda  No Time Like the Present.               and her compassion for those in need. She hopes her story
                                                                                                           will inspire others to join her in this vital cause. Every gift,
        Capparelli                                         People are HOT in a good way. We are geared up for the   no matter the size, can make a difference — perhaps even
                                                        power of change and action. Love is not about luck—it is about   save a life.
        Come Alive In 2025                              timing. You have to be in the right place, at the right time, to      Other donors to the Fund for Mental Health Service
        “Twenty Twenty-Five is a blank book to write your own love   meet the right person. The new year brings this time. This year   include Eileen Berman & Jay Bauer, Tami Lesser, Vivian
        story.”~~Matthew Leary (Kelly’s son)            is about expansion and conquering excellence in and out of the
           Happy New Year to our                        boardroom.                                         Lieberman, Debbie Shapiro, and Michelle B. Stein & Paul
        favorite people in this vast                       So, what is more important than lifelong health and happiness   Shaviv.
        community of movers and                         with someone you love? Read the room. You are at bat. You’ve      To donate to the Fund for Mental Health Services, visit
        shakers. You are ahead of                       got this, and we can’t wait to meet you. Hot Tip: Do secure your
        your time, and we thank                         reservation to meet the matchmakers as our January and February
        you for your keen talent for                    calendars are booking up quickly. Mention this article for special
        noticing the beauty in life.                    treatment when you speak to one of our team members on the   Emanu-El Hosts Former
        Staying rooted in our overly                    phone. All calls are confidential.
        tech world and maintaining                         Let’s get this new year started!                Ambassador to the UN
        traditional values is essential.                                           XOXO – Kelly & Miranda
        People like you hold the gift                   #LoveOffline #MatchmakingRoyalty  #TellYourFriends      In partnership with
        of love and compassion near                     #ComeAliveIn2025 #YouHaveArrived
        and dear--and that is why we are here today. True romance will                                     the American Friends
        never go out of style. It is up to people like us--to share this   Kelly Leary has 34 years        of Magen David
        cheerful news about real life and love (offline) with our family   in the dating industry          Adom  (AFMDA),
        and friends. Let’s keep love alive in 2025. Thank us later.   and a master’s degree in             Temple Emanu-El of
           It’s true: The older we get, the quicker time flies. Life is   clinical psychology. She has     Palm Beach recently
        moving at a rapid speed, and instant gratification has taken over.   also been written about in
        In contrast, it is important to have meaning in your life beyond   Modern Luxury Magazine          hosted Ambassador
        a computer screen. This is a unique year, marking a quarter of a   Palm Beach and Modern           Gilad Erdan, former
        century. The world has shifted, and we must cherish and embrace   Luxury Manhattan, The            Ambassador to the
        the opportunity to seize the day.               Palm Beach Post, The Shiny                         United Nations. Erdan  Gilad Erdan
           Milestone moments and huge transitions are coming, and we   Sheet, Stuart News, Jupiter         spoke of the UN and its
        hope everyone is revving up their engines. The national trends   Magazine, and many more.
        are noting a massive movement away from online dating and   Revolution Dating members              dramatically changed political makeup since its creation. “The
        towards matchmaking. Quality single people report “online   are pre-screened in person, including background checks.   U.N. was founded with only 51 member states. Most of them
        dating burnout,” so much so that even twenty-somethings have   Professional photos are taken by the staff. Revolution Dating   shared similar values, not all of them. But today, it grew and
        vowed to ditch the apps. In days of too much tech, the last thing   is NOT online dating or blind dating. In addition to providing   now includes 193 countries. And currently, if you analyze these
        successful singles want to do is waste their time and energy   matchmaking services that make singles “UN-single” through   countries, out of the 193 states, 56 (nearly one-third) are Muslim
        looking for love on a computer or speaking to an algorithm   their exclusive club memberships, Kelly and her Team also
        designed to keep them single and addicted to the next dopamine   provide feedback from your dates when appropriate. Mock   countries. But more importantly, more than half of the UN today
        rush. We call this “What’s Next Syndrome.” Sounds spooky, right?   Dates are available by request. Single Coaching Sessions and   are not even democracies. And when the UN is comprised of
           We urge you to follow the mainstream trajectory to love offline   Evaluations are also available by request for non-members   mostly non-democracies, what happens? Moral distortions. By
        and highlight meeting your matchmaker in person eye-to-eye   or as an add-on to some memberships. *All inquiries are   the way, you have to remember, in the general assembly, every
        before you try again. You don’t have to be a multi-millionaire   confidential *Specializing in representing jet-setting clients   country wields the same voting power,” he said.
