Page 10 - Hobe Sound Relections - January '25
P. 10

Page 10, Hobe Sound


      House Of Hope’s Cirque Du                         case managers to locate needed resources, obtain financial or   care for individuals and families throughout the community.
                                                        housing assistance, and chart a better future with workforce
                                                                                                           Sponsorship opportunities at varying levels are available at
      Soirée Gala Goes Electric                         development and self-improvement programming. Project
                                                                                                             To learn more about House of Hope or make a donation,
      For 2025                                          HOPE strengthens families, prevents homelessness, equips     visit House of Hope’s website at or
                                                        students to learn and grow, improves health, encourages
                                                        employment, and changes lives for the better.      call (772) 286-4673.
         House of Hope’s glamorous gala, Cirque du Soirée,      Tickets sell out fast. They’re available now at hohmartin.     For more information about House of Hope, visit
      presented by Pedersen Family Foundation, is going electric   org/soiree. Sponsors of Cirque du Soirée are assured of or call (772) 286-4673. Updates and
      this year! With a reputation for surprising and delighting its   prime seating at the event, recognition in event-related   announcements can also be found on Facebook, Instagram,
      guests, the Third Annual Cirque du Soirée is promising an   communications, and the satisfaction of helping House of Hope   and X.
      unforgettable evening with an exciting atmosphere, fantastic
      entertainment, exquisite food, and an opportunity to change
      the lives of people in need in Martin County.
         This annual event takes place on February 1, at Piper’s
      Landing Yacht & Country Club in Palm City. The gala is a
      celebration of the generous community of support that has
      enabled House of Hope for over 40 years to empower area
      residents to overcome hunger and hardship.
         “The gala has earned the reputation of being a terrific evening
      of fun and fellowship,” House of Hope CEO Rob Ranieri said.
      “At the same time, it has a very serious purpose – to remind us
      that helping others is a continuing challenge and it requires high
      energy and commitment from all of us every day.”
         Soul Survivors Band is returning to the event this year to
      provide the lively soundtrack to a great evening of dancing
      and entertainment. Guests will enjoy a full gourmet dinner,
      open bar, and lots of unexpected experiences to make the
      evening memorable.
         All proceeds from the evening will benefit House of
      Hope’s Project HOPE (Helping Others Progress through
      Empowerment). Through Project Hope, individuals and   House of Hope CEO Rob Ranieri, center, is joined by members of the Pedersen Family Foundation, the Presenting Sponsor
      families can receive food, access the clothes closet, meet with   for Cirque du Soirée 2024: Cory Pfister, Timothy Pfister, Stephen Pedersen, Kari Pedersen, Kenny Gould, and Jack Waldroup.
                                                          Book review

      Pinpoint: How GPS Is                              16 U.S. Air Force monitoring stations around the world, from     point of sabotaging at every opportunity the use of GPS
                                                                                                             And then, for decades, the military rejected to the
                                                        Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific to the South of England, collect
      Changing Technology, Culture,                     data from satellites coming over the horizon, noting speed and   for civilian purposes! This is one of the most frustrating
      And Our Minds                                     trajectory based on 1,200 different protocols that tell how the   themes that runs through much of the book, a constant
                                                        satellite is performing. There is no room for error. Among other
                                                                                                           example of the shortsightedness of the American military
                                                        uses, all the world’s atomic clocks base their timing on these   in its obsessive concern about technology getting into the
      By Nils A. Shapiro                                satellites. And for drivers, if a satellite’s timing is off by one   hands of an enemy. It was left to private industry to do
         Nils began his career                          millionth of a second the directions can send a driver as far as   the job.
      as marketing director for a                       200 miles from the desired destination!               Interestingly, one of the individuals who played a role in
      major  book  publisher.  He                          • America’s first interest in developing a technology that   its development was an immigrant who, hating and fearing
      has since edited the authors’                     would later become GPS began in earnest during World War   Ayatollah Khomeini, fled from Iran hoping to work hard
      manuscripts for more than                         II. Its purpose: to kill people more efficiently by making our   and bring his wife and children to the U.S. He was hired in
      20 published books, written                       airplanes’ bombing raids over Germany and Japan more accurate.   1981 by a tech firm, Trimble Navigation, was fascinated by
      more than 200 book reviews,                       Although the facts were kept from civilians at home, the truth   the concept of GPS and was instrumental in the introduction
      served as publisher of several                    was that the Army Air Corps’ doctrine of high-altitude bombing   three years later of their first GPS receiver.
      million-plus  circulation                         to avoid hazardous daytime raids resulted in targets often being
      national magazines, created                       missed by more than a mile.                        Book Review on page 11
      the  official  yearbooks  for
      teams in Major League Baseball, the National Football
      League,  National  Basketball Association  and  National
      Hockey League, and “retired” as president of a successful
      telecommunications company.
         As miraculous as is the now common practice of being
      guided by an invisible voice as you drive miles through streets
      and down highways, making left and right turns on command
      until you arrive at your predetermined destination, the true
      background story of how
      this technology—the Global
      Positioning System (GPS)—
      was created and developed
      is equally extraordinary, and
      it is told here in impressive
      detail thanks to the clearly
      exhaustive depth of research
      by author Greg Milner. After
      266 pages of text there are an
      additional 50 reference pages.
         I must state at the outset
      that so fascinating to me is the
      way that the GPS technology
      is able to provide its driving
      directions to the general
      public. I was sufficiently intrigued to keep turning the pages
      to the very last one, even though, because of other important
      events in GPS’s history and other ways in which it is used, the
      author took many narrative detours that (ironically, considering
      this book’s subject matter) it frequently left a “non-techie” like
      me lost for a while.
         But it has been well worth the trip. And here are just a few
      of the hundreds of things you will learn here to underscore my
      recommendation that you dip into Pinpoint … especially if your
      technology IQ exceeds mine.
         • There is a constellation of 31 GPS satellites orbiting more
      than 20,000 kilometers above planet Earth. Every few minutes
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