Page 10 - The Jewish Voice - January '25
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Page 10, The Jewish Voice

      Local Happenings from page 9                                                                         Jewish Rock Radio and JKids Radio, the first high-caliber,
                                                                                                           24/7 international Jewish music radio networks. Recht has 13
      Silver, who was the rabbi until his passing in 2008. Barry                                           top-selling Jewish albums, including his most recent release,
      Silver was an amazing rabbi, lawyer, activist, and individual,                                       Here I Am.
      always fighting and going to bat for the underdog. The                                                  The 2024-2025 season of Friday Night Happenings goes
      congregation will pay tribute to the life of this brilliant man,                                     through mid-April. Each week begins with cocktails and
      an environmentalist, feminist, humanist, and more. Rabbi                                             camaraderie at 5:15 p.m., followed by Shabbat dinner at
      Silver was like the Energizer Bunny, always on the go and                                            5:45, and Shabbat evening services at 7. An oneg Shabbat
      willing to help wherever he was needed. Unfortunately, his                                           completes the evening. The couvert for Shabbat dinner is $25/
      life ended far too soon, at the age of 67, in March 2024. His                                        person/week (early-bird $20/person/week); to register, go to
      beliefs and outlook on life have been immortalized in his                                   or call the Temple Beth El
      book, Cosmic Judaism, which became available for sale in                                             office at 561.833.0339.
      the last days of his life.
         Musical entertainment for the event will be provided by      With political partisanship damaging many friendships,   Celebrating 25 Years of
      Pink Slip Duo, dear friends of Rabbi Barry’s, who will play   more openness and empathy might have helped us learn
      some of his adapted songs during the Gala, in addition to   about the issues and the relative strength and weakness of   Palm Beach Dramaworks
      their regular musical itinerary. Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor   the candidates and their policies.
      welcomes all to attend this very special event, whether you                                          By Jennifer Sardone-Shiner
      knew Rabbi Barry, only heard of him, or knew nothing about   Beth El Kicks off New Season               In May 2024, Palm Beach Dramaworks was honored as
      him. L’Dor Va-Dor is continuing the legacy of Rabbi Barry,                                           Non-Profit of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce of the
      led by Cantor Carol Garrett, who also sings some of the   of Friday Night Happenings                 Palm Beaches. It was an acknowledgment of the theatre’s
      rabbi’s adapted songs during Shabbat.                                                                contribution to the community; recognition of the artistry,
         Tickets for the Gala Luncheon can be reserved by phone      For close to a decade, Temple Beth El’s Friday Night   commitment, and leadership of its cofounders, Producing
      at 561.968.0688 or by email at; members   Happenings has brought the Jewish community in West Palm   Artistic Director William Hayes and Managing Director Sue
      of L’Dor Va-Dor $54 per person, guests $64.       Beach and the surrounding areas together for lively Shabbat   Ellen Beryl; and the perfect prelude to the company’s 25th
                                                        worship services, thoughtful speakers, good food, and great   anniversary season.
      Nurturing Relationships                           camaraderie.
                                                           Many of this season’s Friday Night Happenings guests
         The opening session of Chabad’s newest Jewish Learning   are making return visits to Temple Beth El, having been
      Institute lecture series, Nurturing Relationships, occurred   well-received in past years, including:
      just after the highly contentious 2024 national elections. We      Rabbi Leonid Feldman (December 27-28): Rabbi Feldman
      all had witnessed the verbal jousting, anger management   is rabbi emeritus of Temple Beth El, having served as its
      failures, and “nuclear option” to cancel heretofore good   spiritual leader from 2005 to 2022. Born in the former Soviet
      friendships. Rabbi Vigler’s presentation informed the   Union, Feldman has experienced violent anti-Semitism,
      audience about tools and philosophies designed to help with   imprisonment in Russia as a Zionist activist, Jewish rebirth,
      the range of relationships and issues we all face.  and freedom in the West. Now living in Israel, Feldman was
         The first session,                             the first and only Soviet-born Conservative rabbi in America.
      The Art of Empathy,                                  Joe Buchanan (January 10): Texas-born and southern-
      explored the four                                 raised Joe Buchanan makes country music that is steeped
      “circles of support.”                             in the values, teaching, and history of the Jewish people to      It’s been a remarkable journey. PBD launched in
      Rabbi V igler                                     deliver stories that amplify the struggle and triumph of the   December 2000: The company had no backers, no money,
      illuminated how the                               human spirit. Buchanan draws from his life experiences,   and no clear vision of what the theatre should be. Hayes
      Golden Rule is to                                 which led to his decision to become a Jew by Choice, as   knew he wanted to produce work that would challenge and
      be applied from our                               the influence for his music. He has released two albums,   move audiences and illuminate the human condition, and
      closest relationships,                            Unbroken and Back From Babylon.                    he believed there were local audiences hungry for that type
      our  spouses  and                                    Stephen Berk (January 17-18): Dr. Stephen M. Berk is the   of fare. But what that meant in terms of play selection was
      partners, to the more defused human connections such as   Henry and Sally Schaffer Professor of Holocaust and Jewish   unformulated. Beryl borrowed $10,000 from an employer,
      neighbors, store clerks, and doctors.             Studies at Union College in Schenectady, NY. A noted author,   and PBD rented an old, soon-to-be demolished 200-seat
         He reminded the audience about Chabad’s fundamental   Berk has written books and articles on Russian Jewish history,   theatre at Palm Beach Atlantic University, where it produced
      construct of two souls, the G-dly Soul and the Animal   antisemitism, and American policy in the Middle East, and is   three shows that first season.
      Soul. He elucidated how conflict drives our behaviors, and   frequently consulted by the media on these topics. Currently,      The company spent the next two seasons at a 45-seat theatre
      encouraged us to defer to the G-dly Soul and to manage the   he is working on a project focused on the Jewish involvement   carved out of an 800-square foot storefront on Clematis Street,
      contentious animal soul. The two forms of empathy, cognitive   in the struggle for civil rights in the United States from 1954   before turning office space into an 84-seat theatre on Banyan
      and emotional, offer two pathways to deal with another’s   to 1965.                                  Boulevard, which became its home for the next eight years. It
      issues. The emotional is the deeper method and the one most      Rich Recht (February 21): Rick Recht has been featured   was there that PBD’s vision came into sharp focus. They even
      likely to sooth the anxieties of one in torment.  in concert and as scholar-in-residence at conferences and   gave it a name: Theatre to Think About.
                                                        in Jewish communities across the U.S. He is the founder
                                                        and executive director of Songleader Boot Camp as well as   Local Happenings on page 12

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