        to work with a matchmaker, but you do have to show personal,   with a second home in the North East. Call the central hotline
        emotional, and financial security. If you know us, then you know   at 561-630-9696 (XOXO) or scan the QR code below to hold      Erdan gave examples of which countries are leading
        that our corporate headquarters (where we have proudly shined for   your place in the club.        decisions at the UN. “Cuba, Sudan, Somalia, and Ethiopia ...
        eleven years) is in one of the most upscale business neighborhoods                                 have all been elected to sit on the Human Rights Council....
        positioned cleverly to head all of South Florida and the Treasure   Behind The Scenes with The REV!   Saudia Arabia was chosen recently to chair the UN on the
        Coast. Our presence is organically up and down the entire East      Thank you December and Welcome January! It's 2025 and   status of women.” He added, “For nearly a year, a full year,
        Coast of the USA. For years, we have been matching clients   quality single, divorced, and widowed people are ready to love
        who have second homes in Nantucket, Manhattan, Greenwich,   offline once and for all. Your resolution is right in front of you   not once did the Security Council convene to discuss freeing
        and Cape Cod, to name a few. We call these clients “jet-setters,”   and has been for years. Your timing could not be better and you
        which sounds much cooler than “snowbirds.” We are honored to   are in good company. With use of 34 years of expertise and   Local Happenings on page 4
        know many fascinating CEOs, trailblazers, doctors, lawyers, and   connections, we know you are feeling it too. REV-up your love
        geniuses. This job has opened doors for us over the years, which   life with this amazing bunch below. Happy New Year from our
        means those doors are open to you too, as a client. Thanks to our   hearts to yours! First Interviews are complimentary for a short
        incredible clientele, we get smarter every day just by spending   time only. Reserve your appointment today.  #TellYourFriends   Fauda Creator Thanks from page 1
        time with our elevated ever-changing and growing membership
        platform. Our clients become friends--and nothing is more natural                                   in supporting this life-saving cause, emphasizing the
        than being introduced by a friend (in the know).                                                    importance of international solidarity with Israel.
           With that, welcome to 2025. It’s time to come alive and/or                                         The evening took a lively turn when Raz, interviewed
        help a friend or family member that you know to be stuck in
        a rut or hiding in their comfort zone. There is no time like the                                    by Senior Rabbi Yaron Kapitulnik, discussed his recent
        present to flip the script and start the year with zeal, clarity, and                               ventures in the entertainment world, particularly Fauda
        steadfastness.                                                                                      and his upcoming role in Gladiator II. With Fauda,
           Our new clients report an instant feeling of lightness and   The Revolution Dating Team Celebrates the   New Client Drop: Meet   Raz gave fans an inside look into the series’ origins and
        excitement as soon as they shut their dating apps down--for good.   Holidays! #ExcellentHumans  Luis! #Professional   success. The show, which portrays the complex lives
        A new female client stated, “The apps felt icky, unnatural, and                 Engineer
        desperate.” Another new male client called us and said: “My                                         of Israeli operatives, has garnered worldwide acclaim
        adult son recommended I work with a Matchmaker, and the kids                                        for its gritty, realistic portrayal of the Israeli-Palestinian
        know best!”                                                                                         conflict. Raz reflected on how the show has touched
                                                                                                            global audiences, shedding light on the human side of
        The Revolution Resolution.                                                                          conflicts often only seen through the lens of politics and
           Our clients desire stability and a high hit rate that you                                        headlines. As for Gladiator II, Raz excitedly teased his
        cannot find on a dating app. Intelligent people aim to avoid the                                    role in the highly anticipated sequel to Ridley Scott’s
        clutter. They prefer to maximize their time and efficiency by
        increasing the odds of meeting like-minded people via in-person                                     legendary epic.
        connections. They value our friendly advice and most of them                                           The night ended with a standing ovation, as Raz’s
        listen to our guidance with respect and gratitude.                                                  words resonated deeply with the congregation, bridging
                                                        Kelly’s Son, Matthew,   Welcome Ashley  (on   New Client Drop:
                                                        joins the Team   right)  to our Cupid   Meet Lynn! #Golden   the gap between entertainment, culture, and a love for
                                                        on  his  own  watch!   Team!    Bachelorette        the state of Israel, as well as the importance of ensuring
                                                    Paid Advertisement                                      that Israel continues to be the homeland for all Jews.
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